Chapter 8

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Nagisa POV

Without realizing it, Karma and I were there all night as I tried to get Ritzu back. Yu left around three in the morning so he could get coffee and uniforms for us today seeing as I had no intention of leaving until I had to. I didn't realize it until the class started coming into the classroom along with my aunt and uncle. 

"Nagisa what are you doing here?" Irina asks. 

"Trying to get my fucking server back," I mutter. 

"Wait what do you mean your server?" Nakamura asks. 

I sigh loudly before Karma cuts in, "Nagisa made Ritzu. Ritzu was hacked and Nagisa can't get back in."

"Changing the subject," I state gesturing towards the octopus, "How have you not killed that thing yet. He's a baby."

"Oh like you could do much better Nagisa," Kayano mutters. 

"You should have been here last night," Karma states, "She had the perfect opportunity too but didn't want to take it from us."

"She scares me," The octopus mumbles. 

"Karma should have taken his chance. I'm not giving it to him again."

"But Nagi~"

I held up a small knife towards his eye, "Stop it."

I stand up and close my laptop. I wasn't getting her back today anyway. 

"Don't talk about anything except classwork and killing the octopus around Ritzu. Don't bring your phones with you when you do either. I have no clue who hacked Ritzu or what they want to gain from doing so. I got to go," I state. 

"Nagisa your parents are coming by today," My uncle tells me. 

I pause for a second before leaving the room, "...Tell them I said hi."

He grabs my wrist, "Why don't you tell them yourself?"

"I can't risk putting them in more danger than they are already in. I also don't know what Ritzu is going to do if she sees me right now and she should power on soon. I'll see you later," I mutter. 

As if on cue, Ritzu starts powering on and I leave the building and meet Yu at the bottom of the mountain, a few tears threatening to fall from my face.

"Did you get h-,"



I went back to the lab after school. I had to or I would risk getting in more trouble. I've been late and sneaking out or just completely gone the past few days so the scientists are already pissed off with me.

I also wanted to see if they were the ones who hacked into my system. 

"Nagisa, Yu, where have you been!?" Yukio asks. He seemed angry, "I thought you two got hurt!"

"Well, I didn't so you can stop trying to play the role of scared parent," I hiss. 

"After you tell me what you were doing!" 

"I was trying to get something that was taken from me. I didn't."

"And what is this thing?"


"You're unhackable computer system?"

"She's more than just a computer system Yukio. And I have no clue who got into my system or how they did it," I state, "And I have no clue if I can get her back."

"Why are you so upset about this? I get she was important but you never worried about her this much until now," He asks, pulling me into a hug. 

"She helped me see mom and dad." 

Karma POV

"Hey Karma, what exactly did Nagisa do to the octopus last night?" Nakamura asks, "He seems on edge from it still and she left hours ago."

"She cut off a few of his arms along with all his legs. They didn't grow back for about half an hour and he couldn't really move that whole time," I explain, "He threw a fit over it."

"Wish I could have seen it," She mutters. 

"Wish I recorded it so I could see it again."

"Nagisa was here?" Mr. Yoshimura asks when he walks into the room. 

"Yeah," Karasuma responds, "I told her to stay but she said she couldn't."

"Oh..." Mrs. Yoshimura mumbles. 

"You have a very talented daughter Mr. and Mrs. Yoshimura," Korosensei states, bowing as much as his slimy body would let him. 

"If only we got to see her again," Mr. Yoshimura mumbles. 

"You will sir," I reply, no doubt in my mind, "But we shouldn't talk about this here."

"Why not?" Mrs. Yoshimura asks.

"Ritzu was hacked. And Nagisa couldn't get her back."


Aha I feel like imma throw up ✌🏼😅

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