For Keeps (G.D)

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Summary: Jesse knows what she wants and isn't afraid to say it, or rather demand it. Grayson, who carries respect and dignity like a shield of armor, walks the line of being the vanilla boyfriend he always thought she'd want, or the guy that listens to the devil on his shoulder and embellishes on the fantasies that won't leave him alone every night. There is a first for everything, a time and place to try  something new — or someone new. There is a chance to set the fire in motion. He might just take it.

Word Count: 4.9k

Warning: Strong sexual content, giving head, fingering, spitting, explicit language

         There is a first for everything.
         The first time you ride a bike, the first time you try your favorite food, the first time you win an award, the first time you hear your favorite song, the first time you talk to the person you're meant to spend the rest of forever with, the first time you overcome your worst fear, the first time you read your favorite book, the first time you travel to a different country, the first time you have thoughts that should damn you for eternity and for some...there is even a first time for eating pussy.
           It's an embarrassment he'd never wanted anyone to discover let alone put to the test. Sure his friends had their time to talk about their extensive knowledge on female anatomy, but whenever the topic of him and Jesse doing anything outside the box he himself had placed them in, his lips were sealed. For one thing it wasn't their business, for two he's not entirely sure what he would say. He knew the time would come. He didn't view their relationship like a race and he knew Jesse didn't either. They'd been friends for too long and knew each other too well for him to base their relationship off of sex.
           Grayson keeps his eyes glued to his hands holding Jesse's hips tight -- unsure of what to do now that he's got her beneath him and wanting him to have his way with her. He knows what he wants, but doubts that he has the courage to pursue it within him. He'd watch her with careful eyes as she peeled off each article of clothing before pulling him close by his belt loop and on to the bed to kiss her rough busy day away. A picnic was nice, but his complete and undivided attention was better. Even if his eyes trailing up and down every part of her body made her nervous.

          He'd done plenty of things with his ex before Jesse, but none of those things had involved his lips and tongue anywhere beneath the waist. Not anything like he's inevitably about to do.
          "Cat caught your tongue?" Jesse had snickered minutes ago, a sly smirk lacing up her ruby red lips from so much kissing -- moment's before he'd gotten them both all hot and bothered. He couldn't help it when he was with her, his self control falters and he's drunk off her touch once again, swimming in a pool of despair he can't control. All he can think about is her. Wanting her. Needing her. Touching every single inch of her velvety skin. Wanting to do things to her. Wanting her to do things to him. Things he would blush at in the future.
            Jesse was a woman with desires he'd only dreamed of women having. She was shy at times but the devil danced in her bright eyes. Grayson knew she wanted things she'd never had the guts to say out loud and things she only wanted from him alone. It all made him a fierce kind of nervous, but gave him an electrified thrill. A challenge for him to explore the workings of her body and all the ways he can make her more satisfied than she's ever been. He didn't plan on letting her go anytime soon - and if he wanted to do her right, he had to go outside of his comfort zone for her.
             Knowing Jesse was more experienced did things to him that he couldn't begin to hide -- but more than anything it made him jealous of every set of hands that had ever touched her skin before his. It made him reckless and competitive, focused and haughty. He was better than them, he could be better than them.
              He could rapture her into a whirlwind of pleasure that would ruin her image of every man except him, wanting no one's mouth but his, daydream of no one's lips but his own, beg for no one else's touch, want no one else's hands but the ones holding her now. It wasn't about him, this wasn't about his pleasure for once, it was truly all about her.
              Pulling him back into the flames, he's burning up under her intense stare, waiting for him to do something, do anything. Anything but watch her long enough to find something less than stellar, less than grand, less than exceptional. With her fears unfolding she pulls him down for a kiss of her own, a soft feather of a thing he can feel all the way to his toes. She'd always been good at that, giving  him more to miss when she's away. The way she hugs him close is one of those things.
              Grayson fell hard into love—which wasn't particularly unusual for the hopeless romantic he was, but he always knew Jesse was set apart from the seasonal heartthrobs. He was truly bewitched by her creativity, wanderlust, unapologetic confidence, patience, and beauty.
