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Darkness surrounded the five people as they slowly walked through the monumental caves in the outskirts of Seoul. Their footsteps echoed into the cold air as they made their way down. "Why did we do this again? The rumors state that these caves are haunted and for good reasons." One of them murmured which made the two in front of her turn around with annoyed looks. "You know you could turn around if you want, the rest of us want to figure out what's so special about these caves. We just won't credit you on the findings."

At the backhanded statement, the others laughed which made the girl flush in embarrassment and kept walking behind in silence for the rest of the time.

Their whole reason being there was because of the unsolved cases that occurred in the same caves that they're walking, for centuries. Each case has been the same every time, they go in the caves for whatever reasons: unknown treasure, relics, etcetera; and it always ends in the same way. Everyone disappears, not even a scrap of evidence; only blood. Now that after so many years after the Dark World of supernatural beings were revealed, people believed that it must've been a demon of sorts.

As they walked deeper in, their flashlights started to flicker making a few of them flinch. "Must be because of how deep we are in." One muttered which made the rest of them agree quietly, but the same girl felt the dreary crawl up her spine like a whisper of warning.

"Maybe we should go back." She suggested again and this time, some even nodded, but the others groaned and looked at her in distaste. "We are already so far in, coming all of the way down here would've been such a waste then." The girl huffed and shook off the wariness in her gut.

"Well, according to some of the oldest records that I could find, this cave was created because of some warlock. And during the First War, hundreds of soldiers and warriors fell as the ground collapsed beneath them, killing them all here." One of the guys said as he read his notes from his small notepad, putting a flashlight onto it. Some shivered at his words, thinking of the possible hundreds of bodies they were walking by.

The girl continued to walk behind them silently until underneath her foot, something snapped. She flinched from the impact, looking down and putting her flashlight having the others stop and doing the same. As she lifted her foot, a now crushed ulna was revealed making them all step back in shock. "Ok that's enough! I'm going back, I don't care!"

Some nodded in agreement and as she turned around her flashlight followed, and where they entered stood a skeleton like man with a battered red hanbok on that they always saw in history classes back from the Joseon dynasties. It's stringy black hair fell down to its waist like a poor wig, making it seem like a cheesy Halloween decoration. But it's eyes were bright with life and filled with pure hunger.

"W-what the-" before any of them could give a proper reaction, the thing unscathed its sword and swung at them.

Eventually their blood soaked the walls where they laid and scream echoed out into the caves winds.


Mark opened his eyes, his eyes glowing bright in the dark from his nightmares that always reoccur; his death and rebirth. He sat up and groaned at the subtle ache in his body from the hunger that has been nagging at him for the past few days now. He sighed, rubbing his eyes while hearing Lucas lightly snoring an arms lengths away from him. The older werewolf always insisted to sleep by Mark after he found out that he had trouble sleeping, typically Mark refused, but last night he was too tired to really care.

It's been around seven months since Mark's life went to shit, well not exactly shit, but it definitely changed himself for the worse. Even though he was aware of the supernatural and their Dark World, he honestly didn't care. Never really did anyways, not until he was attacked by a rogue werewolf who was just looking for a kill. He still remembers his own screams, his blood choking himself as a man stood above him with a calm facade. "I can help you, but if I do; it will change you for good."

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