Chapter 16

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"Is everything fine?" The nurse asked then we just nodded except for Alexis though

she might break her neck if she did that.

This is one problem down. At least Alexis and I are okay now.

"Big bro and Big sis! I moved the flight next week since we weren't able to go to the airport today" Francia said

"Sis i'm sorry but I can't go with you." I said


"I need to take good care of your Big sis okay?" doing the puppy eyes thing on Francia

"Fine!!! for Big Sis." She muttered

"I'll just write a letter to Dad okay?"

She nodded

"Hey Maven. I'm just gonna buy us some food okay? be right back." Jessa stated

"Do you have money? I can lend some" I said

"Yup. Additional money would do if you want" she giggled

"Fine fine... I expect ice cream for me and Alexis"

Jessa raised the middle finger.

Hahaha little creep ass bitch

That was unexpected.

who could expect that coming?

Jessa opened the door then went out as well as the nurse

"Love? are you mad at me?" I asked


Kissed her on the forehead

she smiled

I winked back

"That's what you get for not trusting me."

"I'm sorry" she muttered

"Nah! just kidding. Of course you love Coltrane" I said while prentending like i'm not hurt.

Who wouldn't?!

Loving someone means being hurt.

"No, I didn't love him."


"Huh? but you said you were both in a relationship"

"Well....You see...."

"What? Tell me." I whined

"That was just all a mistake. Maeve said I needed affairs. Special Affairs."

"Oh God! You were Making Love!?!?!"

What the hell!

"No! No! Nothing happened! Swear!"

"Make me believe again Alexis."

She smirked

laughed "Okay I believe you."

Fool me a hundred times Alexis but my Love for you is twice than to myself. Who wouldn't fall for those brown eyes? and that baby scent she has.

She only lied once in those 18 years and that was back then in 2nd Grade when she didn't want to share ice cream with anyone and she lied having it in her backpack and not giving me some.

Everyone loves ice cream even those people allergic to it.

Ohh Alexis. I missed you so much!

"I know you as much as anyone does. Please Maven. Don't hurt Coltrane. I don't want you to hurt anyone anymore." she asked


"Please.. Promise me.."

"I just can't stand it when I see you in pain." I replied. Well I just can't stand and see her like that.

"Please. Maven." she pleaded

"Fine. but in one condition."


"You'll never hang out with him again."

"Deal!" she yelled

"Calm down Alexis. It's not good for you to shout."

"Come on! don't tell me the doctor said i'm not allowed to do that just because I have bruises."

"Tsk. As you wish."

Held her hand and just looked at her like how I first saw her

Everything did go on slow motion

weird huh?

but yeah

call me crazy

indeed I am

Crazy In Love. haha

We do the most outrageous things for love.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep

I guess she's still tired

I can't look at her without smiling like an idiot.

She does looks like an angel

I don't love her just for that its because of the entire Alexis Xavier


It's still complicated

"Hey guys! I got food! and Ice cream!!" Jessa shouted

"Shhhh..... she's resting..."

"Opppsss.... Sorry" she said in low voice

"Wooowww!! cookies and cream!!" shouted in whisper mode

hahaha I can't believe Jessa and I are doing this whisper thing. Dumb shits

We're like donkeys right now.

Knock Knock!

"Hey guys." Bill said

Then Hennah,Marwah,Hannely,Vic,Ralph,Levi,Cecille,Cris and Christian went inside quietly.

Silence was all over the room since Alexis was asleep

The gang is back on track

At least that's what I think it is

"Let's go party later..." Ralph whispered

Ohhhh here we go again

with the whispering voices again

this seems fun

I don't uhhmmm...

we don't actually do this

Everyone nodded

well at least we all heard what he said

well maybe that's all Ralph can do

Party and Party

Sometimes I just think I'd rather be her bestfriend and be with her than be her ex boyfriend in the future.

But what if I'd never let go till the day I die?

till death do us part right?

I love you Alexis Xavier!


Thank you for the views and support. Please do comment on what you feel or anything :) follow me and don't forget to vote. hmmmkay? Love yah haha. How was Chapter 16?

Pope Francis is coming to town. O:) Blessed

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