The Little Things that Show True Love

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Everyone told me that sex changes a relationship. As if it has a magical power, the relationship will shift. For better or for worse was never promised. I guess it depended on who was in the relationship or some shit like that. Being together for only a few days made the changes even worse, according to the same people. It went on to say that you didn't know your significant other well enough to have sex if you've only been with them for a week. Being intimate in such a short amount of time was taboo for your relationship.

But, as I made my way through scrounging up a breakfast (really, when was the last time Sasuke went shopping? The ice age?) for us, I got to thinking about all of the information I had heard. Who was 'everyone'? And how did they know about me or Sasuke anyways? I remember listening to Ino and Sakura read from their all-knowing magazines and trying to memorize their words for my 'future' relationship with Sakura. Several of them agreed that sex in a new relationship was like burning down the first floor of a house. An easy way to collapse the relationship.

"You're slow." The quiet mumble next to my ear made me jump enough to crash my shoulder into the chin behind me. I would have felt bad, if not for the fact that he was creeping into my personal space way too early in the morning. I turned to face him, laughing at the red mark that was easily seeable underneath his chin. He, however, did not find it quite as funny. "Idiot."

"Shut up before I pour your breakfast down the drain." His look proved just how weak he knew the threat was before he turned toward the fridge, pulling out a container of orange juice. I watched him for a second, remembering the mental conversation I was having before Sasuke barged in. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, in my opinion. Sure, we hadn't really talked about Friday night, but what was there to say? Sex was pretty self-explanatory.

It was the feelings that were a little confusing. Even now, observing how the teme's stoic nature clashed with the wacky morning hair he was wearing, I felt something warm shift inside of my stomach. I couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same. Several times, I had caught myself staring at him Saturday. Was it an effect of the sex, or…something else? Could I really have, somehow, fallen in love with Sasuke? I wasn't sure if that was feasible. And even if I had, what did he think about our relationship? Was it even possible for an Uchiha to love someone romantically? Sasuke's parents got married and had children, yeah. But were they ever in love?

"Who?" I blinked once at Sasuke's question before I froze. Did I say that out loud? As if reading my mind, Sasuke answered. "Yes, you did. Flip the food."

"Gah!" I jerked back to the pan, quickly saving the breakfast I had forgotten about. Letting out a sigh of relief that it hadn't burnt, I glanced over my shoulder to see Sasuke leaning on the other side of the island, watching me. I laughed nervously, from the almost lost food or from the word slip, I wasn't sure. Knowing the last thing Sasuke liked to do was talk about his parents, I changed the subject. "What are you doing up so early? And dressed? Normally you never get up on weekends!"

"Hn."Maybe I had made a mistake. From the way Sasuke glared out the window, I could tell something wasn't right. Great, just what I needed. A pissed off Sasuke ten minutes after he woke up. Before I could make any move to try and change the subject again, he spoke. "We're going out today."

"Out? Out where?"

"To see my brother." If I had been drinking something, I would have spit it out. As it was, I nearly fell over in shock. The only thing that kept me from ending up on the floor was the fact that I needed to get the food off the oven. Using it as an excuse to distract myself, I faintly remembered Sasuke promising to go see Itachi at our last session. But now? I would have thought it was a joke if not for the fact that it was Sasuke I was talking about. I don't think the kid even know what the word 'kidding' meant. Somehow I managed to think of a reply as I turned back to him with the cooling food, offering a shaky plate to him. I couldn't understand why I was the nervous one, especially when it was his brother.

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