Chapter 5 First Day, First Problems

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Amaimons' POV

I couldn't sleep last night. The question brother asked me running throughout my mind without stopping, to even now. My stomach churns, like coal tar buzzing around, an experience I've never had before. 'What is going on with me? It's a stupid question. Why does this human-girl-turned-demon, cause such problems within me? And how is it I can't stand Rin being near her? Can't stand him touching or even talking to her?'

I look at the hand I had intertwined with (y/n)s' yesterday. A small burning rising inside me while I think of the moment her hand was in mine, then when I think of her (e/c) eyes and her soft hair, and how peaceful she looked during that night I visited her room. (y/n) runs rampant threw my head, not going away.


I fall against the tree branch I reside in, fully letting my head take a blow, thinking it will knock the thoughts and emotions out of me. It works for a little while, allowing me to focus on the soft breeze blowing through the trees.

My pocket buzzes, indicating my phone wanted attention. I pull it out, seeing (y/n)s caller id on the screen. I put it up to my ear, wondering what's the matter. "Oh hello (y/n). Why are you calling me?" I sit up a little, as I tilt my head to the side a bit. "Amaimon, where are you? We have to go to class right away or we will be late!" (y/n)s voice is laced with a bit of panic in the fear of classes. I stand up on my branch. "Ok. I'll be there in less than 2 minutes." a sound of shock arises from the phone, but I hang up before another word goes through the speaker.

I jump through the trees quickly, soon landing in front of a figure outside the dorm door. I look up as I stand tall from my jump, only to be met with (y/n) standing in a standard female student uniform. The white blouse hugs her curves perfectly and the light pink skirt allows her (s/c) thighs to show before being covered by the socks.

I feel something warm run down from my nose. "There you are! Where have you been? We need to get to-" (y/n) stops yelling and gets a concerned look on her face. "Amaimon, did you hit your nose on the way here? It's bleeding." I'm broken from my trance at the question and wipe my face to see blood smeared on my hand.


(y/n) gets close to my face and pulls out a handkerchief, holding it to my nose. She guides me over to a stone rail and has me sit. "Tilt your head down. It will help stop the bleeding." I nod in response, finding the caring gesture odd but nice at the same time.

"I appreciate you getting here so quickly for my sake, but you need to be more careful. Just because we can heal ourselves quicker than others, doesn't mean we should be reckless with our bodies." (y/n) wipes the dried blood away as I watch her movements softly. The twisting in my stomach returns as I look at (y/n)'s caring face, observing me as I observe her. The soft-touch doesn't make the mess in my body any better. She pulls away, putting the bloody rag in her backpack.

"Now that you're all cleaned up, let's head to class, shall we?"

Your pov

I stand up and Amaimon follows suit, nodding in agreement. "Ok, then how do we get there?" Amaimon picks me up by the thighs and sits me on his shoulder, but I shriek for a moment in surprise, then again when he jumped up to the tree across the street. "Amaimon!" He turns his head up to me, confused. "You scared me! It was fun, yeah, but warn me next time you start ok? That way I can not scream and enjoy it!" He only nods in response, understanding the situation. "I'm going to jump threw the forest to get to the school entrance. Is that all right?" I let out a small laugh and rapidly nod my head a bit. "Yeah, I'm ok with that. Let's go, we're gonna be late Amaimon!" We continue to jump through the trees until we reach a large door that is surrounded in concrete.

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