Chapter 4

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2 months later
I woke up to my alarm and the sun in my face I turned over and stopped the alarm  and I got up and stretched and went to the bathroom to shower 
After my shower I got dress and I put on a white tube top blue denim jeans my blue Jean jacket and my blue and white Jordan's
(Hair at the top)

After I got dressed I went downstairs and saw my family  everyone was sitting around the table having breakfast  good morning guys
Morning Emily they all said your plate is in the microwave my mom said thank you mommy I said
Hi dad I said to my dad
*Diego's POV* hey sweetheart I said to Emily
Hey dad can I talk to you for a sec Emily said
Sure honey I sad and got up and followed her to the basement office
*Emily's POV* dad there is this man that keeps following me when I'm outside he keeps trying to talk to me and I ignore him but yesterday he  did something wrong 🥺
*Diego POV*
Emily what did he do to you I think I should tell you up stairs with everyone else she said ok I said I walked upstairs and sat at the table and let her talk
* Emily's POV*
He tried to hurt me dad  I said sobbing my dad came to me and hugged me and I cried in his arms for a minute until I tried to calm down and after I calmed down I finished my breakfast and put my plate in the sink and sat on the couch with my laptop and my phone and texted Alex on my computer
(Text messages)
Me:Hi alexxx
Alex: Hi Bub
me: I miss you 😢
me : can you come over 🥺
Alex: I can't right now bubba  I'm at work I can come over in like 20 minutes when my shift is over
Me: ok bye
Alex: bye bubba
When I was done texting Alex I took off my shoes and layer down on the couch and watched a movie on my laptop  half way in the movie i fell asleep I did not know I fell asleep till I woke up in my bed with some someone laying behind  me with there arms around me and I got scared and screamed slightly it's just me calm down Alex said  oh you scared me I said Alex turned and layed  on his back and I layed  my head on his chest  I thought you weren't coming I said
Well im here right I fell asleep again on his chest

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