               An enchantress she was, beautiful beyond anything he could ever deserve. Drop dead gorgeous with the personality to match, there wasn't a head that didn't turn when she walked into a room, not a man that didn't fumble over their words at any opportunity to talk to her, not a woman who didn't want to be her friend. Sure her beauty was undeniable, but her benevolent heart beat it all.
              He may never know why Jesse had leaned in to kiss him seven months ago save for three days in a hidden corner in Café Verona -- a quaint treasure he'd always hold dear to his heart. Fairy lights criss-crossed along the ceiling, soft Jazz waltzing with the beat of his heart, emerald green leather bench pressing into his thighs. But he's glad she did. He's glad she leaned in to kiss him when he'd been building up the nerve for weeks. So afraid to go there but more afraid of not knowing what would happen if he didn't. He's glad she took his chin in between her fingers to hold him still enough to feel her lips press to his securely, a warmth swarming in his chest where the heart shaped hole once was.
             If he flipped through the pages of his memory, he would remember a statue-like stillness about him before he sunk into her touch, caging her head in his large careful hands. Feeling the gasp she tried to hide, the smell of grapefruit shampoo and the way her flushed cheeks felt under his stroking thumbs. He would see himself fall into her, around her and through her, off the edge of the rocky cliff and into the dark blissful deep of nothing but her.
              He'd be eternally grateful she looked at him with utmost sincerity and whispered with a raw kind of intensity that he'd "driven her mad you see" -- and he'd heard it then, the brittleness of her voice because fear rattles her to the core, and she had been scared out of her mind. A crack that tracked through her careful confession and to the root of him. Jesse was scared of what he meant, what he was in terms of her heart, what he could be if she continued to kiss him the way she was.
               In that quiet moment he remembered what made her so deeply rooted in his heart: the laugh that rattled him, the soft smell of peaches and vanilla, the way she never drives without sunglasses because her mom who passed away much too early did the same, the dance she does when she finally eats the first bite of food after damn near breaking the world in half in hanger, the way she punches the roof of her car after making it through a yellow light because her best friend in high school did the same, the way she always turns her spoon upside down when eating ice cream, and the way she always has answers for everything no matter what topic, even the way she laughs entirely too hard at Family Feud.
              For that reason alone he waited for the physical parts to come when they may. It was new and exciting sure, and he'd always loved her heart of course, but her body was uncharted territory. He was patient, yes. A gentleman guarding some assumed virtue, even if he knew better than to think she was anything but a seductress. Patient enough to tell her no when she's had one too many drinks and not enough discipline. They'd been friends before anything else - the best of friends with a foundation of trust. He's spent years trying to gain that trust and he vowed to keep it.
             Of course he could have been that guy on many occasions: possessive, selfish, greedy and crude. He could have played his cards and dealt his dirty hand at the wrong moment and still pulled out ahead. I mean hell, how often do guys get out of the friend-zone? But he wasn't that guy. No matter the relationship status — they weren't ready.
           They hadn't been ready to cross that carefully drawn line in the sand, not until now. With the strawberry White Barn candle burning in the corner on the cluttered desk one could expect from a college student and a half full can of Arizona tea on the night stand...her face lit with a mystical kind of magic he'd only ever seen the day she leaned back after their first official kiss.
           "Hold my hair."
          Grayson found the words slipping off his tongue easier than they'd come all night. All he's planned on was a simple date in the park that was tucked away and secluded from all the people that could interrupt, he'd even brought her favorite book and laid back on a soft patch of grass to listen to her melodic voice read to him. He'd planned to come back and share a peck or two while watching a new episode of Daredevil and holding her through the night. She'd had a long day full of texts to him, trying to get him to give her the okay to walk out of her low-paying job and not look back. He never planned on laying her down on his bed and caressing every inch of her skin until he was finally delving into a place he'd never been quite like this.
            He was nervous but he could do anything, be anything with her hand in his hair and her kind eyes watching him defile her. He just knew from this moment on he would have a reputation to uphold, as cocky as it sounded. He had to prove he wasn't as lost as he felt. He felt like a virgin all over again, like he was doing something raw and real and scary. A secret only the wrinkled sheets would remind him of later.
