Chapter 3

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Emily's POV
I woke up in a hospital bed in pain and I started crying in pain and a doctor came in and said ms Emily is everything ok and I said no as I was crying in pain and I said my body hurts and she said that's because you just came from surgery your body may hurt for a couple of days I started crying more and screamed ALEX ALEX ALEX  while crying and screaming in pain and I guess he did not hear me so I asked the doctor can she get him and she said yes one sec so she left and came back with Alex-and his eyes were red and puffy from crying and I said hey  bub and he said hey baby and I said in a baby voice bubba my body hurt and he said aww baby it's ok and I said Okay and I said bubba and he said yes mamas I said can I play on your phone and he said yea and gave it to me and I thank you and he said you welcome and he sat on the chair next to my bed and I fell asleep watching a movie on his phone and he stayed up to make sure I was ok and while I was asleep my family came to the hospital and when I woke up And I turned around and seen my family and then I saw my dad  and I screamed at him and said you put me in over something so stupid I said and started to cry

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