Chapter 18

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How come she'd be so attractive? One day she was just like a sister but on the other day I wanted to be with her till death. Love is so complex. I lost her once I ain't gonna want it twice. I'd just tell her so it would be over with.

"Hey Big bro. We need to go." Francia whispered

"Maven!!! go to the shower already you pig!" Alexis shouted

opened my eyes and saw the most annoying person in my life. Alexis grabbed the shirt i'm wearing and took it off.

"Gawd!" Francia shouted covering her eyes. "Big sis ish pervy"

Alexis giggled "Uh no i'm not."

"Alexis you pervy angel!"

"No need to be shy about those 6 packs" Alexis muttered

Covered my topless body with my hands

"Quit acting like a girl and go to shower. We'd wait for you outside mmkay?" Alexis said. I nodded

What the heck! its 5:00 in the morning & the sun isn't even up yet!

I hate this.

"Hey! Shower already can't hear no water coming out!" Francia shouted

Turned it on then few minutes later

Got into my favorite jeans and got a plain black shirt then snuck my feet into my pair of red shoes. I don't like being stylish I just keep it simple.

Then this drop of water went down my neck. Oh holy macaroni! I hate this feeling. Gets me the shivers

Note to self! remind me to dry my hair before leaving the house.

"Took you a long time Mister!" Francia with that Uh-I-Hate-You-Look all over her face.

"At least i'm not late.." I replied pouting my lips

"Stop doing that! Makes you less human." Alexis said and they laughed

"Really?!?" still doing the pout

"Hey big sis your kinda ridiculous." Francia said

"Uh why?" Alexis got puzzled

"He does that when he kisses you. Duh!!" Francia replied and smirked

Alexis lowered down her head and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Big Sis? what's wrong?"

"Uh... Uhh.. N-Nothing!" Alexis protested.

"Hey bro look at sis she's blushing" Francia giggled

As I look at the mirror while driving she lifted her head and smiled at me. Pffftt!!! my mouth fell drooling in my imaginations. Wow! My heart went Boom! Boom! Boom! Glad it didn't literally explode

There she goes again! makin me love her again.

"Stop it. I'm driving here."

"Please. . . I know you're distracted by Big sis' beautiful face" Francia said

"I kiss that everyday." I proudly replied

"Haha but you never kissed her lips." Francia laughed and stuck her tongue out

"She'd kill me"

"No! she'd kill you again and again"

"Stop it you guys. You know Coltrane..." didn't let her finish

"we've talked about this already Alexis"

The trip gone silent till we arrived at the airport.

"Hello son" Mom kissed my head

"Hi Mom" Alexis said and Mom hugged her

Yeah. She calls my Mom "Mom" as well. Since Alexis has been in my house like 19 years already. We grew up closer than you think. Same hospital and same neighborhood. talk about destiny. Tita Lush said that Alexis and I already met at birth since Mom needed help to the hospital. Dad wasn't there he was at work Mom said. So Tito Francis drove all the way to the hospital and when they arrived Tita Lush was also about to give birth and that was Alexis. That's why we have the same Birthday. January 25.

"So how's my little angel?" Mom said delighted to see Alexis

Mom is obviously ignoring Francia. I dislike the plasticity in the air. Sigh

Quickly we all went to the plane. Okay here we go!

Took off safely. Next challenge! 10 hours of waiting.

"Hey are you okay Alex?"

She nodded

"Are you sure?"

She nodded


She nodded

Caressed her face. Tucked her hair behind her ear. I do it a lot, I mean a lot! well it seems to be romantic for me and it makes her more beautiful at the same time. I care.

"Why are you playing with my hair?" She asked

"Shhh....Do you still remember that night when you used to date Alexander? I mean that was like your soul mate. I never guessed you'd just keep him hanging like that"

"Because I knew someone needs me more than him." She muttered

"Who? Pierce? the prince of archery?"

"Uh no. He's cute and charming but that is that and besides I didn't like him"

"Really? you jump up and down a lot when he gets a bulls eye shot during his turn when he invited us to a tournament he entered"

"And? I support my friends" stuck her tongue out at me

"Okay okay."

"How about you Maven? no one yet? Kharen is there as well as Althea?"


"What? tell me!"

"Well just same as you, someone needed me more."

"Stuffing me with the same boring replies ain't yah?" She laughed punching my arm

Sorry for boring Chapters. It will turn out fun soon. Keep reading you guys! Love yah! Happy 300+ views

How was Chapter 18? Vote and follow me please! Sorry for the late update as well. No wifi.

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