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I woke up, I don't know who much time had passed, but it seamed to be midnight. I noticed, looking around the room moving my head, that Sting, Yukino and Rouge were in my room. Rouge was holding my hand, half asleep. I shock my hand a little, so make him know I was awake. "Chie...? You're awake...?" He asked. I smiled a little bit, just for him, and whispered "Lay here if you're sleepy." He nodded and I moved, well, he helped me move, because my body was in pain as I moved. He laid down beside me and he drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, I woke up at the same time as Rouge. I wondered where Lucy was, so I was to ask. "Good morning, Chie. How are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm rather well. My body doesn't hurt anymore. I'd like to ask, where's Lucy?" He looked down. Sting answered me this time. "Lucy's dead." He looked down in sadness. "Wh-" I was speechless. "She went to get revenge for you, but got badly hurt and retreated. She couldn't live, and neither could you. So Loke took Lucy's remaining life, so that you can live longer." Explained Yukino. She handed me a mirror. I looked through it and saw the reflection of a sixteen year old Chieko. I didn't look Lucy's age anymore, but I was crying.

I sighed deeply. "I won't let Lucy's sacrifice go to waist. I'll get better in health, and erase my name from Fairy Tail's past." I said with a smile. "Sting... She... Lucy..." He looked up at me. "She liked you." I managed to say. He nodded sadly and left the room. Yukino left behind him. "Chie, let's go eat, okay?" Said Rouge. I nodded and he helped me up the bed. I took a short shower and changed. I was going downstairs, Rouge behind me, but as I took my second step, I almost fell down the stairs, but Rouge caught me and helped me. I sat at the table with Yukino and Sting. Rouge served us breakfast. "Why were you all up in my room last night?" I asked. They all looked up to me. "Well, Loke asked me to do the spell with him, and when we finished, I was almost out of magic power, so Rouge said we could stay for the night. Plus, we were waiting for you to wake up." Said Yukino.

I nodded and said with a sigh "Well, you guys are my family now. Other than the spirits. I want to erase my existence from Fairy Tail's memories. Will you help me?" They all nodded with determination. I emailed happily. "Chie, would you go in the Grand Magic Games for me? To fill my place?" Asked Sting. I nodded, if it means being against Fairy Tail where a guild gets disqualified if they even hurt a member, I'm in. I'll beat them on their own game. That's what my inner Lucy is saying. I'll get them back for her.

Today, I was reborn...

Fairy Tail: Young Mage, No powersWhere stories live. Discover now