Sweet Fortunes

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Amaimon's Pov

(y/n) finally unpacks every box and puts everything in a rightful place. She plops down on the couch next to me, clearly exhausted. "Do you have any more sweets to share? I'm in need of a pick-me-up" I toss a few lollipops towards her on the couch, she immediately sits up, popping one in her mouth. A hum of happiness escapes her lips. "Thanks!" I only nod in response to her. "So . . . do you know how this cram school works? I've only gone to public school for normal people. It would be nice to know anything I can before going. You have gone there before haven't you?" I shake my head, not having any information that she is looking to obtain. "Oh well then, now you will go. Bonus, you won't be alone, and you'll already have a friend to talk with. We . . . are friends after all, right?" she looks at me shyly, scared of some answer I might give. "I suppose we are friends." she sighs. I guess I gave a correct answer. "That's good to hear." The sound of a pot hitting the floor comes from the kitchen. (y/n) immediately goes to investigate, leaving her spot on the couch. I take back the lollipops she has not eaten for myself, eating one the moment it is in my hand. "Hello?" a sharp gasp comes from the kitchen. I stand to enter as well. "Oh, hi there."

Your Pov

I got on one knee to see the small creature clearly. "Oh, hi there." A demon the size of a large dog pulls itself out of the shadows, revealing itself to me. Its many red horns protrude from its olive green skin. A yellow ring surrounds each of its eyes. Its tail is as long as its front arms but its hind legs only consist of small feet. The creature has a belt-like wrap around its head, showing its someone's pet. "Your really cool, but what are you doing here?" I hold out a hand, allowing it to sniff me from its location. It does so and snorts, causing its body to shake a bit. I give a small smile. "Can I pet you?" I raise my extended hand above its head. It looks at my hand, then to me. "Please?" It hesitantly puts its head into my hand lightly at first but then starts to push itself against it, wanting more affection. I stroke the beast-like creature, but it soon is not enough either, as it starts to rub on my jeans. "Your a hobgoblin, aren't you? I've seen you briefly in the textbooks, but you seem tame compared to the rumors." It continues to rub against me, soon pushing me to the ground. "Ok. Ok. I get it." I let out a small laugh, giving it more attention

Someone snaps their fingers, the behemoth runs past me. Turning and sitting up, Amaimon stands with a metal chain in his grasp, the hobgoblin on the other end. It sits patiently, like a dog that's been commanded to behave. "He didn't hurt you? He must like you, Behemoth usually eats the hands of those that touch him. Be happy, I'm the only other exception. Then again I am his master." I nod, grateful my hand is not severed from my body. "The hobgoblin, Behemoth, he is your familiar, right?"

Amaimon's Pov

"The hobgoblin, Behemoth he is your familiar, right?" (y/n) looks at me, awaiting my answer. I just nod once. "He is lucky then, to be your familiar. Must be treated well." I shrug. "I had to resurrect Behemoth after an exorcist killed him. I don't want to retrain another one." (y/n) gets an angry look on her face for a moment but nods. She stands back up from the ground.

"Come, were leaving."

I let Behemoth run off to my room, headed for the front door myself. "Wait, leaving? Where too?" She quickly steps up to me as I open the door. " To get more candy and some new video games. Put your shoes on and hide your tail. People don't like to see it. Wrap it around your torso or something." she quickly pulls on her boots, then tries to cover her tail but it is only a struggle. "Can you help me? It would be faster if you did." 'I can't do that. It's her tail. A male's tail is different for me to grab, but hers?' I shake my head, (y/n) gets an irritated look on her face. "And why not? It's not like it's dirty or anything." " Male demons can't touch female demons tails and vice-versa." She tilts her head, confused but wanting to know more for understanding. I only shrug. "Mephisto can tell you more sometime. Now come on, I want candy." once we step out and she locks the door, I grab her arm and drag her to the marketplace.

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