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    I made it to Lowell High at exactly 8:00. I parked my car and rushed to my locker knowing Annabeth would already be there. When I got there I was met by a mop of blonde hair. I was greeted by a waft of lemon scented shampoo. The girl's back was to me, but I instantly knew who it was. Annabeth, a smile crept into my face and I felt my heartbeat speed up. I built up the courage to go and talk to her. I tapped her shoulder, and impossibly quick, she spun around and grabbed something at her waist. When she saw my face, however, her expression changed from a glare to a smile. Yep, she definitely likes me. If it was any other guy she would have punched them.

    "Oh sorry, I thought you were Brad." She apologized. Brad was the school jock. The whole female population of the school always swoon over him. He was like stereotypical 'popular boy', good looking, a bully, and a player. Now there are nice jocks, but he isn't one of them. His latest target has been to make Annabeth his girlfriend, and you can guess how that went. Two bloody noses in two weeks! *sigh*

    "No, you're good." I replied, "I would be on edge if Brad was after me as well."

    She smiled at that. Yep she 100% likes me, "Yeah, who wouldn't!" she said. She made eye contact with me, and I prayed to god I wasn't blushing.

    I opened my locker, grabbed my stuff, said goodbye to Annabeth, and started walking to my first period class. She walked the other way down the hall, to go to the library for a few minutes before class. Typical Annabeth.

    As soon as I walked into my math class I already felt like I've been in here too long. How was I gonna survive nearly an hour and a half without Annabeth?

    As per usual the class dragged on and on, the hour and twenty minute class felt like one year. I swear I had a beard at this point. Mr. Letson, our math teacher, finally gave us our homework and the bell rang signalling my freedom.

    I practically ran out of the classroom, not even saying goodbye to the teacher. I made it to my locker and already there was Annabeth, of course. She already had her locker open and was putting her science binder inside. I stalked over to her and, this time, avoided tapping her shoulder. I leaned on my locker and said, "Hey." in a semi flirty voice.

    She didn't look impressed. She narrowed her eyes before saying, "H-Hey." And then just as quick as her eyes narrowed, she returned back to her normal expression.

    "How was science?" I said again in a semi flirty voice. I didn't want to overdo it.

    She didn't think much of it this time and said, "Oh, the usual boring 'leaning-about-some-chemical-reaction-I-already-known-about-for-the-past-year' stuff. How's math?"
    "Torturous as usual." She seemed to tensen up at the word 'torturous', "what's wrong?.

    "Sorry," She shuddered, "that word just sounded too similar to Tarturas."

    "What?" I questioned.

    "I've had some bad experiences with Tarturas." She seemed to read my confusion, she knows me so well. "You wouldn't understand, It happened at camp." And there she goes again using the camp excuse. She confides in me more than anyone, I can tell that much, but she is still very conservative.

    I decided not to push her, "Ok." Is all I mustered.

    And with that we went our separate ways again. Sadly, I only have two classes with Annabeth, and they're both on even period day. I sighed and walked across the building to english class, another boring class.

    I zoned out for most of the actual class itself only hearing the stuff about homework, a new student who would be coming on wednesday (it's monday if you're wondering), and a big announcement the english teachers have prepared.


    Finally after a grueling hour and twenty minutes the bell rang. It was lunch time, The only time I would get today to speak to Annabth partially alone.

    I again raced out of the classroom, without saying goodbye to the teacher, and sprinted to my locker. As per usual Annabeth wasn't here this time. English is across the building from my locker, so Annabeth already got her stuff and probably was waiting for me at our usual table.

    I quickly threw my things in my locker and, yet again, started sprinting down the hall to the Cafeteria. I took a second to catch my breath before opening the doors.

    When I finally got my lunch from the line, I looked over my shoulder at my usual table with my friends. I saw Annabeth engrossed in a book. I sighed knowing it to be impossible to get her out of her little book world. Seriously, you could win the lottery three times in a row before you could get her to completely forget the book. I've only seen it happen once, and that was when someone tried to kiss her. Yeah, you heard me right, KISS HER! In front of me, her obvious crush! She swatted her book away, got up, and judo flipped the dude over her head. It was a great spectacle.

    My only chance to speak to her today was ruined. I'm not too annoyed though, I get to watch her read, which in of itself is a gift.

    I stalked over to our table and gave a quick "Hello" to everyone there. Our friend group consisted of me, Annabeth, of course. Jamie, the one who jumped Annabeth the first day of Junior year, and her boyfriend Mike, they were a great couple, although nothing would beat me and Annabeth. They were seated directly opposite of Kenneth, an asian jock who hangs out with us, and his girlfriend Hanna, she was one of the smartest people in the school, she had nothing on Annabeth of course. They were seated to Annabthe's right. I took my seat in front of Annabeth.

I Started eating and before I knew it, I was staring at Annabeth. I noticed the way her stormy grey eyes wandered the page, the way she would scrunch up her eyebrows when something concerning happened, the way she would crinkle her nose with disgust when something happened that she didn't like, and the way her eyes would go wide when something shocked her. If I'm being honest I didn't even look at the title of the book. I heard snickering from the rest of my friends. They would always tell me what a great couple Annabeth and I would make. I believed them, but I was waiting for the right time.

I was brought out of my thoughts by an annoying, and unfortunately voice, "Hey Annababe." It was Brad.

My blood started boiling, Who did he think he was? Annabeth simply replied, "I told you, umm, what was your name? BRAD! That's right! ... I'm not interested, I have a boyfriend." She said this without even looking up, obviously still focused on her book.

I found myself cringing at the word 'boyfriend' even though I knew he was fake. But a smirk made its way onto my lips when Brad said, "Oh come on, we all know he's fake, stop playing hard to get!"

Annabeth simply sighed. Brad sat down next to her and placed a hand on her thigh and said, "You know you love me." I nearly burst out screaming and punched him. Annabeth beat me to it one second he was on the seat, the next he was on the floor with a bloody nose. Three in two weeks, must be a new record for Annabeth.

"I said, I have a BOYFRIEND!" She screamed the last word, and again I cringed a bit.

Brad then ran off muttering something like 'I'll get you soon enough'.

The bell rang shortly after. We said our goodbyes and went to our separate classes. The rest of the day was uneventful. I droned through Engineering class and History. I said goodbye to Annabeth and took in one last look of her smile and walked out of the building towards my car. I droned through the car drive. I droned through my homework. I droned through dinner. I dropped through my self induced swimming practice. I droned through brushing my teeth and using the bathroom. And I, you guessed it, droned through putting on my sleeping attire and falling asleep. From the moment I walked out of lunch to the moment I drifted off to sleep, I only thought of one thing, Annabeth.

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