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Before I start with the Prologue I would like to say one thing: I got inspired after reading ThunderStorm-bringer story of "Shatter me" A Flareon X Glaceon story. I have not finished it but it is addictive and I love it! Please go show some love to their story, they worked really hard on it. 

Now I shall start with my own-


Hello there. My name is Blitz and I would like to tell you my story. No, It's not a story in a book, It is my life story up until this point. Now I warn you, there are some parts where I will most likely get emotional about, but a quick thing I would like to say before I begin. My life didn't go as planned...and that's okay.

Now in order to start I need to go back to the beginning. Not THE beginning when I was born, but where my life changed. A little bit of background information. I'm what you would consider a "pure breed" because my parents came from the same evolutionary line or both came from an eevee, to put into simpler terms. My mom was a Jolteon and my dad was an espeon. They had my older brother first, then me, then my sister. Most parents of eeveelutions name their kids something themed after the planned evolutions. For example my...original name was Pine because my parents wanted me to be a leafeon. Does that make sense?
My older brother was named Storm because mom wanted him to be a Jolteon and sis was named Aqua, you can probably guess what they wanted her to be.

I lived in a decent sized town with a school, a pokemart, and a makeshift pokemon center where healers were usually found. The kids at school were mean, but that's how school is, but I made a friend in one of my classes. Her name was Jessie. We were both eevees at the time. We hung out a lot after school and I eventually considered her my best friend. She was kind sometimes and sassy at other times. I really hope she made it out of the forest-

"What forest?"

Let me continue. So it was time for my older brother's 17th birthday. Then I realized that my parents wanted us to evolve at 17 for some reason, because they gave Storm a thunder stone. He accepted it happily. I took this as a bad sign, because my 17th birthday was next year. My parents wanted me to be a leafeon. I didn't want to be a leafeon! I never liked grass types, too many weaknesses and being a grass-type meant I would be a farmer or something similar to that. I never wanted to be a farmer. I wanted to be an Umbreon or an Espeon just like dad. About a year passed, and it was a few days before my birthday. Thankfully Jessie was going camping making her leave town. I packed some things like food, a berry guide, etc.

I ran away from home saying I was going to go have a sleepover with Jessie, my parents bought it and let me go. I had escaped my Leafeon evolution right then and there. I "escaped" to Jessie and her parents that were about to leave when I asked if I could come. They said yes if it was okay with my parents. I lied and said I told them about this. They let me tag along and a flying taxi picked us up and we left for the campsite that Jessie's dad had scouted.

We made it to the campsite at dusk. The next day we woke up and had breakfast. Now I knew that my parents would understand that I didn't sleep over because we woke up at noon. I assumed they would try and reach out to Jessie's parents, But if they did they would only find an empty house. I felt pretty bad for leaving my parents. But nothing in the world could change their minds. They wanted me to be a Leafeon and that was it!

We spent the day hiking and fishing. I remember I made a magikarp mad then it suddenly slapped me in the face with its tail. Jessie laughed and we went to the tents where her parents let me stay in the same tent as Jessie but no funny business. I didn't understand what they meant but I understand it now.

So we wake up to the smell of fresh nanab berries and we go outside and eat breakfast. After we cleaned up, I noticed Jesse's parents were acting...rather odd. It was then I noticed a long red case. I poked it and felt energy inside. They brushed me away and called Jessie...This is where things started to go wrong-

"How so?"

I...I'm getting there...
They opened the case to show lined up evolution stones. A chip of an icy rock. A pebble of mossy rock. A thunderstone. A Water Stone. A Fire stone.

She gasped and hugged her parents and set her paw on the pebble of mossy rock. She glowed so bright we had to look away. When the light dimmed, there stood Jessie as a Leafeon. We smiled and congratulated her when we heard bushes rustle...and howls...lots of howl...

Jessie's mother hurried us into a tent. Keep in mind she is a Sylveon and her husband was a Vaporeon. They rush us into a tent and then shut it. We heard a lot of growls, howls, and shouts from both Jessie's parents and from mons we never met. After it quieted down a bit, a Mightyena opened up the tent and pulled us out. In front of us was a mightyena pack that had pinned down Jesse's parents and gagged them to make sure they couldn't warn us.

They pinned us down in front of her parents and mocked us and licked Jessie's cheek. Now this made something in me snap, I struggled and attempted to get free but they laughed when I felt a surge of energy from the red box "call" to me. It was a type of urge. It was an urge to go and grab whatever stone was calling me. I struggled and eventually got a kick on the Mighyena's stomach making him lunge back. Jessie looked up at me with fear in her eyes as more Mightyena jumped at me. I dodged and ran to the red box. I had an innate sense of where the stone was. I opened the box and placed my paw on the fire-stone...
I didn't evolve normally.... It wasn't a bright white light. It was a bright orange light. When it faded I was a flareon and engulfed in flames. I looked over at the Mightyena pinning Jessie. I don't know what move this was but it was like a flaming aqua jet. I lunged and hit him off her. Then I noticed some mightyena were fleeing and two of them were getting up.

I...I...I saw them...and they were mightyena in my eyes... I took a deep breath in and exhaled a flamethrower... It may have all been adrenaline and fear...but I learned flamethrower upon evolution...and used it on the wrong pokemon

They screamed and they fell and desperately tried to roll and put out the flames, but it was no use...they stopped screaming and rolling after a minute. I shook myself and looked at Jessie with a smile. I remember her tears...I remember her fear...She backed away from me. I didn't understand what was wrong so I ran over and put out my flames and gave her a hug. "We're safe!" I remember cheering. She pushed me off her and I stumbled into the ground. She backed up a lot quicker, tears were running down her cheeks.
"You...You...Monster..." She said in a shaky voice and turned and ran away from me. I didn't understand and then I looked around to see two unrecognizable eeveelutions on the ground, dead. Burnt to death... It then hit me like a punch to the gut.

I chased after Jessie, following her paw prints. She couldn't have gone off too far. I remember thinking. When I noticed she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I was surprised at how fast she moved but then the tracks came to a halt. They stopped in the mud...but the mud was mixed with blood. It was barely visible. It took me a while to realize it was blood.
I looked around the area for maybe 3 hours, calling her name and shouting for her to come back. It wasn't the best idea, but I did it anyway. After my vocal cords were torn I left and went back to the campsite and grabbed my bag I had brought with me. I scooped in the stones. I don't remember why, but I remember grabbing more supplies like berries and my book I had brought with me to guide me on what berries did what. I then ran away from the campsite. It was starting to get dark and I knew I needed to find shelter. I searched for maybe an hour and then I found a broad fallen oak tree. I dug and dug and dug and made myself a temporary den.

I ran outside and grabbed a bunch of dry sticks and leaves and made a small chimney out of mud and sticks and placed the sticks under it and lit the fuel with flamethrower. I then sealed up the entrance and fell asleep.... 

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