            Her touch, her soothing him through something that frightened him has always been a crutch for him to lean on. When he got in a fight with his brother, she was there to comb through his hair and talk him through the proper apology, when he decided to change majors and had a breakdown so crippling he couldn't breathe she rocked him through it until his breath was even once again, when he wrecked his new car on the way home from a party he never should have been at she was right there to give him a kiss on the cheek and help him call the insurance company and his erratic mother who loved her like a daughter. She led him through the rough parts of life and then some.
            He never imagined she would be leading him through something so sensual, but he needed her bringing him back to earth all the same.
           Jesse obliged with a grin of her own, feeling him shuffle down to trail a string of kisses across her torso and down to the base of her need and desire. The fireball of want burned in her stomach, turning her rational thoughts brown and charred. He was good at that, making her need him fiercely. She'd never wanted anyone so much, and even if she thinks back to past flings - she'd never been satisfied like she was with Grayson, and they'd done much less.
            "What are you thinking?" Jesse wonders, distracted by his soft supple lips and his nibbling at her hip, but wanting to hear the inner workings of his brain. Her fingers fidget, wanting to push him by his brown mop of hair down lower - just to feel him at last. She needed this distraction, she just needed his help to forget. Not that she hadn't been waiting for months for this exact moment, there was just urgency in the way she's stripped herself bare before him.
             She almost expects him to wait for her direction, but jerks against him when he takes the lead all on his own. How could he not with her as his complete mercy, giving him the fuck me eyes and twisting a lock if hair around her finger?
            Grayson thinks on that as he trails his mouth down, down, down to slick his tongue up the base of her, smirking to himself when she wiggles against him. "I'm thinking that I like you this way."
           The contact was a shock to her nervous system and a promise of what was soon to come if she kept tempting him the way she was. She was a heathen with angel eyes. Someone infatuated with his innocence (at least he was more innocent than she) and curiosity to learn every curve and dip of her body. He made her feel powerful, unstoppable, undeniable. She craved it as much as he craved her own lips tracking across his skin - in the heat of the moment or in the still of the night.
            "Naked you mean?" She laughs then, trying to keep herself at least somewhat under control now that he's grown some balls and taken the first step. She's shocked momentarily that she didn't have to practically order him into touching her.
             She grips her breasts at another bold swipe of his tongue. Rolling her hardened nipples between her fingers and tensing at the sparks flying up her center. The feeling of him spreading her open, blowing against her throbbing clit is almost too much to bear. Jesse curses then, a soft "fuck" she tries to reel back before he gets too big of a head. She knows it fell on eager ears when he delivers another bold stripe of his tongue up her center -- slow and deliberate.
               "Unguarded," he finally grumbles, rubbing away the goosebumps that pepper her thighs. She thinks for a moment that she could gave turned off the ceiling fan circling over top of them, but feared she might burn up if it wasn't for the white blades blowing on her crown of hair going every which way on the pillow.
             She ignores how right he is - that she's never been this vulnerable with him before, but instead rolls her eyelids shut to feel him really delve into her - opening his mouth and pressing his tongue to her flat. This is just what she needed, her favorite person trying something new and succeeding at it.
            For someone that's never given head, he was pulling it off. He was going to ruin her.
          Glancing down at the yellow glow of the lamp illuminating the right side of his face, Jesse curled her fingers into his plush head of hair once again, somewhere between heaven and hell with no real knowledge of the difference.
          She moans at his lips wrapping around her, the suction to her lower region and the way his thumbs dig into her skin to hold her in place. No running this time, she had no choice but to feel it all. This is what she wanted right?
          "This feel okay?" he teases, tentatively trailing the tip of his tongue around the place she wanted most. He loved to see her eyes alight with that devilish incomprehensible lust. He was truly winging it, doing anything he'd heard from friends or watched himself late at night, anything to further her soft pants and moans tumbling out of her O shaped mouth. She was too good to be true and felt like one lucky bastard.
           Nodding down to him she groans, wanting him latched to her. "M-more than okay just keep going."
