Persecution Complex

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We all went together to the guild, Sting and Rouge in the front, in case any Fairy Tail members were in town. There were, actually. Wendy was there with Romeo and Macao. They were at a cafe eating breakfast. They didn't see us in the morning crowd at least. We made it to the guild doors, but then Sting turned to me and said "Chieko, don't go out of sight okay? And don't go outside without telling us." I nodded and we all entered the guild. I was greeted by both happy and sad members. I sat close to Sting's throne, aside Rouge. "Chie! Chie!" Yelled two familiar voices. "Froshe! Lector!" I yelled as they ran and hugged me. "We missed you! We were so worried!" Said Lector. As I huged them, a few years started to drip from my eyes down to my cheeks.

After parting our hug, I started to think. 'If Lucy basically merged with me, that means I get parts of her personality... And I act like her too... And her thoughts are also mine, which means...! I'll get to love Sting?! But.... I like... Both him and Rouge... Well, It will solve itself soon. I hope...' As soon as that, I snapped out of my thoughts. I wanted to check everything was there, in case the spirits were furious with me. I took my keys out of my pocket and chose Loke's key. I then turned towards Rouge. "Rouge, I'm going to summon Loke." He nodded. I stood and opened his gate. His light shined brightly, it was blinding. I soon felt arms around me. It was him, hugging me. He was crying too. "I'm so glad it worked! I'm happy you're alive!" He said. We talked a while of how he did that, then I was forced to send him back, because I was low in magic energy.

"Chie, we're leaving later today, so let's go and pack." said Rouge. I nodded and got on our way. But just as we stood, the guild doors shot open. "Chieko!" Yelled a familiar voice; Wendy. I grew scared again. Scared of Fairy Tail. "Show yourself and you won't die slowly." Said Romeo. I was scared. My eyes widened, and I was paralized in fear. Rouge saw this and held my hand, then Sting jumped infront of me, protecting me. Lector and Froshe were in my shoulders, bringing me backup. Yukino was in the counter bar, watching to see if she should jump into action. I was shaking in fear. Tears fell once again through my eyes. "Scared I see... This is our chance! Now Wendy!" yelled Macao. "Sky Dragon's Roar!" she chanted. Sting counter attacked her "Holly Dragon's Roar!" I thought of what I was going to do, but then, I remembered. "I'm an Angelic Dragon Slayer..." I whispered. Rouge heard and looked at me. "Hold on tight." I said. In a blink of an eye, angel wings spread out of my back. I flew. I carried Rouge and we flew pass the guild door, people cheering at all times.

"She's waiting in the air..." I heard Rouge whisper. We flew atop of the clouds, where I chanted a spell for him to stan up in them. "Rouge... I want you to do me a favor..." I started. He nodded, meaning he was listening closely to me. "Get me out..." He looked confused. "Get me out of my nightmares, and take me to your world where we both can be happy." I was crying again. In fact, I never stopped crying in the first place. He stood up, to face me. "While you were in bed, when Leo had done the operation but he said he didn't know if it was a success, I kneeled in front of you and said 'why didn't I noticed up until now... That I would've been happy by your side, always able to see you smile... that I could be happy just with that?"

"I wonder why I always notice things when it's too late." I said. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back. It was so unbearable, I colapsed on the floor. Rouge rapidly kneeled down and started to examine my back. "A dagger hit your wing." He said. He looked at me in the eyes and said "I'm going to take it out. Take a deep breath." He rapidly pulled it off in the count of three. He rapped my wing with his scarf and helped me up. "But who..." I started, then I saw Wendy flying in the clouds with Carla. "You're not getting away that easily!" She yelled. I stood up. 'I know what I have to do.' I thought. "Angelic Dragon's Secret Art!" I yelled. "Feathers of the infinite!" I shoot it at her.

I thought of my first job then. When I went street fighting with her and won. Just a tear fell from my eye, but then I thought of what she was capable of in the future. She was a dragon slayer after all. Even do she said she didn't have the capability of killing one, she was still powerful. My magic hit her directly. Feathers as white as snow circled around her. This was my chance to get away with Rouge. I turned to him, and said "Let's go... Home." With a smile. He nodded, but then said "But your wing is hurt." I must admit that I completely forgot. "I'll get us both down." He said. He turned around and motioned me to get on his back.

When I got on his back, he said "Hold on tight." So I did. With my movement, Rouge started running towards the border of the clouds. He jumped and yelled "Shadow Dragon's Roar!" To the sky. Rouge and I soon started to fall. He was holding on to me, but he let go. He turned to me and took my hands. Now we were free falling. "Chie, I know everything has been hard for you all your life, so I want... I... I want to make your life better. I want you to be my- no, you are my everything, Chieko. I want to protect you no matter what. I won't let anyone hurt you. And if they do, they'll get hurt the double. No, triple. What do you say, Chie?" Happy tears were falling form my eyes. I smiled and rapidly nodded. I leaned in and kissed him gently. He kissed me back.

He yelled "Shadow Dragon's Roar!" Once again, this time down, for us to loose speed. I stretched my wings and we landed in front of the guild. I collapsed on the floor. My wing was terribly hurt, and I was loosing blood. My eyesight was getting blurry. Rouge picked me up and bursted in the guild doors. Romeo and Macao weren't there anymore, so he headed directly to the infirmary. Sting was following, behind him was Yukino. My eyelids dropped and I fell asleep.

Fairy Tail: Young Mage, No powersWhere stories live. Discover now