Chapter one

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Ever since the day you could walk, you were told the story of Night Raven College.

The tales were always exaggerated, and it was always told taller then the last, but they all told the same thing. The students there went mad and overblotted, and took over the school. By the time their magic had run out, the rest of the students were already trapped. They all ended up dying within the school, not one managing to get away.

Well, unless you counted Malo.

Malo was the oldest of the elders, and had attended NCR for about a year before transferring to Royal Sword. He was always your favorite, because he was less nit picky out of the elders, and he had all sorts of cool magic tricks and stories to tell you. He felt more like a grandfather to you then your actual grandfather did!

But sadly, not all good things can last.

One day Malo came sprinting into the town square, screaming for help. He said that the students of Night Raven were trapped in the school, and his old friend William came to him for help.

He was crazy, there was no way anyone was alive in that dump! But he was old and clearly distressed, so the townsfolk all brushed it off.

But it didn't stop there. He continued to beg for help from anyone who would listen. Tiny you at the time didn't understand, what was wrong with him? Why wouldn't anyone help him?

Everyone had to put their foot down once he tried to take off on his own, claiming if no one would help them, he would.

Later that same day, a carriage came to pick him up, an you never saw Mad Malo ever again.

But time continued on. The world kept spinning, and everyone got over Malo. Except for you, that is.

Even now, at 18 years of age, you pitted the old man. There was real concern in his eyes for those students, even if they weren't actually there. He sounded so desperate to help them, even though he was only friends with one of them.

But at the thought of him, you couldn't stay sad for long. You smiled a bit, remembering the tales he would tell of him and William. They only had each other growing up, because William was a white rabbit, a sign of bad luck, and Malo was labeled as the local weirdo. But together, they were just fine. His stories always made you feel less lonely, or you would start giggling like a madman. Even now you could help but stifle a laugh at the thought of those stories.

You were alerted by rustling outside, the fond memories vanishing as you brought your attention to reality. There was a couple a leaves shaking in a bush just on the edge of the forest, and out hopped a small white bunny. It was pure white from the looks of it, but it had a tear in its ear. It tilted it head when it spotted you.

You cooed at the small creature. How adorable! You opened the window and crawled through and landed outside, stepping closer to the bunny. Surprisingly, it didn't run away. It span in circles a few times, kinda like a dog chasing its tail.

You stepped closer again. It still didn't move. You walked closer and closer until you were just in front of it. Only then did it dart away, but before it got too far, it paused and looked back, as if checking to see if you were following.

'Does....does it want me to follow it?' You thought. The rabbit stayed put, and so you followed it once again. As soon as you were about a inch away though, it ran off again. 'Maybe I should follow it...' you thought, chasing after it.

The rabbit didn't slow down one bit, and certainly didn't make the chase easy. He was running around bushes and trees, but you noticed he was avoiding any patches of light. Strange. Maybe he was a vampire bunny? You chuckled at the thought of that.

Still, the bunny lead you around, occasionally stopping and checking up on you to see if you were still following, or so you could stop and breath. As soon as you caught up though, he ran.

After what felt like hours and hours of running, he stopped in front of a large oak tree. You tilted you head. 'A....a tree? This is what they were leading me to?' You thought.

The bunny hopped to the back of the tree, and poked it head out from behind it, flicking a ear as if beckoning you to follow. You stepped over the peeking roots, and went to the back. In the middle of the tree, with roots grown over it to keep it in place, was a large and dirty mirror. It's outer edges were gold, and it had a little crow at the top designed to look like it was in mid flight, and at the bottom of it had a little key hole. Cute.

'Help us!'

You gasped, turning to face the mysterious voice, but saw no one except you and the rabbit, who was looking up at you with big eyes.

'Help us!'

'We're in here!'

'Free us!'

'Step inside!'

You swirled your head around, trying to catch these mysterious people who decided scaring you seemed fun enough. The bunny seemed calm however, which was extremely out of character for his species. He hopped to the mirror, and pressed a paw against it, causing ripples to flow from the mirror. It hopped inside, leaving you all alone.

'I saw that correctly, right? Did that bunny just hop through the mirror?!' You thought, but it was hard to focus as the cries for help grew louder, and more desperate.

'You could be our last hope!'

'Step inside!'

'We're begging you! Help us!'

In the heat of the moment, and in sheer panic, you threw yourself at the mirror, falling through and blacking out.


"Hey. Hey. Hey! Wake up!" Someone yelled, lightly smacking your cheek

You grumbled, but slowly got up. You didn't know how long you had been out, but when you woke up, you rubbed your eyes to look at your surroundings better, and gasped.

It was the middle of the night, and you definitely were not in front of that oak tree. There were four people above you right now. One had red hair and a heart painted over his eye, another with blue hair and a spade, the third with a mask and strange golden eyes, and the fourth, the one you assumed was smacking you awake, had white hair and white rabbit ears, one with a tear in it.

It was the rabbit who lead you here!

"Oh, you're awake. Wait, that sounded bad, I didn't mean it like I was upset you were awake! You being here is amazing! Don't get the wrong idea!" He gasped, stumbling away and sputtering out utter randomness that you didn't quite understand. "Hopps please relax, I'm sure they didn't get the wrong idea." The tall man with the mask interrupted.

The redhead laughed at "Hopps'" flushed face. "Sorry headmaster....." he mumbled.

"Headmaster?" You asked.

That's when it hit you.

You stood up, scooting away from the four strange men. 'Oh my god....'

You weren't in the forest, heck you weren't even anywhere near there.

You were transported to Night Raven College.

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