Sparks of Electricity

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Berry picking....not the safest but it pays off in the long run.

Blitz was walking down a path grabbing all sorts of berries, Nanab, Oran, all kinds of berries.
He winced when a thorn entered his paw when he put his arm in a bush to grab a Pecha berry.
He bit on the thorn and yanked it out of his paw and spat it on the ground. Putting his basket down that hung on his tail and looked through to see his haul. The sun was nearing the horizon, threatening to let darkness consume the forest.

The woods around RedCul had been made safer thanks to Flame and his scouts, of course...there were casualties.

Blitz smiled slightly at a special berry. A single Maranga berry. The same berries his mother gave him on his Birthdays. Blitz was now 17 and nearly an adult. After speaking with Flame and the Mayor they let him be an underage scout. Now that he was a scout he could venture out whenever he pleased. Today he used his privileges to berry pick and deliver them to the market.

He grabbed the Maranga berry and started to eat.

The Scouts had gone to go grab some mons from a caravan that had gotten stuck in the mountains. At the time, I thought nothing of it. The only thing I cared about was to not get close with anyone. Especially those in the scouts, something could end their life in a heartbeat.

Once Blitz finished eating he sat down and marveled at the woods, staring at the woods all he could think of was a certain leafeon. His smile turned into a frown. The Leafeon he was friends with for years, gone. Tears formed in his eyes.

There was another reason why I chose to leave the town every now and then.

Blitz's posture sank into a sulk, he rubbed his eyes and cheeks of tears that streamed down. Dripping to the forest floor.

I didn't want anyone to see me cry...

looked around for anyone and started to sob. The memory of Jessie played over and over again in his head. "You Monster" her turning to run...

Those words stuck with me my entire life

After a while Blitz was able to quiet down his cries and manage his breathing into small rapid breaths. Blitz got up, he wiped away leftover tears. He sighed and matted down his fur that had stirred during his crying. He picked up his basket and resumed picking berries like nothing had ever happened. "You shouldn't be doing that," a voice said. Blitz turned around to see the blue eyed Flareon. "Hey Blaze,Why are you here-?" Blitz asked, fully facing the Flareon. She sighed "Blitz you know why." Blaze said and hugged him. He gently pushed her away. "I'd prefer to be alone." He replied and continued to walk away. She ran up next to him, "Blitz, you can talk to me." Blaze said in a comforting tone. He scoffed and continued to walk forward. "Wait...something's here." Blitz said, Blaze faded and Blitz was left standing alone.

His ears went straight up and turned in the direction of snapping twigs and rustling leaves, he turned that way and saw a blur of yellow before being tackled. He quickly pushed off the attacker and prepared to fight. The attacker shrieked and curled up into a yellow ball. Blitz cocked his head to the side, confused. "Uhh...why aren't you attacking..." Blitz stayed in his fighting stance and saw the yellow ball shaking a lot. He shot an ember next to it and they shrieked. "Please don't hurt me!" A feminine voice shouted from the ball. She sounded scared, Blitz approached and poked her. She squealed and curled into an even tighter ball, "I'm not here to hurt you, but if you attack me I will fight back" Blitz said and walked forward to her. He pulled her front paws away from her face to show a Jolteons face, Green eyes. Her face smudged with dirt and her nose bleeding. "Are you okay?" He asked. She loosened up slightly. She shook her head "my family, they are stuck in the mountains with a caravan heading for RedCul." Blitz stopped and glared at her causing her to shake.

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