author's note

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This is a rewritten work originally under the title "Rise Of The Kings" and is still under work as well. This was originally made at the end of 2020 and published in 2021 but it didn't really go far, on my part (haha). After burning myself out, I went on a long hiatus and ended up abandoning a lot of works, this being one of them.

(Not so fun fact: I stopped uploading this book well over a year ago since I could decide what to do with certain characters and had rewritten it more times than I can remember.)

So if you guys didn't not see my announcement on my discussion board around August-September, I said that I will be starting on a book again soon and I have decided that this book will be going first.

I am trying to put my full attention onto this work and will be trying to make it the best of my writing abilities that I can.

The chapters are longer than the originals are (as there are only three chapters for this book, I am absolutely horrible jfc) and I am currently writing the fifth chapter (10/03/22) as we speak. Overall there are about 13,000 words from four chapters (which can be little for some and a lot for others). There will be a lot more Lore in this work too, I have spent probably a good three days just writing up certain meanings, a few characters' pasts, and so on. Like there is so much that I keep nitpicking to the point that I had to just start writing and yolo parts of the Lore.

Also! Ages are altered (obviously), they are mentioned here and there or hinted at based on context. But they are all of LEGAL AGE. The youngest (Mark) out of the seven is in the mid-twenties, he is called "boy" or "kid" by others because of how young he is compared to them, they don't see him as a child or anything of the sort. Only to describe on how much older they are compared to him. So if y'all are uncomfy with the age gaps (ranging from four to well over eight hundred years) then don't read. This is all consented, and has no force *unless kinky reasons*.

Ok I'm rambling, my bad. But I am excited to pick up on this book again, because holy shit had this book been a hot pile of shit for so long and kept changing up so many things which left many plot holes and ended up confusing some readers and myself. Mind you, this book (before rewriting) has THREE OFFICIAL CHAPTERS RN. But that'll be modeled into other chapters and so on, so it'll be fine.

Ha ha... ha.

I've also been trying to read more and get some constructive feedback from others to help make my writing better. Another thing that I've learned while on my hiatus is that I'm a little impatient to EVERYTHING which has been burning me out more than anything.

I kinda figured out what will be happening to certain characters and parts of the ending. I'm still deciding if I'll be doing this book into parts or not (like be one of those fancy authors that do like volumes/seasons or something) I kinda doubt it but we'll see.

I started venting, I'm sorry.

So to go on a more serious note, one of the many other reasons I stopped writing this book (along with Heathens, sorry queen) is due to the whole Lucas situation. Now if you are an nctzen, ot23 or not, you are probably well aware of this situation. Personally, I do not care which ever side you have decided to be, not my problem. I was already getting ridiculed by some readers that were constantly harassing me to delete the books or take off Lucas when he is still an NCT member and a SuperM member. So at this point I do not care, and I decided that Lucas will still be an mc in this book until further notice.

Don't like that, don't read it.

Thank you for listening to my ted talk:)

I will also probably not write the author notes for chapters in the actual chapter, but most likely in the comments, so look out for those please if you will. I will have them if there is confusion, because some of the povs can get a little disoriented with the timeline. Especially in the Prologue along with flashbacks.

All povs aren't directed to one singular person, it can switch to others that are in the "scene" as well, so be careful around that if you have a hard time with povs.

Y'all already know the drill:

- Mature Content
- Adult Language
- Gore/Murder
- Death

- everyone/everyone
- (will be more induced later on)

- SuperM
- SHINee

Happy reading:))))


date: 22/10/03, 22/10/22, 22/10/27

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