You are mine and I'am yours

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Blitz wiped a tear away from his eye. "This was very hard for both of us." Sundew cut in, Blitz noticed the small eevee had fallen asleep curled under her mothers tail, Sundew's tail. He smiled at the two. Sundew returned that same smile. "If you want I can take it from here while you get some tissues or something to eat." She suggested. Blitz stifled and nodded, "y-yeah, I think I'm gonna go do one of those." He sat up, grunting as he stood up. Sundew grimaced in pain, seeing him struggle to get up. "I'll be back, Sundew will tell you her Point of view I assume." He waved as he walked out, a precarious metal thud following every step. 

The door to the dark room opened, letting in silver moonlight. A leafeon pushed the door the rest of the way and dragged the guilty Flareon by his cape. She flicked a light on, revealing the foyer and the carpeted floors. The Leafeon set the Flareon down as she shut the door, she leaned against it and slumped down. Her gaze fell on the Flareon who refused to look at her. She sighed, the painful memories brushing over her mind. She shuddered but smiled, amidst that pain was joy.

Memories of protecting an eevee and hanging out with him, and sharing nearly everything with him flooded her mind. She glanced over at him once more, this time, catching his teary eyes.

He was once that eevee. She patted the spot next to her, beckoning for him. He noticed and crawled over. She pulled him closer and embraced him, making him sit on her lap, his back to her. "We can move past this, Blitz. I accepted what happened, I know that it's not easy..." She pawed at his mane, his gaze still set straight ahead of him. "Look at me" A sternness rising in her voice. He slowly turned to face her. "I don't hate you, I meant what I said Blitz. I love you and I'm never letting you go again." She pressed her forehead against his. "I'm not running away again, I'm staying with you." Blitz leaned more against her, his tears silently rolling off his chin. "Blitz...I want to know what happened, what it was like for terrible I made your life..." she asked, her voice cracking for the final statement.

Blitz got up and brushed away some tears. He turned to look back at Sundew. Her gaze fixing on the scar across his snout. He nodded gently. She nodded and got up as well and wrapped her tail around his front paw and led him to her room. There she sat him on the bed with a squeak from the springs. She glared at the empty doorway and turned to the broken Flareon. "Do you want anything to drink? Or eat before we start?" He nodded. "Icy Oran crash" he mumbled. "T-that's alcoholic...Blitz?" She stared at him puzzled. He nodded and sighed and stared up at the ceiling. "Blitz?" She called again, his eyes fell from the ceiling to her. "It's the thing that's been getting me through."

She winced. "A-aren't we a bit young for that?"
He chuckled and a ragged breath followed suite. "Yep, we are. I drink it every now and then, I still have a few bottles at my place. Look...I never wanted to talk about what happened with other pokemon, not even my fire stone." He huffed in a forceful sigh. "Blitz...fine...I'll get you ONE, okay? Only one!" She wagged her paw in front of his tired eyes. "Okay." He said and sank into a pillow.

Sundew hopped off the bed and walked out. She walked past all the furniture and towards the lower cabinets in the kitchen, where Braviary 'hid' her stash of alcohol. Sundew reached her paw into the dark and pulled out a small shot bottle of Vodka. She set it on the floor next to her and stared into the dark storage, then at the bottle next to her.

I really fucked him up...didn't I.

The flames haunted around her memory. Leaving a burning pain in her chest.

It's still him! I need to get him back! I can't let him become the monster he thinks he is. He was never a monster.

She frowned and placed the bottle back inside the cabinet. She sighed and noticed her paw. Examining it further she noticed the frantic but subtle shaking. She lifted her other paw up and saw it doing the same. "I'm not scared." She whispered to herself.

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