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The forest was a beautiful sight, large oak trees soaking up the sunlight in their vivid green leaves. A large lake in the middle of the forest, populated by water type pokemon. Next to magnificent oaks were large rolling hills, the hills had a sparse population of trees and berry bushes that fed the few pokemon that could survive in those conditions.

In the oak forest lived many species of pokemon but the population was made of mostly Grass-types, Flying-types, and Water-types. The howls, screeches, cries, cheers, of pokemon echoed in the thicket. In an earthy den, the smell of smoke and humidity would offend any nose that would sniff inside it. But amongst the smell there were stifled cries. In the dark of the burrow laid a Flareon, tears trailing down his orange fur and onto his creme colored mane. A small puddle of tears were on the floor turning the dirt into mud, he stared down at his paws and clenched them. "This...stupid evolution...why? Why? Why did this stone call to me if it only...if it only turned me into a murderer?" He cried and slammed his paws into the muddy floor sending mud onto his already messy fur.

He sighed and more tears streamed down his face. He grabbed his bag and walked out of the muddy den. He looked around and saw an oran berry bush. "At least I have some extra food," He said to himself. "I need to either head back home or-" The thought of home made him tear up. He shook it off with ease, but it lingered like a shadow. He dug in his bag and pulled out a map. "I'm here..." He pointed to the north-eastern corner. "Home is south of here...but Red Cul is west of here...and easier to get to..." He mumbled and looked at the map once more before shoving it in his bag.

"I'll head to Red Cul to rest and then maybe take a flying taxi home...:" He grumbled softly and started to walk in the direction he thought was west. Mom and Dad are going to ground me for life- the Flareon thought as he trotted along the forest towards Red Cul. Red Cul was a town that was built next to a river. All kinds of pokemon were welcomed. Large-small, fire, ice, grass, bug. All types were welcomed. When he eventually came to a river bank he looked both ways, no pokemon in sight and a river flowing. He broke a smile and walked down the river bank, every step was a struggle as his paws sunk in the mud. He continued to walk down the river bank for an hour or two and saw a brick structure with metal bars that the water flowed through. He walked up a hill, moving away from the river and stepping on a few branches and ignored the scratches on his paws. After walking up the hill there was a dirt path. He smiled knowing he was close. Branches suddenly snapped above him and fell around him. He dodged and looked up. A Staraptor was flying at him with its talons out ready to grab him. "STAR!!" It shrieked and descended. The Flareon dodged and his body became engulfed in flames. The Staraptor stayed in the air and used air slash, sending curved projectiles at him. He jumped forward with his fur in flames, the projectiles seemingly disintegrating before they hit. The Staraptor was shocked and flew up just barely dodging the flareon. "I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT!" Flareon shouted at the bird. "STAR!" It shrieked and slashed at him with its talons. Flareon jumped onto a tree branch and used Flamethrower setting the bird alight. It shrieked and with a flap of its wings, sent the flames back towards the flareon. He jumped out of the blaze and the tree caught on fire. Flareon jumped and his body highlighted white as he slammed his head into the Staraptors chest. It was flung backwards and hit a tree branch. It fell to the floor appearing to be knocked out and Flareon rushed at it. It bounced up without warning and slashed at Flareons paws, cutting his front right paw.

Flareon screamed in pain and jumped back and examined his bleeding paw.
He looked back up to the Staraptor flying directly at him. He panicked and used Flamethrower on instinct. It was far too close to dodge or try to counter. It shrieked one last time before it disappeared in the flames. It screamed loudly and when Flareon stopped the bird was lying down on the ground. It moved no more, nor breathed.

I felt a crushing feeling on my shoulders when I used flamethrower, I never intended to kill them but try and scare them off after which I continued on my way to Red Cul and hope someone would help me

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