Chapter 7

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Karma POV

Nagisa, Yu, and I were at the coffee shop with Nagisa trying to get her server back almost that entire day. Around 6 she passed out from what Yu and I assume was a mix of not having coffee the past two hours before that and her lack of eating.

She didn't get back into her system.

Sunday night I snuck her and Yu into the old school building so she could try directly from Ritzus' body.

We were there for about an hour before Korosensei showed up.

"Ack! Intruders in my school!" He shouted.

I turned on the lights, "Sensei it's okay."

"For a giant octopus who could destroy the planet you're a coward," Nagisa mutters.

"How do you know about me?!?!"

"The principal's office is not a place to keep classified government files," Nagisa replies while holding out her hand, "I'm Nagisa. Nice to meet you."

"Karmas crush?"


"Karasumas niece?"

"Also yes."

Korosensei reaches out a tentacle and shakes Nagisas hand. That tentacle, along with all his legs, went flying off as Nagisa shook his tentacle and swung her leg at his feet.

"Holy shit," I muttered.

"How have you not killed him yet?" She asks.

"Anyway I want my server back so if you would go cry somewhere else," Nagisa stated, turning back towards Ritzu as Korosensei and I froze in shock.

That was better than my first attempt on his life, and she didn't even have any weapons against him. How did she do that?

"Stop being shocked and hand me that laptop please," Nagisa states.

"Am I allowed to ask how you did that?" I ask, handing her the laptop.

She smirks, "No."

Sensei nudges me with one of the tentacles that weren't blasted off. How have they not grown back? His face turned the same shade of pink as it did when bitch sensei was trying to seduce him and he looked back and forth between me and Nagisa who was yelling at Ritzus's body. I went to stab his tentacle with my green knife but he dodged it.

Nagisa takes the knife from me and cuts that tentacle off too without looking away from her laptop, "I can feel your eyes on me perv."

"Can you join eclass?" I mutter, "We could use your skills against this thing."

"And risk getting in more trouble by my captors than I already have. No thank you."

"What about when you get to go home?"

She sighs, "If that happens I'll let you know."

"What are you doing with Ritzu?" Sensei asks.

"You know, I didn't expect them to tell you about Ritzu but I wish they did," Nagisa sighs, "To sum it up, I made her. She was recently hacked and I got kicked out. I want my server back."

"She tried to kill me," Sensei mutters.

"She is a weapon of war. You're her target. That's her job."

"Fair. Can I get you anything to help?"

"How? You can't walk."


"Froze you're healing properties. You won't get them back for about five more minutes. Be glad I didn't take the glory of killing you from your students. Surprised Karma didn't."

"We aren't allowed to try to kill him outside of school hours."

"Wow look at Karma following rules. That's a first."

"Do you like it?" I question.

"It's weird for everyone to see. I'm not adding my personal thoughts," Nagisa mutters.

"Aw," I frown, "Nagi why?"

"Don't call me that."


She turns and glares at me without saying a word. Sensei's tentacles grew back but he was still frozen at the sight of this scene. She didn't blink. Not gonna lie this is terrifying, but there's no way in hell I was going to show her that. She huffed and turned back to her laptop.

"Nagisa have you eaten recently?" Sensei asked suddenly.

"Y-" Nagisa started.

"No, she has not," Yu cuts off.

"Thanks, Yu," Nagisa states sarcastically.

"You're welcome."

"I can get you something to e-," Sensei says.


"Karma your crush scares me," Korosensei mutters.

"I know isn't she great," I smile.


Basically a filler chapter but I wanted Nagisa to meet//attack Korosensei but I didn't know how to incorporate it into a major plot point soooo.

Also, I'm back to updating. Sorry that I didn't Wednesday and Friday last week but I was going through a breakup and needed some time to myself.

Before anyone asks: No I'm not upset, it was a mutual agreement, we're still friends, we broke up because shes straight

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