Chapter 11

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Karma POV

Nagisa got out of the hospital about a week later. She was right. The principal put her and Yu into E-Class when he found out the two were assassins but Karasuma said they wouldn't be coming back until after the court case.

That was today.

Korosensei, Karasuma, and Bitchsensei got the principal to agree to have a day off of class so that we could support them today in court.

It wasn't hard since the principal could care less what we do as long as we kill the octopus and set a bad example so the main campus doesn't slack off.

When we got to the courthouse Nagisa was holding a young girl who was sleeping on her shoulder.

"I thought I told you not to come," Nagisa states.

"You expected us to listen?"

Nagisa thinks for a second then shakes her head, "No, I didn't."

"Has she still not let go of you?" Karasuma asks.

"Of course she hasn't. We've tried."

"She is six. It can't be that hard," Irina mumbles.

"I'd like to see you try," Nagisa replies.

"Conny isn't letting go anytime soon," Yu adds, "She almost kicked Nishiki in the balls when he tried prying her off."

"I'm still very upset she didn't land that hit," Nagisa mutters.

"I'm not!" A young man adds, walking towards our group. He was definitely older than us but he was no older that 25.

"Shut up no one cares what you think."

"Whos that?" I ask.

"Nishiki. My oldest sibling. The Oldest out of 34 is lucky as hell yet that seems to be the only luck he has considering I've seen four-year-olds able to take him," Nagisa responds.

"I've seen a dead raccoon almost take him out," Yu mumbles.

"That was a fully alive but unconscious squirrel that Ray threw at him and somehow neither of them got rabies."

A few minutes later a guard announced that the trial was starting soon and I could feel anxiety levels rising.

"Hey it will be okay," I tell them.

"Easy for you to say," Nagisa mumbles, "The judge hates me."

"Why?" Rio asks.

"She broke his son's leg," Yu adds.

"Self defense," She states, "He injured me first and way worse than I hurt him."

"What did he do?" Kayano asks.

Nagisa moved her bangs that were always hiding her left eye. She had a large scar over her eyelid that looked like it had been there a while. Her eyeball had a choppy vertical line through the center of it and around it was a dull gray. The rims of her iris were a pale blue fading from the gray.

"She's been blind in that eye since she was seven," One of Nagisas older brother states.

"Wait the judge is holding a grudge about something that happened eight years ago?" I question.

Nagisa nods like it's the most normal and obvious thing in the world as she puts her bangs back over her eye, "To be fair I fucked up his son's leg pretty bad."

"At least he was able to heal over time. It's not like you paralyzed him for the rest of his life," The same older brother mumbles, "You know. Like how he blinded you for the rest of your life."

"Says the guy who tried to kill him in the hospital after he found out what happened," Nagisa mumbles, "Lay off of him Sadou he didn't know better. Also, it's time to go in."


All of the kidnappers got 50 years for kidnapping, stalking, and attempted murder. Nagisa and her family were surprised that the trial went well but they obviously weren't complaining.

"Hey Nagisa, why did you all hardly talk about what happened? They could have gotten or worse sentence," I asked.

"I hardly wanted to talk about what happened to my parents alone. You expect me to talk about it in front of strangers, the press, and my friends?"

"No, I guess not."

"Besides, if I did and they got a higher sentence like life or death penalty I wouldn't be able to taunt them to show how much I improve my life without them," She states, "Got to be able to get payback by doing something that doesn't involve the legal system."

Nagisa POV

I didn't tell my parents what happened and there was no way we were going to let them find out in a courtroom.

Or anytime soon.

My older siblings and I decided that if anyone was to find out about how we've changed physically then it wouldn't be through us telling them. It would be through them walking in at the wrong time or one of us going crazy.

We weren't going back to another lab. Never again.

Nobody has to know.

With the way my life is we take some secrets to the grave. This is one of them.


This chapter SUCKS but I was running out of time so uh... at least it's done ig.

This story is over but if you want I can write an occasional omeshot for this story. If thats something you're interested in then just me know the only one who interacts with this story.

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