Chapter 8

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Alex's POV

So I asked Emily is it okay if we can facetime and watch a movie because i'm very busy and i don't have the money to get us tickets, so i grab my snacks and i'm pretty sure she grabbed her some as well. I call her and I ask her what movie she wants to watch, she picks moana.

I found the moana movie and turned it on, but before i started playing it, i asked her did she have any snacks. She nodded and said she does. I start the movie and wow she looks so pretty.

50 minutes Later

I look at emily's camera and see she's sleeping. I stop the movie and i whisper goodnight to her, i text her that me and her should both wear blue and white.

I turn my light off and i slowly drift to sleep.

Emily POV

It's morning time and i see that Alex texted me saying that we should match, so i quickly find a blue shirt and white pants. I head in the shower and blow dry my hair and put my clothes on.

Alex texted me saying that he will pick me up at around 7:20, saying we will stop at starbucks.

It's 7:15 and i hear a honk outside, i'm guessing it's him. I head outside and i see him with a blue shirt that says california on it. He gives me a kiss and says Good Morning, i smile and say good morning back.

We head to Starbucks and i get my regular stuff. We sit there for a little and head to school. Since me and him have the same first block (luckily), we hold hands and walk to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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