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Nagisa POV

I had an assignment. It wasn't surprising, I had them often, but this one was odd. My siblings and I were almost... requested? The taunts were more directed towards us and not the organization I work for like they normally are. 

My dad didn't want to let us go. He thought it was too risky. I'm surprised that he did eventually. 

My mom didn't want to either. She had less faith in us. Someone ended up convincing her that we had to go as well. It had to be my grandfather, no one could convince my parents to do anything except him. 

My grandfather always believed in me a little too much. He's just that kind of guy. It felt nice having him believe in us for this but I don't think half of us wanted that belief in us. 

I think we were walking right into a trap. I'm positive about it. I don't want to do this but I don't want to not do this and risk a worse outcome. 

My mom wanted to come with us. My dad, knowing full well his wife is 8 months pregnant, wouldn't let her for extremely obvious reasons. 

"Mom, we will be okay I promise," I assured, "There's 18 of us."

"You have never been on an assignment without an adult," My mom huffs. 

"Mom, Nishiki is 20."

"He's also Nishiki."

"He's not that bad," I laugh, "You raised him after all."

"I should be there."

"Mom it's too dangerous," I state, "For you and Eto."

"Then your dad, Uncle, SOMEONE should be there."

"It goes against what the other team wanted and we can't risk them flipping out. They already proved they can cause a lot of damage and harm to innocent people. We've been trained for this momma. It will all be okay."

"Nagisa," Rize states as she walks into the room, "It's time to go." 

I kissed my mother on the cheek, "We will all be back before you know it, momma."

"Be careful."

"I promise."


I walked to the location with my siblings. I expected it to be an easy fight. No one would willingly bring 18 trained assassins into a fight. And when they did it was always easy for us. After all, we normally outnumbered them, and if anything did go wrong we all had an earpiece to talk to mom and dad back at the office. 

We walked into the building. Once we were all inside, the doors locked, and are metal garage-like doors fell over the doors and windows. The earpieces filled with static as our cameras turned off and busted. 

We were flooded in darkness. 

I was on high alert, as were my brothers and sisters. 

I grabbed one of my guns and held it in front of me. I heard someone else cock theirs. 

"I'll give you a hint, it wasn't any of you," Someone hissed. 

"What do you want from us?" Ayato asked. 

"You'll find out soon enough," Another man stated. 

I felt someone grab my waist and head behind me, disarming me of my gun in the process. I tried to scream but I felt a cloth placed over my face. 

It smelled weird. I tried to avoid breathing anything on it but it was too late. The world was blurry and I couldn't move my arms or legs. I felt my eyes drop as the world spun around me. The last thing I felt was me being thrown over someone's shoulder as the world around me went dark. 


I woke up blurry-eyed and in a brightly lit room I didn't recognize. I tried to move but I felt my arms chained together, and probably to the wall. My head was pounding and the rest of my body felt like it was on fire. I didn't want to wake up yet.

I couldn't process where I was. I've never been anywhere like this. I looked down at my body, all my knives and guns were gone. 

I managed to lift my head up enough to notice I was alone in this white room. 

Someone opened the door across from me and stepped inside. 

"I see you're awake Nagisa Shiota-Yoshimura."

"Do I... Know you?" I stuttered. My throat was dry and it hurt to talk. 

"Not yet. But you will. I happen to know you quite well," He starts, "Top honors student four years running, Best scores in your physicals, Extremely talented in the arts, I even heard that you helped create computerized weapons in Norway. All this and you're only 13?"

" to you?"

"You'll see eventually."

He walked towards me and pulled something into view from behind his back. I tried to make myself as small as possible when I saw the small needle. I tried to kick him away as he got closer and I tried to free myself from his grasps. 

"Stop struggling!" He shouted. 

"Leave me alone!" I cried, "What do you want from me?!"

Three more large men walked in and held me down, one holding down my legs, one holding down my arms and torso, while the third guy held my head still, neck on display. 

The man stuck the needle into my neck and injected whatever was inside it. My body froze. I couldn't even attempt to put up a fight anymore. I couldn't move. 

After a few more seconds my body felt like it burst into flames. 

I screamed in agony at the pain my body was being put through. 

"What did you do!?!" I screamed, feeling tears roll down my face. 

He just laughed as whatever was in the needle took its next cycle. I felt like I was in the warehouse again. Everything was black but I didn't see anyone turn off the lights. I found out it was because my eyelids fell. I was tired again. I tried to force my eyes back open but my body wouldn't listen to my brain. 

I felt someone pick up my body as someone removed the chains from my hands and arms. The person holding me walked for a little bit before laying me down on what felt like a table as straps were put over my torso and legs before I fell completely into unconsciousness. 

Yoshimura POV

The earpieces and cameras disconnected as soon as my children walked into the building. As soon as that happened I looked towards my father. 

"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't convince me to let them go!" I shout. 

"It's been less than two minutes Quizin, Calm down. They're smart kids," My dad responds, but even he didn't sound sure of that. 

"They told me they would be careful," Ukina cried. 

The minutes continued to pass by without a word from them. More and more people began freaking out. 

Hours passed before a group of people went to investigate where they were before losing contact. 

An hour they returned with nothing. 

Where the hell are my children?


Its a new story. Aaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!

Enjoy =)

- Ember

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