Shattered plates answer questions

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Your POV

After the incident, the class went as expected, well, as expected for a school about exorcism. Mr. Okumera gave a lecture on hobgoblins and had Amaimon bring in Behemoth as a live specimen. Of course, I got excited and immediately went to love on the dog-like creature, to which I got weird looks. "How is she not dead?" "I can't believe she got Amaimon to smile. His expression never changes!" The whispers of the class came out here and there, but I paid no mind the best I could. The words didn't cease, but they never sided to either good or bad. I guess the class was all just shocked about all the information.

Class ended shortly after our homework was assigned, to which everyone went home. I made dinner for us but Amaimon just eats ice cream, not sharing with me no matter how much I beg. After all the food and sweets were devoured, I got started on the kitchen, knowing that I wouldn't want to do it tomorrow. I eventually get into a rhythm, causing me to zone out. The next thing I know, the sound of breaking glass wakes me from my trance. I look to the floor, just regretting what I'm about to confirm. The most recent plate lays on the floor in a scattered array of soapy glass shards. "Not one of my best moments." I sigh, rinsing off my hands, then bending down to start collecting the fragments. Piece by piece, I throw it into the trash, until a small sharp pain goes across the palm of my hand. Red liquid drips onto the floorboards, bringing the new smell of iron to the room.

Amimons' pov

I heard the sound of glass shattering, so I head to the kitchen to investigate. That's when I smell it. 'Blood.' I quickly go into the kitchen to find (y/n) clutching her palm while staring at the floor. "A-Amaiomon?" I grab the nearby first aid, coming back to see a bunch of vines growing from the floorboards. The start of a Dekalp sprawls out and grows a head that resembles a venus fly trap, only this one has blood-red teeth.

"Where did it come from?" I look to (y/n), who continues to look at the low-level demon with shock and awe. Red liquid falls to the floor, but the demon snaps its mouth closed as it falls close to the mouth. "(Y/n)? What happened to your hand? Are you hurt?" She slowly nods her head, not taking her eyes off the low-level creature. "Yeah, I accidentally dropped a plate and when I went to pick up the pieces I cut my hand." The iron liquid dripped down from her hand some more, feeding the young demon, helping it grow. I bring (y/n) to the other side of the kitchen, taking care of her hand before it bleeds everywhere. I go to wrap up the palm of her hand, but (y/n) winces slightly. "Too tight? Want me to loosen it?" She nods her head once, so I do as asked.

"We can take them off in a few minutes. The cut's pretty deep so it takes a bit longer to heal than the one before. I don't want blood to be dragging demons throughout the place." She gives a small smile, before looking back at the plant. "So my blood did that?" I shrug, packing up the medical kit. "You don't always need blood. " I put the kit in the cupboard. "Then I made those." (Y/n) rushes upstairs then slams her bedroom door open. I slowly follow behind, getting there in time to see her plop onto the pollen covered bed. "Do I do this every night?" I sit next to her, but lay back instead." Yeah, but most of it you did in one." (Y/n) runs her hands through her hair as she looks around, taking in the concept. "But how? I know I wasn't bleeding for a whole night or any night for that matter." "That's just the easy way. I can make them without it. It just takes more power. Plus blood tends to make more ravenous demons. When that happens they need blood to keep living, so they tend to try and eat anything with a pulse."

We sit in silence for a bit, before (y/n) sighs, proceeding to get up for the door. "Where are you going?" (y/n) turns to me with a small smile. "I gotta finish cleaning up the mess I made downstairs. Plus that demon needs to be taken care of. Wanna help?" I shrug but get up and follow down the stairs to the kitchen. "It's gone?" (Y/n) looks around, to see only the rest of the broken dish on the floor. "No more blood, no more blood-dependent demon." (Y/n) nods her head, seeming to understand.

We sweep up the glass and throw it out with the trash. (Y/n) starts putting on her shoes eagerly. "Now where are you going? It's probably midnight." "Exactly! It's dark out, and no one's gonna see me summoning demons out in the middle of the woods if there all passed out. I wanna find out what else I can summon, blood or not" She jumps up and starts heading to the nearby clearing. She stops and turns to me. "Aren't you going to come?" I start walking, once I'm by her side, (y/n) and I continue on until we are in a large opening.

"Ok, Where do we start?"

Your pov

Amaimon walks to a large tree at the edge of the clearing, then jumps up to one of the higher branches, before laying on it as if it were a couch. "Summon something." I tilt my head in confusion, but he only gestures to his hand. "Ohhh. Right, blood. Start out easy." I take off the bandages, and cut my freshly healed hand, wincing at the stinging sensation. The blood drips onto the grass for a small bit, but only a few small vines grow from the spot. "You're not angry." I look up to Amaimon. "What?" He stands, looking down on me. "You have to feel a negative emotion to create a demon this way. You probably felt stupid when you broke the plate, so you made the smaller Dekalp." 'Thanks, Amiamon, I needed that reminder.' "But I have nothing to make me feel angry or upset right now. Any other ideas?"

Amaimon pulls something small out from his back, sitting crisscross on the branch he resides on. He shakes it at me slowly. "Should I read you the newest book of assassination classroom? Oh wait I'm 2 books ahead of you." I glare up at him. "You wouldn't dare." he shrugs, and flips over, hanging from his perch. "Let's see, oh? What's going on with Kuro-sensei there?"

Amaimon's pov

The ground starts to shake violently, I smirk, seeing a spiked vine smash into the tree near me. A huge corpse flower shoots up, the smell of rotting flesh fills my nose. (Y/n) stands on the head of the flower, fists at her side and a harsh glare on her face, and her eyes are almost blacked out. Her mouth lets out a snarl and a vine of the demon makes its way in between us, allowing (y/n) to walk towards me. She stops, barely an inch between us, and snatches the book from my hands. "Not. Another. WORD." She throws the book behind her, only for the plant to lunge at it and swallow it whole. I give a small smirk and slowly clap 3 times. "You did it."

You pov

I suddenly open my eyes to see Amaimon in front of me, smirking. I look around to see I'm standing on a huge demon. My eyes widen. "I did it." I turn back to Amaimon, a smile growing on my face. "I DID IT! I did it, I did it, I did it!" I start jumping around and a vine comes up to me, in which I hug in joy. Amaimon walks towards me, I let go of the vine and jump to hug him instead. "Thank you Amaimon." He hesitates for a moment but hugs me back.

The plant creature starts to diminish, bringing us to the ground. I let go of Amaimon, instantly missing his warmth, but we start walking home anyways. "(Y/n), you need to make sure you don't bleed in front of the others anymore. And if you do, remain completely calm." I nod my head in understanding as we reach the dorm. "Right. No one needs to know I'm half-demon now. They'll think it was you who did something. I don't want them to do anything to you." Amaimon nods once and we head inside.

"Well, goodnight Amaimon. Don't stay up too late, we do have class tomorrow after all." I head upstairs and change for bed, being lulled to sleep instantly by the forest scent all around me.

Amaimon's pov

Once (y/n)'s lights go out for a bit, I go into her room, finding her sleeping figure on top of her plush bed. She shivers from the chilling wind, so I pull the covers over he form.I push the small but of hair that drapes her face, dragging my fingertips across her cheek. She smiles, slightly nuzzling my hand as I tuck the hair behind her ear. I lean into her, kissing her cheek softly. Her low hum of content snaps me back into reality, so I quickly pull myself away from the bed and out the door. "Why did I just do that?" My stomach starts to feel funny so I head to my room and drop into my bed, face first.

Even though I couldn't sleep, I didn't leave my room all night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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