Chapter 5

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I woke up with bandages on my head. I was paralyzed since last night. Thank you God for waking me up. The clock is just in front of the bed. 12:15 PM huh? Its just an empty room. Too Large enough for me though. Who'd pay the bills!?  I don't have money with me. This is like a suite room for patients!

"Uhhh............." I tried speaking. I can barely open my mouth. My head ached. I felt dizzy. I closed my eyes and rested.

Knocking on the door. I instantly opened my eyes as well.

"Well Mister you are one lucky boy. You survived some fatal blows. I'm afraid I operated something. Just kidding. I just stitched your wound on your left arm." He then nodded.

"Uhhhhh...." I really tried to spoke.

"Are you trying to tell me something boy?" The doctor asked. I twitched my left foot so he'd notice.

"Does it hurt?" he asked once more

"" I finally got to speak. My mouth was dry that's why I couldn't open wide and my jaws probably got stuck.

"Oh! you spoke! so what is it boy?" he got excited and puzzled. God fuckin doctor.

"Uhhhh.. Wh-Wh-Whh-oo s-sav-vee-dd m-me?" I had teary eyes. I just have to know. It hurted? yes. It was like getting stabbed on the mouth with needles.

"Oh! who saved you?" he smiled. I tried nodding. Well at least he noticed it.

"A beautiful girl, She also paid for your bills. She said she knew you. You were Neighbors back then and were really good friends." he stated. Then I got surprised. Who could it be? Alexis? No. She's probably at her house. It could be but why the heck would she go out at night? I cried. Only the strong people cry not because I do it. Its because we know how to accept failures and defeat.

"Wh-what's her n-name?" I asked. sniffling the pain away.

"Uhhh.. her name.. She said she was a Freed.. I forgot her first name though" he said. Is it her? why'd she come back!? No it must be another freed but its a royal family. As far as I know only few people has Freed as a surname and mostly lived in castles and mansions. The Door opened.

"Ohh there she is!" Sorry but I have operations this afternoon. I'd leave you to her. Take good care of him missy. Bye now. I'd be back to check on you later? okay?" smiled the doctor then left.

"Hi Venven!" she happily said. It can't be. That voice. sigh. I cried even more. It hurted but I just have to.

"Hey what's wrong!? Do you want me to call the nurse?" She loudly asked.

"Wh-why'd you come back Althea?"

"I came for you. Venven." she pleaded.

"Sh-Shut up! arrrrghhh! You left m-me! Wh-When I needed you the most! You expect me to be happy with you hurting me?!" I shouted. I removed the unnecessary tubes and wires all over my body. I tried to sit. It hurted A LOT but I can't stand people who just left me hanging without giving a reason. Everyone does that to me. I'm sick of it!

"I know. I know. I'm sorry for that..." she cried. I didn't what her to cry. I don't like seeing girls cry.

"B-but please. Listen to what I have to say!" she begged.

"Listen to what? you getting married or you having an amazing job? Fuck this!"

"No, I'm not getting married but yes I have an amazing job but it seemed you didn't change at all. I understand. I did that to you. I'm so sorry Venven"  apologized as if i'd accept that easily.

"Don't you dare call me Venven. After what happened? Please Althea. Leave me alone." I answered back. I don't usually do this but I have to. To let her know it was all wrong.

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