The Happiness I feel

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Just at the time I told them, Natsu came in screaming "Chieko! Hide! People are here for you!" He looked scary. "Hai!" I said and took the stairs from master's office to the library, opened the door a bit to see who it was. "I hear that Chieko is here..." a familiar voice said. I rapidly recognized who it was. I came out of hiding.

"Papa! Mama! Go away!" I yelled respectively as I approached them. "No Chieko!" Yelled Erza. I expect less from this guild to get along with my new physical appearance. My golden hair moving as I, I asked "What do you want?" My mother came in close. "You. We want you to go home." She said. I shook my head. "No-" I thought it twice. "Fine. I'll go back home. If you find me in this town, that is. Good luck." I disappeared, or, made myself invisible. "Chieko!" Screaned Lucy. 'Mina, I'm here. I'm just invisible. One of my now abilities.' I spoke in everyone's head. I ran towards the library, to my reading place, and slept.

When I woke, I was in the same place. 'Mina, are they still there?' I asked with my telepathic powers. 'No. Come up. We have news.' Said Warren. I walked up stairs. "Hai?" I asked. Lucy, Erza, Grey and Natsu came towards me. "Your parents... They died." Said Lucy. "They..." "They got an overdose..." said Grey. I felt... Happy. "We're sorry." Said Natsu. "For what?" I asked seriously. "They locked me in my room for three years. They deserve it." With that, I walked back to my room.

Fairy Tail: Young Mage, No powersWhere stories live. Discover now