Chapter 1 Rescue

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Readers POV

I awoke to the dark dungeon I had become used to ."How long have I been here anyway? It feels like months." I pull my knees to my chest.Footsteps come and my cell door opens but I don't look up from the ground,knowing exactly who it is."Time for your next set of tests." he cuffs my hands then undoes my chains,taking me to more experiments. I don't fight back, I already know i'm done for sooner or later, and id rather him not  be the one to kill me .

Mephestos POV

"Yes I understand. Were having Aseroth use the coal tar to search for him now." The demon king signals me over,hopefully with good progress."I have to go. I will let you know when I have his location. Goodbye now." I hang up and signal Aseroth to come in."Well?""We found him in an abandoned building  south of the city. They also say there is another life form. A girl they think but we cant be sure. Coal tar can't really think." "And?" He shrugs." There have been no bodies found yet so one can only hope no more have gone missing. Why the Vatican wont share anymore on the case I wonder though." I nod in understanding and send him off, dialing another number on my phone. It rings for a bit before a voice greets me on the other line."Yes id like to request something of the Vatican."

Readers POV

I walk back to  my cell, seeing something in the shadows go deeper in the darkness, yet not making a single sound. I shake it off as just a delusion from sleep and continue into my cell,where my cuffs are removed but my chains are reattached."Now if you try anything like you did at practice today, I wont hesitate to kill you.No dinner tonight, you shouldn't need it anyway." He slams the bar door shut and walks away calmly after locking it tightly."Ya well I would rather starve to death than be your rabbit!" I try to stand but get pulled down when I reach the end of my chain.

I fall back down the wall and sigh.'This was not the way I wanted to go.' I pick up my new tail and twirl it between my index and thumb.' I mean I must look cool right? I mean, who else has the features I do now?' I sigh again, now deep in though on what I would do if I got out, how I would live and what I would do."I cant go to cram school now,so now I have all l the time in the world." The shadows shifts, making me alert. "H-Hello?" I whisper hesitantly, scared of not only what may lie in the darkness but if Igor hears me. A figure emerges, a man with green hair and innocent blue eyes. He puts a finger to his sealed lips and signals me to be quiet.I nod in understanding. He holds out out a slip of paper to me an gestures for me to take it. I do so and nod in response.

I have to go and prepare for your escape. I should be back soon.If he comes, stall

When I look back to him I see that the mysterious person is gone from the shadows,well gone entirely. As I shake my head pounding footsteps get louder and the gate to my cell slams open. Its not who I wish but only Igor who looks like hes having a very bad day."What.Did.You.Do!" He comes up to me and grabs the collar of my shirt, pulling me up from the ground.  "W-What are you talking about?" I stutter and pretend to be confused but Igor sees right threw it and drops me. He quickly and vigorously undoes my chains. Once i'm free he grabs me by the wrist and pulls me out of the cell behind him. "Let me go!" He only stops and slaps me to keep quiet."Shut up you idiot." He pulls me along just as before . 'How do I stall? Wait . I hope this works.' I jerk back and punch him in the gut, causing him to let me go to clutch his stomach. I run up the stairs and out of the building to the woods, hiding behind a tree I pray he doesn't see me.Sadly though the sound of crushed grass becomes louder. "I don't want to use this on you dear.It would be a waist on our progress. Now be a good girl and come here.

I saw him only a few feet away lurking in the darkness with something that reflected the light of the moon.' Great he has a knife, now how am i supposed to protect myself?' I hold my breath in the hope he passes me." Gotcha!" Igor pulls my hair from next to the tree and puts the knife at my back." Now walk forward and don't make a sound or your dead?" He nudges me forward with the knife tip and I hesitantly move in that direction til were in a clearing, where i'm shoved to the ground."You idiot! Because of you my lab is taken over along with all my research!" He kicks my stomach and cuts my arm. Warm blood runs from my skin and the smell fills my nostrils."I-I didn't do anything!"' Good going with the stutter there (y/n), now he knows were weak. He shouts "Liar!" and cuts the side of my leg in which I hiss in pain. A tree rustles and Igor falls silent."There here." He pulls on my arm while touching my cut.Another hiss escapes my lips but is cut short by the knife at my throat. "Let her go Igor."

"No shes my ticket out of here, that is if you want her alive."A figure emerges from the darkness and another jumps out of the tree, landing next to the other person. One wearing a white top hat and poofy white pants with a purple coat and goatee, the other has green hair and familiar blue eyes. People in black dusters surround us 4 and Igor grip tightens on my arm.' He's the man from earlier, is this the help he was talking about?' "Igor look what you've done. She looks like a full fledged demon queen who's been beat." White hat shakes his head unapprovingly. " I simply gave her a full does of Amaimon's blood that I borrowed or stole from the Vatican secret area.""You stole from the Vatican!" I feel Igor nod his head."There is no hope for you now Igor. Amaimon please get the girl out of there." The green haired one nods and steps forward only for the knife to get pressed to my throat. Warm blood flows down from the newest, yet dangerous cut on my throat."I wouldn't advise that. One more step and I slit her throat." He starts to panic and starts using drastic measures. 'I have had enough of this, time for me to get out of here before I die.'

Amaimons pov

'She has my DNA huh?' I look to the girls face to see her mouth something but I miss most of it. I tilt my head and she repeats her action."Stall" I nod and sit criss cross on the ground. spitting out my previous lollipop stick."Brother can't he just kill her? I'm bored." Mephesto looks at me with horror and disgust. "Are you kidding me? No way i'm going to waist a pretty face like that. Plus the fact that the Vatican wanted him disposed of with out another death." I shrug and look to the girl to see her smirk. Igor notices and anger spreads on his face." What are you smirking about, you about to-" Pain replaces the look of anger as he stops mid sentence. A vine is wrapped around his throat causing him to lose his grip on the girl. Another vine wrapped around his arms and legs, binding them to there pair. He drops the knife and the girl stumbles away from him as the vines lift him from the ground. "Amaimon is that a vine?" Sure enough that's what it is.Another one grows and goes to the girl but doesn't attack her, instead she pets it.

"Seems all those tests did some good now didn't they Igor? After all I now get to see you suffer " She turns to us as she stands and turns to us. "Your going to kill him right?" Mephesto nods and she gives a nod."May I do it?" "Yes you may." He gives her a nod of approval as do I and she turns back to Igor."You kidnapped me, experimented on me, held me hostage, abused me and you didn't even ask for my name. Rot in Gehenna for what you did to all those girls before me.None of them deserved what you did to them ,but now you deserve this. I do this for all of them, so remember me." Igor looks at her, pure hatred in his eyes. " A-And w-what would that be b-brat?" He chokes out the words, evident that he cant breath real well.

"(y/n). (y/n) (l/n)."

And with that the vine around his neck tightened until you could no longer here a sound coming from his cold limp body.The vines go back into the ground, dissapearing into the earth as (y/n) dismisses them.She slowly turns to us, eyelids half open,blood dripping from her cuts and a weak smile on her face.She start to fall to the ground but I catch her just in time.I put my ear to her mouth to hear a slight breath slowly escape her lips."Is she still breathing?" I nod in response and stand, carrying the girl bridal style." Good. That means shes healing. Take her somewhere safe and keep an eye on her will ya?" We start walking away, leaving Igor to the exorcists and the girls cuts slowly heal.

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