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The Mountain was a struggle; the Beartic never came back while we were leaving. Thankfully we didn't run into anything else. Jules was tired, I could already tell before we even began walking, you know how? With her asking for piggy back rides the entire time.

Blitz jumped down onto the damp grass, he looked up and saw the others climbing down. Jules hopped down and landed next to Blitz. "Everyone should be down in a minute" Blitz sighed and looked at the pokemon hopping down and landing on the damp grass. Some even laid down and rested for a bit. "Blitz, we need a break." Jules said and laid down. "If we hurry we can make it to RedCul in less than one day." Blitz said blankly to Jules. "But no one can keep up with you, how are you able to keep going like this?! You haven't had any water or anything to eat. You've given all your food to the others. Why? I know you want to make them comfortable but what about you?" Jules asked.

"Eh, I just don't care." Blitz said and turned to keep walking. Jules got up and ran in front of him. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T CARE?!" Jules shouted loudly and it echoed through the woods. Blitz growled and glared, Jules backed off to the side to get away from Blitz but he wasn't growling at her. Jules was tackled by Blitz as rocks shot into the air. "RHY!" a voice shouted. Jules looked past Blitz's arm and saw a Rhydon with it's horn in the ground. "Where'd he come from?!" Jules shouted and Blitz covered her mouth with his paw. "Shush! We're lucky if you don't bring more attention to us!" Blitz whispered and ran at the Rhydon. It growled and attempted to grab Blitz. He dodged and attacked its leg with quick attack. It fell forward into the dirt and Blitz jumped on the back of its head and bit into the base of it's neck with fire fang. It shrieked and attempted to get Blitz off it but he kept his grip. It got up and thrashed around when Blitz used Fire Claw and slashed open the back of its head. Blitz jumped off before Ryhdon could smash him into a tree. Blitz lunged forward and used fireclaw again, this time at the front of its neck. It dodged and Blitz's attack went into the tree, keeping Blitz stuck in the tree by his claws. He attempted to free himself when he saw it open its mouth in prep to eat him. Blitz took a deep breath in and shot a row of flames into its mouth. It stopped and choked and coughed out the flames. Giving Blitz enough time to get out and lunge at it with a fire claw. He slashed and cut through its neck. Blood sprayed from the wound in a forward direction. It clutched it's throat and fell forward. Blitz snorted excess flames out his snout and turned to the others.

They all were there tied with vines and leaves tightly around their mouths. "Piss..." Blitz sighed and glared at the trees. "We don't wish to steal anything, just pass through." Blitz shouted. "You killed that Rhydon." A voice shouted. "Yes, because he posed a threat to the mons here! If you pose a threat I'll gladly do the same. But if you let us pass peacefully, we shouldn't have a problem." Blitz shouted and looked around at the slightest sound.

Hush whispers echoed through the leaves of the trees and were carried away by the wind.
"You've already tied up..." Blitz looked over at the group, spotting Jules and he gave a small smile. "You've already tied up my friend and her family. I'm already ticked off." Blitz shouted at the trees.

Suddenly a powerful Jet of water shot at Blitz; he dodged and glared at the direction where it came from. A Vaporeon jumped down followed by a Pampour. "How are you not a threat?" The Vaporeon asked.

Her voice sounds familiar...where have I heard it...

"Hello?" The Vaporeon shouted with an annoyed tone. "Nothing. Me and the caravan are not a threat to you and your group." Blitz explained. The Pampour whispered into the Vaporeons ear, the Vaporeon looked back at Blitz."What's your name?" The Vaporeon asked. "Blitz" He replied. "Why are you asking-?" Blitz asked with a bad feeling growing in his chest. "No reason, it's better to address a mon by their name then just "HEY YOU" you know?" She explained. Blitz nodded and gestured to the mons from the caravan. "Can we pass?" Blitz asked.

The Pampour glared at the Vaporeon who looked uncomfortable and nervous." you have any medical supplies? We didn't check when we tied up your group but do you have any? One of our members is extremely ill." The Vaporeon started loudly. Blitz glared, causing the Vaporeon to wince and the Pampour to whisper in a quick panic. But with his panic, Blitz was able to hear the name "Aqua." Blitz stopped and looked at Aqua with a racing heart.

"Aqua?" Blitz shouted and took a step forward causing Aqua and Pampour to jump. "Y-yes?!" She exclaimed with her breathing unsteady. "Do you have a brother named Storm?" Blitz shouted and took another step. "Do we know you?" Aqua asked and the Pampour jabbed her side. She winced and looked at him funny. He shook his head and whispered something.

Suddenly a bolt of electricity shot past Blitz and into a tree behind the two water types. Blitz turned his head to see Jules in a fighting stance and other mons untied and peeking from behind a large rock. A stream of water nailed Blitz and sent him flying back. The water steamed and boiled as the Pampour kept the beam on Blitz and forced him into the side of a tree trunk. "BLITZ!" Jules charged a thunderbolt and shot it for the Pampour. It hit and the Pampour screamed in agony as he was electrocuted. Twitching madly, he fell forward into the dirt. Aqua looked at Jules, she held her paws up.

"No need for us to fight, no one else needs to get hurt. You startled my partner. No one else needs to get hurt." Aqua shouted dismissively. Blitz got up, limped over to Jules and dug in her pack. "How ill is your friend" Blitz shouted as Jules let him take the pack off her. "Toxin from a toxicoak" Aqua shouted. "Here" Blitz pulled out an antidote and a max potion. He made a gesture of walking and Aqua nodded. Blitz walked over and stood in front of Aqua. She flinched when he quickly extended his paw to give her the supplies.

Blitz glared and asked "Did you have an older brother who ran away?" Aqua froze and stared at him with wide shocked eyes. She nodded slowly, Blitz looked down. "Have you seen him?? His name is Pine. Please tell me you've seen him." Aqua shouted as tears rolled down her cheeks.

I found my sister...but what was she doing with that group?

"I know him...he's changed a lot...probably past recognizing...I don't know where he is...but it's good I know where to send him when he's ready to go home."

Aqua looked at him confused. "I don't think I told you where I'm from..." Aqua asked with suspicion. "He's from Sandbury isn't he?" Blitz asked with a raised brow.
Aqua nodded.

"I'll send him to you next time I see him." Blitz said and turned and walked away to the caravan. "Thank time you see him tell him I miss him." Aqua hesitated but walked away and was pulled up into the trees. With a rustle of the leaves, they were gone.

Blitz looked at Jules who smiled at him. "Minimum injuries and no one dead! I call that a success." Jules exclaimed happily.
Blitz nodded and grabbed his pack. "We can get moving now!" Blitz shouted to the caravan and walked away. Jules and the others followed him as he led them to RedCul.

Sorry it's short, it was a apart of my plot chart to make this short and I don't want to make a long chapter again.

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