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Hade's POV

  Am I insane? I certainly feel like I'm insane. I mean I'm not the most stable and am viewed as a villain by most, but I usually don't classify myself as insane. These strange feelings I'm having lately are putting me over the edge. I've tried taking time to process them but I don't want to admit the truth aloud... nor do I want to admit the  obvious truth to myself. I have feelings for someone... someone I shouldn't have feelings for... a mere mortal. I have feelings for a mortal that I've technically held captive and have  had a literal hold over for many years now. I have feelings for a mortal who sold her soul to me to save a former boyfriend's life and the jerk thanked her by running off with someone else. I'm a God for crying out loud! I'm the Lord of the Underworld! I have both responsibilities and an agenda that doesn't line up with that of most mortals and/or universal beings. 

      I know how much she regrets that and despite being a royal pain in my sides at times, she's been a loyal partner in crime. She has been working incredibly hard to pay off her debt to me. After having helped me with her biggest assignment yet and managing to pull off a near impossible task, I'm thinking about rewarding her with something that she has been yearning for for some time now... her freedom. To be completely honest, I want something from her too but I've already asked and taken so much from her. I need to return the favor a bit before I expect anything else out of her. After all, would it really be genuine if it's all one sided? 

I hope that you guys liked this prologue/introduction to the story! :) -Mary 

An "Accident" That Led To Something Else (Hades x Megara) (A Hercules Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now