Chapter 11

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I hugged her back tightly. The aroma of her hair smells so sweet and fragrant. I just want to wake up every single day and sleep every night with her. At least if she wants it too.

"I'm sorry" she sobbed

"You have nothing to worry about." I whispered. She stepped on my feet and reached to kiss my forehead.

"Hey Melodramatic people. This isn't a movie so cut the lovely dovie thing. It freaks me out." Francia added. Then everyone laughed.

"So did you miss me? I bet you did." I smiled and winked

"Of course! why wouldn't I miss the bad boy in my life?" She said giggling

"Its nice to see you guys back together." Jessa added

"Awweee!! But I was enjoying the moments Maven had no girls hanging around with him" Hannely pleaded in dismay.

"Hey Hannely don't ruin the moment." Said Hennah and pinched her ear

"Ouch! That hurted!" Hannely shouted.

"Stop it you morons!" Said Vic

"We'll just leave you two some space okay?" Ralph asked and closed the door. eeerrrhhhmm.. Where were we? haha nah. I just smiled and smiled then she smiled at me as well.

"Maven! hey! Maven!" she yelled.

"Ohh... What!?" I asked

"You were daydreaming just now." she pinched my nose.

"Hey that hurted!" I sobbed.

"Awweee.. Poor Maven" she then put her tongue out. Was she just taunting me!? haha what the hell!?

"I'll catch you! you little!" She ran and I chased after her. You could say cat and mouse thing. I pinned her down and we both fell. How many times do I have to fall down in one day!? She was breathing deeply. I guess she's already tired running.

"Finally. I got you." I smiled and took deep breaths

"Is isn't it obvious?" she smirked.

"I missed you so much..." I whispered.

"I missed you more..." she answered back. I stood up and patted the grass off. I helped her up and asked her to help me sleep since I was tired all night. She removed my sweaty T-shirt and wiped the sweat with a dry towel. Athletes are prone to sweat and if your boyfriend or girlfriend is an athlete don't ever ever forget to wipe it or hug them or kiss them even though they're sweating a lot because it means a lot to them that you aren't disgusted with them, sweating. It felt good.

"By the way I wanted to give you something but I was shy on giving it to you." I said.

"Oh? so where is it?" she asked

"Look for it there in my closet below my pants section." I added

"This box with the red colored wrappings?" I nodded. Then she sat beside me.

"Hmm. Can I open it now?"

"Of course you can"

"Holy Fudge!!! Maven you bought this!?" she giggled and was trying to avoid shouting by covering her mouth

"Obviously but yes." I smirked.

"But this costed a lot of money!" she was jumping around.

"Who cares about the money? At least it made you happy and that's already okay for me." I commented.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much for this"

"So do you like the dress?" I winked

"Of course! who wouldn't!?" she said happily.

"Well try it on." I suggested. I bet it will look good on her, anything does. Especially with me. hahaha too corny? nah! well it will do look great on her.

"Okay, Be right back." she said then went outside to the bathroom. Shit. How do I say it to her i'm leaving next week. She might get mad at me again. Knock knock*

"Come in." I said. The door opened and when I turned to see this beautiful lady standing in front of me. Long & straight black hair wearing that red elegant dress that fitted her. Just nothing but WOW!

"So do you like it?" she asked. I nodded with the O mouth.

"Hey! I think you're only saying that to make me feel positive." She frowned.

"It looks marvelous on you Alexis Xavier." I winked at her again. She looked at me as if she wanted me to know something.

"You b-b-bast!!! might get angry at me again" she giggled

"Love, weren't you the one who got angry?" I asked smirking.

"Nu-uh! I didn't" Alexis laughed. She made the model poses and i'm like seriously? Who knew she was into those. How weird-ly aweesssooommmeee!!

"Love, You do model poses why not be a model?" I asked

"Why would you want me to wear just bras and panty?" she giggled

"Uhhh? Why not? i'm not your boyfriend that I need to cover you up for your modeling stints." I replied and laughed. She looked down

"Ohh heyy. I didn't mean it."

"I know. Its just that..." she muttered

"Its just that what?" I asked. She wiped something off her face.

"I miss proms...I miss slow dances...You didn't want me to dance that night..." She sobbed. I stood up & gently held her waist as her hands clasped behind my neck.

"Would you like to dance my lady?" said with a wink. She giggled

"My pleasure." Alexis smiled. We swayed with the moment without any slow music. At least that's all I wanted. To see those twinkling smiles again. Literally it made my days and nights more cozy. I was finally looking directly into someone's eyes again and i'm glad it was with Alexis.

"Alexis..." I whispered

"Yes?" she smiled

"I got to tell you something." replied

"Sure. What is it?" she got puzzled

"I got to leave next week."



"Ohh...Why Maven?" then she loosed her grip behind my neck and we stopped.

"Francia needs me there."

"If that's the case can I go with you?" she muttered

"Is that okay with you?" I asked. Instantly she nodded.

"Its in the middle of summer Maven. I can go whenever I want as along Mom knows it. I'm just gonna surprise Dad there as well."

"Fine. I'll let Levi fix your papers."

"Thank you Maven!!" yelled Alexis and embraced me.

"Hey easy now. You little fairy" she giggled. Knock knock knock!

"Guys! we're having lunch now. Come join us downstairs okay?" Jessa said. Though for me distance is not an obstacle, but it's a beautiful reminder of how strong true love can be. At least that's what I understand about Long distance relationships. Wait. What am I talking about? We aren't even dating.

"Hey! the lovebirds are here!" Ralph yelled.

Everyone was at the table all neatly arranged and prepared. Like one big family!


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