Breakup (SFW, Fluff)

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So heads up, this is gonna be a story where you and r/n (random/name) broke up and Hawks is there to comfort you as a friend...or so you thought.

It had only been a day and you were already so broken down. You weren't texting or answering anyone's phone calls. You felt so alone, you felt no one truly cared about you anymore. You went a few days like that, not responding to anyone. You were just submerging yourself in isolation. You would look at your phone every once in a while and one person who was always in your notifications was Hawks. You wanted to text back but you didn't have the mental energy to.

One day, you heard a knock at your door. And like the times before, you didn't answer it, you thought to yourself "they'll leave eventually." But this person didn't, you could see the shadow of their feet just beneath the door. They kept knocking and ringing the doorbell. Then you heard them say something

Hawks: Hey y/n. I know you probably don't wanna talk to anyone right now but I'm worried about you. Please let me come in, I haven't seen you in a couple of days.

You don't respond, hoping he'll just leave.

Hawks: Please, I wanna be there for you as a friend. I want to help cheer you up and god I wanna see that beautiful smile of yours.

You still didn't respond nor open the door.

Hawks: I brought your favorite food, I'm sure you haven't eaten yet. And it's nice and warm

At that moment your stomach growled, you did need some food, and maybe talking to him would cheer you up. So you wrap yourself in a blanket and open the door for Hawks.

Hawks: Hello gorgeous *smiles*

You roll your eyes at Hawks

Hawks: Ooo a bit grump huh? You're probably hangry, well good thing I'm here to provide you with the best dish in the world.

You and Hawks sit down and eat together, in the beginning, there wasn't much talking. You both had mostly been eating in silence but then Hawks started talking about all the stupid things he's done the past few days and you know once Hawks starts talking he never shuts up. Eventually, you started loosening up, now you were talking too, calling him out on his stupidity and just laughing with each other. After you finish eating Hawks cleans up for the both of you and you head into your room. You planned to just stay in bed like you had been. You didn't have the energy to do anything else. Hawks then knocks on your room door

Hawks: y/n can I come in?

y/n: Sure

Hawks walks in and sees you just rolled up in the middle of the bed. Your floor is a mess with reheatable food containers and wrappers from other snacks. You had drinks lined up on your dresser and nightstand. Yeah it was a mess but you didn't really care, no one had come to your house to see it anyways.

Hawks: Geez kid you really live like this?


Hawks: Tough crowd, anyways I was joking idiot. Well since I'm the best friend in the world, I'll help you clean up a bit. You can just lay there in bed real comfortable while I do all the cleaning okay? *laughs*

y/n: Can't argue with that plan

Hawks: Oh so you can speak! Glad to see you've got the energy to respond, anyways you relax and just pretend I'm not here.

You lay in bed like he says, you could hear him picking things up and throwing things away. He must have been at it for hours because truthfully, your room was a MESS. But you couldn't say how long he did because you actually ended up falling asleep.

After he was done, Hawks noticed that you had fallen asleep. He sat beside you on the bed, he admired you. Hawks motioned to cupping your face but stopped, he told himself

Hawks: C'mon Keigo, you're smarter than this. You can't, they just went through a breakup and you're already trying to take advantage. Just relax, wait till they're awake

You then woke up from hearing him talk. You rubbed your eyes, looking up at him

Hawks: Good Morning sleeping beauty, while you were asleep I did the pleasure of cleaning your room for you. You're welcome *smiles*

y/n: *mumble* Thank you

Hawks: You're welcome. Now, how are you doing, like really don't bullshit me y/n

y/n: I'm not doing the best but I could be worse. I'm just trying not to think about them or our relationship or anything. I'd rather forget about them

Hawks just stares at you as you answer his question. He gives no response to what you said

y/n: What? Why are you looking at me like that?

Hawks: y/n, do you know how much I love you?

You were shocked by the sudden question. Of course, you knew he loved you, he was your friend. I mean he just cleaned your room, you don't do that for just anyone

y/n: Yeah

Hawks: No y/n I don't think you do. I love you, like LOVE you. I have for a while now but I never wanted to say anything because I didn't wanna fuck up our friendship since we both know I tend to fuck everything up *chuckles*

You laid there in silence, not knowing what to say. Your heart started pounding.

Hawks then reached over and hugged you. But it wasn't a normal hug. It felt like a hug you would give to someone who you've always wanted to. It felt like he was trying to embrace and memorize every second that he was holding you. You started tearing up, not knowing how much you needed a hug like that.

Hawks: Don't cry y/n, I promise you I'll always be by your side okay? I'm here, you can let all those tears out. You're safe with me

You two stayed like that, hugging each other. You just kept crying. The whole time you kinda made yourself numb to the breakup not feeling any emotions from it, but now you were acknowledging it. You were leaving Keigo's shirt soaked with tears and snot, but he didn't once complain. He truly just let you cry and he held you the whole time and kept reassuring you that he was there for you.

After your little crying show, Hawks pulls away from you and holds your face with his hands. He wiped the tears from your face. Then, he pulls you in for a kiss. A long, passionate, loving kiss

Hawks: I'm sorry kid, I just couldn't hold back any longer. I love you, I really do. And I know it's too soon for you to be thinking about relationships again, but I ask that you consider trying a relationship with me. I'll wait for you until you're ready, I love you y/n

So this story has a bit of a sudden ending because I had an idea for turning it NSFW but I wanted to do a fluff one since I've done plenty of NSFW ones. But I could do a part 2 where it would be the continuation with an 18+ theme so if you'd want that let me know :)

Also, I wanted to ask if you guys would care about a face reveal? I've gotten quite a few reads so I feel that a face reveal would be nice so you could put a face to this Hawks Whore lmao. And I could also just add things about me so you could get to know me, if you have any specific questions you'd want answered feel free to comment them. Love you all & thank you so much for the support! <3

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