chapter 2 Enrollment

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Amaimons pov

'It's been 2 weeks since she passed out.' I look at who we now know is (y/n) (l/n) as she sleeps in one Okumura brother's bed. 'Glad they're gone for a trip, I didn't know any other place she could stay that would seem slightly normal besides a hospital, but that's out of the question considering what's happened to her.' some of her (h/l) (h/c) hair falls in her face and I brush it behind her ear. i jerk my hand back at sudden realization at what I had just done . "Why did i just...touch her?" I peer at the girls face, wondering what in Assiah made me do such a thing. A door creaks open and then is slammed closed as something is dropped to the floor. 'There back.' I start to leave the room, slowly pull the door closed behind me till it closes softly as not to wake her and head downstairs on the dorm support beams. "That was awesome Yukio. I'm glad we went camping." Rin walks under me and into their lounge area where they put down the rest of there gear. "Indeed. We should probably wash up though. You do smell. I don't think the river baths did much help in keeping us clean. They start to head upstairs but I hang down in front of them and they immediately stop.

"Wha- Amaimon what are you doing here?" Rin yell and Yukio covers his ears. "Calm down I only want to talk so stop yelling." they seem to relax and shrug as we go into the lounge. "So what's up?" "We caught Igor." they look at me quizzically. "Are you sure? I mean you know how." Yukio hits Rin on the back of the head, signaling him to be quiet." we surrounded him while he was holding the girl hostage. She then killed him. "What?" I nod. "Is she OK?"" how did she kill him?" "Who is she?" with every question they blurt out the brothers get louder and louder. "Shhhh! you're going to wake her if your loud." "What?"

Your pov

I hazily woke up at the sound of unfamiliar voices. I look around to be welcomed in an unfamiliar place. "Hello?" I slowly sit up only to have pounding come to my head. It slowly dissipates and I stand on the cold wooden floor. I let out a small yawn and walk towards the door, opening it the voices are dimmed down so I head down the stairs, not able to comprehend what they're saying yet. Before I reach the bottom I make sure my tail is hidden in case there are people that don't know my situation. I finally reach the floor and don't recognize all three voices but I distinctly remember one of them. I slowly turn the corner to see the source of the voices. "H-hello?" the three turn to me with wide eyes., one with dark blue hair and a black tail similar to mine, the other in a duster and dark brown hair. The third person I recognize as the one who saved me the night before. 'How long ago was that anyway?' "Who are you?" I'm taken from my thoughts at the sound of an unfamiliar voice probably belonging to one of the boys. "Oh I'm sorry, but I could ask you the same thing considering I only know one of you three." I look to who if I remember correctly is "your Amaimon right? "he nods and hold out a lollypop which I gladly accept. "You need to get cleaned up. I'll give you more after that." I give a small smile. "Ok but who are they and where are we?"

Rins pov

'She's adorable!' as she looks at Amaimon who's explaining where she is I rush behind her and put my arm on the wall, leaning against it. She turns to see me once she notices my presence and then backs up a bit shyly. I give her a smirk, trying, and succeeding, to look cool. "I'm Rin Okumura, and you my dear are?""(F/n)(L/n)"she stutters cutely. "Hem." Yukio signals for attention, and the girl turns to see him, stealing my spotlight." oh I'm so sorry, my name is (f/n) (l/n)." she bows apologetically "it's no problem, I am Okumura, Yukio. It is a pleasure to meet you." she stands straight.

Your pov

"(y/n)"I look up to see Amaimon standing right in front of me holding some clothes out for me to take. "Go get cleaned up. There is a bathroom upstairs and to the far left that you can use. I cautiously take them from him, seeing it's a guy's uniform from true cross which I can only assume belongs to Rin considering he's the only one wearing one. I give a small smile regardless. " Thank you, for helping me out the other night, whenever that was.""2 weeks ago." his voice interrupts my out loud thinking. He looks away shyly, putting more candy in his mouth." you were out for 2 weeks. You must have used a lot of energy finishing him off." I look down at the floor, trying to comprehend it all. Either way thank you for helping me out. "Silence follows so I start to head upstairs. "Your welcome "the whisper has me pause at the top step. I smile to myself and turn the corner, headed for the bathroom.

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