Denial isn't just a River In Egypt

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"This is priceless!" I glared at my blonde friend while she moved through my closet, seeming to throw every piece of clothing I owned on the floor. Really, when I said she could come over, I didn't mean she could destroy my room and dress me up like a life-size ken doll. But trying to tell Ino 'no' was like trying to explain why Kakashi was such a pervert. Impossible.

"This is anything but priceless. This is horrible, messed up, sick, twisted, or all of the above. But not priceless in the least bit." She seemed to ignore my complaint while she pulled out a black t-shirt, looking between me and the piece of clothing. Finally she sighed and threw it at me.

"You need a shirt to go under that. You got any long sleeved shirts? Preferably white?"

"How the hell should I know? If I do it's gotta be in the top shelf of my bureau. It's where I keep most of my shirts," I mumbled, starting to pull off my top. Really, I didn't see anything wrong with what I was wearing. Apparently, Ino didn't like orange as much as I did. After seeing the double dose between my sweatshirt and shirt, she quickly gave herself the duty to redress me.

"So let me get this straight. You say that the therapist wanted you to answer whether you'd rather kiss him or Sasuke, and you didn't. So for punishment, he's making you kiss Sasuke every time you call him that stupid nickname? And, to make things even more interesting, you haven't been able to get a full night's rest since Sasuke stopped coming over your house at night?"

"It's not like I need him!" I denied quickly, which got me a very unfeminine snort.

"So then there's another, very coincidental and improbable reason for your lack of sleep?"


"Right, and next you'll be telling me teme's not a nickname...oh! Found it!"

"It's not a damn nickname!" My eyes were covered in white for a second before gravity dropped the long sleeved shirt into my lap. I huffed out in protest of what she was saying while I slipped on the undershirt. "It's to show everyone what a jerk he is."

"Then...why don't you just call him jerk?" She asked, moving over to my bed with her hands placed on her hips. I popped my head out of the hole in the black shirt, tugging down the second shirt to finish her look. I almost yelped when she tugged on my hand, forcing me to stand up for her inspection. She circled around me like I was some mannequin in a shop or something. "Oh wow."


"I amaze myself with my style!" She faced me again and winked before nodding in approval. I snorted and returned to my bed to grab my hoodie. Seriously, Ino was very eccentric. Other girls always worried about their hair or how they looked. Ino saw herself for what she really was; a very pretty girl that could do really good in this world if she wanted to. It was mistaken for conceitedness, when really she was just confident. Like how I knew I was hot. I wasn't being cocky; I was secure with my body.

"Alright Ralph Lauren, can we get back to the issue at hand? Like the fact I can't even enter the god damn school without fear of being raped?"

"Raped? Isn't that a little over the top?" Well, probably. But the point had to be made!

"You never know what a kiss could lead to."

"It's Sasuke."

"Yeah, which makes it even more scarring."

"He slept at your house for two days."

"And practically groped me in my sleep!" She blinked once, and it was only then I remembered I hadn't informed her of our sleeping status.

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