Chapter 1

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Karasuma POV

A few weeks after they went missing without a trace they were announced missing in action and dead. My brother and sister-in-law didn't take it well obviously. Their oldest kids were missing and probably dead. 

After that incident, the office closed the teen regiment so my family could no longer move forward with our family traditions. 

But that was the last thing anyone was upset about. 18 smart, strong, loving, children and young adults were missing. 

And they have been for two years. 

No one has moved on, but no one talks about it either. 

I was recently put on an assignment that included teenagers' assistance. Today was my first day on it. I have no clue if I'll be able to handle it. 

And they will all be able to tell that I can't. 

Nagisa POV

I was messing with the locket I had around my neck. It was the only thing I still had from my life before this stupid lab. Everyone in my family had one. 

I probably should have been eating but I couldn't make myself do it. I felt sick and I honestly just wanted to go back to bed. 

"Nagisa you need to eat," Rin told me. 

"Not hungry."

"You haven't eaten in three days," Yukio adds, "There's no way you aren't hungry." 

"I eat at school," I mumble. 

"No, you don't."

"Shut up Yu."

"Nagisa you need to eat," Ayato states. 

"Maybe later," I whisper, "I'm going back to bed. I have school in the morning."

"Nagisa," Rize says quietly, "We're all upset over everything but you can't continue to close yourself off like this."

"I told her we would be okay," I cry, "She thinks we're dead. Everyone does. I looked it up."

"It's been two years. I would think we were dead too. It isn't like us to disappear like that," Touka mumbles. 

"We never got to meet Eto," I mutter, "She should be about two now right? We should have been there."

"We will get to meet her Nagisa," Sayaka states. 

"Not like this we won't," I state, walking back to my room. It's not really a room but calling it that makes it seem like we aren't being held captive as test experiments. 

Hopefully, I wake up from this nightmare soon. 

Karasuma POV

I got to the small school building atop the hill early by accident. Really early. It was an hour before anyone else showed up and another hour before the students got here and the school day started. 

No one said anything to me about how I acted, but I did see them talking to Irina while looking at me so they were asking about my actions. 

I don't know if Irina told them the reason I'm like this or not. I know she knows why. She knew them too and would now be their aunt since we got married last year. 

She must have told them about what happened because the next day when I walked into the classroom they were all waiting quietly. 

"What's this about?" I ask. 

"Is it true your nieces and nephews went missing two years ago?" Nakamura questions. 

"Yes, why?"

"And they were the teen department of assassins that made the news?" Kayano adds. 

"Yes," I mutter, "What's this about? I'd rather not talk about it."

"Well, After your wife told us about that we looked into it," Isogai starts. 

"And we found pictures," Sugino adds. 

Karma pulls up a picture on his phone and points at the pictures of Nagisa and Yu, "She is in A-class, he's in B."

"They're not dead sir," Hayami states, "And we see them at the assembly tomorrow."

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