3. The first run

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As the last bell rang i speedwalked to my locker, got my stuff and walked twards my bike.

"Hey! New girl hold up!"
I turned to look who it was and cursed under my breath.

Aiden and a whole lot of people.

I anwser looking at all of them.

He smirked at me.

"The boys right here are my friends"
I rolled my eyes.

"Good for you"
I sat my helmet on my seat as i closed my biker jacket and started on my gloves.

As i was going to take my helmet on one of the guys took it.

"Okay, what do you want"
I asked annoyed.

They looked at eachother.

"This is my twin Ethan, my friends Scott, Liam, Isaac and Stiles"
They all nodded or said hi as their name gets called.

"Okay? And what does that have to do with me?"

"You are going to a party with us"
I scoff.

"No Thanks, i have plans"
Their smiles dropped.

I took this as my opportunity and stole my helmet back.
I put it on and got on my bike and sped of before they could stop me again.

Isaac's pov

"Okay, you were right. She. is. HOT"
I state as my eyes follow the new girl riding the red bike that looks almost to big for her.

"She smelt like a wolf"
Scott said making us all turn our heads twards him.

"Are you sure? I didn't smell anything"
Aiden questiond.

"Me neither"
Ethan said.

Scott just nods.

"We have to tell Derek"
Scott started walking.

The rest of us looked at eachother then followed him to Derek's loft.

Scott knocked and Derek opend.
He let us in and we all sat down.

"So what did i do to get you all here?" He looked at all of us.

"There is a new girl in town"
Liam started.

"I know, i met her. Her name is y/n Smith" we looked at him in shock.

"Did you notice that she smells like us?"
Scott asked.

He looked unsure at Scott.

"True alpha smell?"
I ask.

"Mabey, it’s a full moon tonight.
If she is a werewolf then she will be out in the forest.
A wolf in a new town has to scoop out the place for other wolfs"
Derek said.

"So we follow her?"
Aiden ask.

Stiles anwserd.

We got everyting ready.
Stiles and Liam went into the forest and sat up different traps.
Derek, me and Scott waited in Derek's car a littel down the road from her house.
Ethan and Aiden sat out bait.
Then we waited.

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