Edmund Returns

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Lottie's heart ached oddly at Thomas's promise. She didn't realize that William had seen through her carefully crafted façade the past year and hearing someone else say the truth about her fears somehow felt comforting. Even now, Thomas knew what happened with Edmund, but he hadn't look at her any differently.

Below the beam that Lottie lay on, William smiled with relief and patted Thomas's shoulder again.

"Thank you, old friend," William said. "I can only pray that Lottie will listen to you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to Fidelia. She's been quite ill this morning."

Thomas nodded and bowed slightly, keeping his head down until William left, limping heavily but his shoulders straighter as if a weight had been lifted.

Lottie sighed as soon as she thought William was out of the stable, finally relaxing her death-grip on the beam. With a squeal, she lost her balance and rolled off the side of the rough wood.

Warm arms caught her, saving her from what would have been a painful landing on the floorboards below. Her mussed blond hair tangled around her face as Thomas held her carefully and the air was temporarily stolen from her lungs at the surprise of falling. Surely, it had nothing to do with his tight embrace.

"Lottie!" Thomas gasped, "ye scared the life out of me, lass!"

Freeing one of her arms from the folds of her thick cloak, she pushed the hair out of her eyes and looked up to see Thomas peering down at her, his warm brown eyes wide with concern.

Her heart fluttered and her lips parted. Silently, they stared at each other for several long moments. How had William noticed before her that she felt no fear when Thomas touched her? Was it possible that her broken trust was beginning to heal?

Finally, Thomas's gaze flicked down to her lips and he reddened right up to the tips of his ears. Lottie had to bite back a smile as he set her down gently and took her cheeks in his coarse hands, turning her face side to side as he brushed loose strands of her blond hair back into place.

The moment was horribly intimate, but oddly enough, Lottie didn't mind.

"There," Thomas said with a satisfied smile as he stepped back to examine her. "Lovely as ever."

She patted her head, pleased with how well he had righted her messy hair. Thomas will make a doting husband to a lucky woman someday, Lottie thought before she could stop herself. It was like a slash to her heart, and she dropped her gaze.

Foolish girl, she chided herself, clasping her cloak closed around her shoulders. Who was she to be thinking about what Thomas would be like as a husband?

"What's the matter with Fidelia?" Thomas asked as if trying to break the awkward silence between them.

Lottie welcomed the distraction as she furiously commanded her blushing cheeks to return to normal. "Oh! It's the most joyful news. She's expecting a child! But she's been terribly ill because of it."

Thomas grinned, one side of his mouth pulling up more than the other in a way that made his face look boyish and cheery. "Aye, that's marvelous indeed. I recall my mother was also ill with my younger sister; I can see why William would nay want to trouble her."

Lottie's joy faded quickly as she was reminded of her original intention in coming to find Thomas. She touched his hand urgently. "Thomas, can you saddle a horse? I need to show you something at the beach."


Lottie rode behind Thomas on Caesar, one of the other geldings, her arms wrapped around his waist and her cheeks pressed against his back to hide from the frigid wind. Riding a horse was certainly easier in boy's trousers—she had borrowed a set of Thomas's clothes and cap after he pointed out that it would cause quite a stir if she was recognized riding off with him, especially in a bloody nightgown.

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