A Pinky for Your Thoughts, a Punch for Your Heart

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I knew, somewhere in the back of my head, that I should of told Sakura the same day I made the promise to explain everything. Sakura had always been infatuated with Sasuke, and I was her good friend. Hell, she had called me her brother a few weeks back! But hey, having an Uchiha 'claim' you can take your mind away from practically everything else in the world. So Tuesday (or, if I wanted to give myself some slack, Wednesday) should have been the day that I sat Sakura down, and explained to her what was going on. It should have happened in the morning before school, so she had time to take it all in and accept it. Or maybe right after school, because then she'd have the entire night to think it over and talk to me again. But that never happened. So the only reason I had for not telling anyone, especially Sakura, about me and Sasuke's relationship was pretty simple.

I, Uzumaki Naruto was…nervous. Telling Sai, a perverted weirdo and only one of hundreds of kids in our school, was one thing. Admitting to several people that not only was I a bi-sexual, but that I was currently dating the heartthrob of the school was something completely different. The girls that had been crushing on him for years would either hate me or cry over their loss. By the way Kiba had reacted to the slight implication that I was gay was not helping the situation at all. Me and Kiba had been friends for a long time, and I wasn't ready to take the chance of losing that. He had been my partner in crime for a long time, and really had pulled through in times that I needed him.

I didn't even want to think about what Sakura was going to say. In the most optimistic part of my head, I was hoping that she would figure it out on her own and would find a way to accept it without any tears or sadness. The realistic part of me knew better than that. Even if Sakura made the connection in her head, her heart would deny it. Because deep down inside of her heart, Sakura believed that Sasuke would end up with her. Even after the talk in the parking lot, I knew she continued to pine after him. Sure, it wasn't as open as she used to make it, but it was still there. And it killed me to know I was going to be the reason that she got hurt.

That was why I couldn't face her at school. I ran at any sight of pink hair or green eyes. If I heard her voice, I'd hide until she was gone. I always felt tense, like somehow she was going to pop out of nowhere and corner me. It was like a sick game of cat and mouse, except the cat didn't even know she was participating and the mouse had a guilty conscience the size of a block of cheese.

"You ready to go?" But at the moment, that guilt was stored in the back of my head. Because during all of my evasive moving and attempts to hide our relationship, I forgot about one very important man that couldn't be lied to.

"Maybe he forgot it was Wednesday." I didn't have to look at Sasuke to know he was raising an eyebrow at my reply.

"Kakashi is bad with clocks, not memory. Especially when it comes to his 'patients'." Sasuke sounded just as pleased as I felt to be going to therapy. There was no doubt in my mind that Kakashi would find a way to figure out what our current relationship was, if he didn't already know. Kakashi had a way of finding things out before we even came into the office, especially when they happened at school. Back when we first started this therapy, I thought the fan club put a camera in Sasuke's boxers. Now I was starting to suspect the overly happy therapist that greeted us when we pushed into the office.

"Figures you're on time today," I muttered, dropping into my seat and crossing my arms. Like always, Sasuke sat up straight and didn't speak.

"Today is a special therapy session." Crap, he knew already? I tried to read his smile, but it was impossible to figure out what he was thinking.

"I doubt it," Sasuke said flatly, sending a scowl Kakashi's way. Seeing it as a challenge more than an observation, Kakashi 's eyes seemed to spark in mischief. And I would know, I had that same look about once a week.

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