My crush!

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RING ... RING ... ... RING ... RING ... ... RI-BAM!

    I smacked the snooze button before even opening my eyes. Ten more minutes of peace and quiet ... but it wasn't for sleep, no, no,no. It was for something far greater ... Annabeth Chase! Oh yeah, My name is Jeff Wadington, short for jeffrey ... but enough about me.

    I got flustered at the mere thought of her name. Now who is Annabeth you may ask? Just my best friend and crush of 2 and a half years. We met back at the start of freshman year at Lowell High School, San Francisco. She arrived about a week after school started and, luckily for me, got her locker next to mine. I showed her around and that's how we struck up a friendship which eventually led to my tiny, little crush ... ok I lied, I'm practically in  love.

    If you've never met her, which you probably haven't, she is pretty much the greatest person on planet Earth in terms of ... EVERYTHING. I could talk about her appearance alone for hours upon hours. She had curly golden blonde hair, a perfect tan only achievable from being outdoors for hours, and she was quite tall standing at 5'9. But easily her best features were her eyes. They were a startling stormy grey color that I instantly fell in love with. Her eyes seemed to study your every move and decide what would be the best way to take you down.

    Now you would assume she would be you're average dumb blonde, but don't let yourself fall into that trap of a stereotype. She is the smartest person in school. I'm pretty smart myself, probably placing in the top 20 in the Junior class.

    She's also a very ... what should I say? A mysterious Girl. It adds to her personality, not that it would be lacking without said mysteriousness. She randomly disappears from days to weeks at a time. The longest of these disappearances happened during Sophomore year. Our school got out a week early for winter break, so we had 3 weeks in total. Annabeth said she would be at her summer camp, yet another mysterious aspect about her. But when school started up again in January ... she wasn't there. At first I thought, oh she'll be gone for a few extra days or a week. But as time dragged on and she didn't show up I got extremely worried. She didn't end up coming back for the whole year. When Junior year rolled around, I was still worried, but now more so about her leaving the school without telling us rather than something bad happening.

    I remember finding her at her locker that day with all my friends. There she was in all her beauty, and a smile on her face. My heart practically stopped for a moment before picking up speed and threatening to jump out of my chest. That's when my friend Jamie jumped her.

    "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" Jamie yelled at her. She was now on top of Annabeth.

    Annabeth just laughed and said, "Sorry, I had some family issues and a friend of mine disappeared." She was smiling dreamily at the mention of the 'friend'.

    That's all we got out of her. We all guessed she went to her infamous camp, which she disappears to every summer. We all asked if we could come and she always said "No" ... yep that's all the explanation we got. *sigh* Did I mention that I was in love?

    I was 90% percent sure she liked me back, maybe not as much as I do, but it was definitely there. The reason for my thinking of this is because I'm the only single male she hangs out with. Every other boy in Lowell practically drools all over her, I don't blame them Annabeth is the single most naturally beautiful person I know. She turns down anyone who asks her out. At first during Freshman year she would just down right say know, possibly punch them if they go too far, but ever since the few months we saw her in Sophomore year she's been saying she has a boyfriend. At first I was bummed out, but she used it so many times that everyone knows it's bull. I mean how come we never see him? She also never talks about him in any shape or form. There is no evidence of a boyfriend.

    This led me to believe she's got someone in mind and is waiting for that person to make a move. Hmmm ... wonder who that could be? Oh that's right, IT"S PROBABLY ME. You see, I'm waiting for the most perfect opportunity to present itself. Lucky for me the eleventh grade dance is one week from now, that's when I'm planning to ask her out. In order for it to work I would need this coming week to be perfect. My plan was to look my best the whole week and get her as interested in me as possible. Then on the day of the dance ask her out. She would say yes, then I would kiss her. She would become my girlfriend, and we'd fall in love. Get married, have three children and live happily ever after ... ok, ok, I'm getting ahead of myself.

    After that thought I imagined Annabeth standing in front of me smiling. Oh that beautiful smile...

    RING ... RING ... ... RING ... RING ... ... RI-BAM!

    The alarm shook me out of my last thought, I sighed while, quite literally, rolling out of bed. The thought of Annabeth's smile still lingering in my brain, it put a smile on my own face.

    I looked over at my clock. It said 7:00. Ever since I met Annabeth I needed to give myself ten extra minutes to daydream. I stood up and picked out a red and white checkered button up shirt, some black skinny-ish jeans, and a pair of white Nike Air-Force 1s. I placed my outfit on my bead and went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. It took me about twenty-five minutes to finish up and get out. I pulled on my outfit and spent a good ten minutes putting gel in my hair , and another ten putting on cologne and straightening out my clothes. After I was finished getting ready I stared at the mirror, I was, not to sound self-absorbed or anything, looking pretty good. I was standing at about 5'10, a bit paler than I'd like to be, please blame my mom for forcing me to study all day for the past month. I also had close-cropped light brown hair pushed to one side, and brown eyes to match my hair. I was by no means bad-looking. I took a deep breath, repeated I can do it 20 times to myself, grabbed a piece of toast and butter, and walked out the front door at 7:50.

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