Chapter three

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(Hahaha not me forgetting this book existed-)

The walk to this "Heartsabyul" dormitory was a long one, and it only made you twice as freaked out as you were before.

The school was clearly falling apart, and it was dark and eerie. The only light that you got was from the moonlight that shined in through random holes in the ceiling, and due to the lack of light you tripped over a lot of rubble and debris. William and the other two didn't seem bothered however, they just floated right over the messes on the floor and continued on their way. Ace seems rather smug about this, and would give you a shit-eating grin whenever you tripped.

'Fucking asshole, I swear if I could touch him I would yank him onto the ground the next time I'm about to tri-' ironic, because just as you thought that, you tripped over some crumbled part of the wall.

"Ha!" Ace laughed, amused by Your clumsiness. "Can It Ace, they can't help the fact that they can't see." Deuce snapped, helping you up. Well, more like yanking you up. For some reason they could touch you but you couldn't touch them. Must have to do with ghosts and possessing things or something.

"Both of you shut it! We're almost to the mirror hall, so it won't be too much longer." William said with a sigh. "Now come on, let's keep going."

Ace grumbled a bit more and got elbowed by Deuce, but you just pushed past them and continued to follow William. They were idiots, and therefor not worth your time. And that's on Periodt.

Anyways, at long last, after flight of stairs after flight of stairs, trip after trip, attempt to strangle Ace after attempt to strangle Ace, you made it. the tiniest room you have ever seen.

"Finally, the mirror chamber." William sighed out. "God that walk took forever." Ace groaned. "Well we kind of had to take the long way, they," Deuce pointed a thumb towards you "can't float."

"Just shut up and tell me what we have to do now..." you grumbled. "Oh, this one. The one with roses." William said, tugging you towards a...rather dirty mirror.

Deuce hovered over and quickly brushed off some of the dust, before backing away. "Okay Y/n, just put your hand against the glass gently, relax...." he said, motioning for you to act. Hesitantly, you pressed your hand against the mirror. It felt cool under your palm, but it slowly began to heat up. Soon, it began to glow a dark purple, silver ripples forming from where your hand was, and out of fear you jolted away.

"Seriously? It's a mirror! What is there to fear?" Ace exclaimed, waving his hands in exasperation. "Try again, and this time don't freak out."

Casting Ace a quick glare, you pressed your hand against the mirror with a huff, watching the ripples form again. "Okay good, now carefully step through." William instructed, but from the corner of your eye you could see him shoving Ace aside. 'He wasn't planning to shove me through, right? Oh who am I kidding of course he was-' you thought, stepping through the mirror.

It was like stepping through a curtain, you could feel the drag behind you, but once you opened your eyes, you were somewhere completely different. A giant castle like structure that must have once stood tall and mighty was in front of you. I say once because like the school, it was falling apart. The place was littered with roses, all overgrown and some wilting, and grass nearly as tall as you were. The only light there was came from the flickering light posts that lead up to the front of the building, and, again, the moon.

"Woah...." you murmured in amazement. Yes the place was literally in shambles, but it still had that wondrous feel to it. Like the place the main character would go to that leads to the start of their adventure (*CoUgH*)

"I know it's a mess, it truly was magnificent back when it was in once piece though...." Deuce said with a sigh, causing you to nearly leap out of your skin. 'Oh, it's just them...' you thought, steadying your nerves.

"Alright, so who's explaining this mess to Riddle?" Ace asked. Everyone fell silent, only the creaking of nearby bugs filled the air, until Deuce and Ace both turned to face William.

William seemed to catch on as well. "Eh?! Why me?!" He cried. "C'mon Bun-Bun, you're a year above us! Surely you would lend us a hand like the kind senior you are?" Ace tried to convince him, but they fell on deaf ears. "No way! I always have to do the talking, why can't you guys explain this for once?!" William protested, his ears flattened against his head.

"What are you guys fighting about?" A new voice asked. The four of you jumped at the voice, but while the other three calmed down almost immediately, you were more on edge. "Who's that? Actually, where's...." you looked around, before hearing a laugh. "Sorry, I'm over here!" Just as they said that a figure stepped through one of the large rose bushes.

They looked.....honestly they looked like a fuck boy. They had long orange hair with their bangs pulled back, and green eyes that were eying you up and down. They grinned before speaking again. "Oh? William, don't tell me this is them? Aww, they're so cute! Hold on lemme get a picture with them!" He rushed over with a phone in hand, only for Ace to pull him back. "You wait just a minute, we have a whole mess we gotta clear up with Riddle before he chops off our heads! Take all the pictures you want with them after that, but first we gotta make sure Riddle doesn't kill us again!" Ace said, letting go of the new ghost's arm.

"How can you die twice?" You mumbled under you breath, before the new person practically shoved his hand into yours to shake it. "Oh well! I guess that's okay, but anyways I'm Cater Diamond! Welcome to Heartslabyul, follow me and I'll take you to Riddle!" He said, beginning to drag you away.

"What the-HEY!" William yelled, Deuce shoving him aside to run after this "Cater" man. Ace follows sort behind, and then once William got up he began to run after you as well.

Good god what mess did you just get yourself into?

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