           He never knew it could feel so pleasurable to be the giver and not the receiver nine times out of ten. He didn't know how selfish he'd been and the opportunities he'd missed to feel compliant and...obedient. He liked it. He loved it. He loved the position he was in - her looking down at him like the goddess she was and always had been, him crouching down at the end of the bed to devour her in the best way he could, his hair disheveled, eyes dark with hunger, hands gripping her tight.
            He lets instinct take the wheel, peppering kisses to her clit and bringing his own  hand down to slip in a finger to add extra stimulation - pleased when Jesse releases another string of curses. Fowl language huh? Wonder what she'd do if he stopped-
             "You're such a dick-" she tugs at his roots, rolling her hips into his mouth that savors  her now, lips slick with her wetness. She tasted good, he'd concluded. It wasn't anything like what he imagined it would be, no, it was better. It felt better than all of the horror stories he'd made up in his head. He's sure if he wanted to - he could stay right down between her legs for hours -- until his lips were sore and his tongue tired. Stopping wasn't an option. Not when she's been waiting so long, fantasized too often. She huffs out again "Thought you've never done this before."
             That must be a good sign, right?
             "Never," he slurps at her, shaking his head and groaning into her core. He felt the slickness of her on his cheeks now. Bowing down to eat her out was harder than it looked, especially with back problems as it was.
             Focused and drunk on Jesse's gentle hip thrust into his mouth he hugs her thighs and stands upright, just off the edge of the bed, bringing her lower half up in the air with him. He can feel her trembling now, wide eyes gleaming at him with surprise and delight at the new and better position.
             She was losing it. She'd had him compliant at first, her soft-hearted boyfriend trying something new...but damn he was tugging the ropes from between her fingers and leading her to a path less traveled. Quick learner he was.
             "Grayson put me down! Have you lost your mind?" Jesse squealed, grinning at his closed eyes and moving lips, deaf to her antics. She was expected something quick, maybe even simple, but him switching up positions was not in the game plan as great as it was.
              She could see it now, the guy that was always hiding just beneath the surface. She could see how her sounds urged him on and made him try harder. She could see his arms shaking from the weight of her legs and the effort it took to hold her pussy as close to him as he could. She could feel the heavy breath fanning out across her pelvis from his nose. She could feel the tickle of his hair dangling down and whispering across the skin of her stomach. She could feel that same ball of fire seated in her stomach slip lower and lower with each passing second - until the words that fell out of her mouth were nothing but strings of profanity would make a sinner blush.
               It was going to sear her in half, that fucking ball of fire. Hot lava stirring up a flood she couldn't stop. It was splitting her in half just as his digits were now, pumping into her hard and fast, curling at his knuckles. His rings gleam from the yellow lamp-light and shock her when they touch her dewy skin. She had lost all sense of control.
               Hearing his own moans, hearing how desperate he was to keep eating her pussy and make her feel better than anyone had, got her inching towards the edge. It was a low kind of growl itching at his throat.
               The taste of her blurred his senses, the soft smell of her making his mind spin out of control, the tightening walls of her cunt around his fingers fucking her fast, the light sheen of sweat that glowed in the dim light of his room - he was a madman with no direction but forward. He had to keep going, for stopping would surely break them both. He would love to tease her, but knew if he stopped one more time she would kill him in a heartbeat.
            "Open your fucking eyes and watch me." He barked down to her, stopping only for a moment to glare at her. His fingers continued their fast paced in and out, in and out, in and out.
            He'd figured if he was going to take it all the way, he needed to pull every string. Needed to pull out the nasty daydreams and make them a reality. This is something he would have for keeps. Something he'd want to do over and over, something he couldn't wait to do again. Something he'd want to remember.
             Peeling her eyes open she sobbed at the sight of him spitting into her pussy with a smile, staring at her darkly. Light eyes blacked into pits he ruined her through and through. He had to be lying, he just had to be.
           "Fast learner," Grayson sneers, leaning forward to smear his saliva around her slick folds, arms circling her midsection to hold her close again.
          " Fuckfuckfuckfuck- keep fu- keep going!" Jesse begs, barely holding on to the light threatening to slip away into the fire burning her up. "Doing so good Gray, so fucking good."
            She had discovered soon in the relationship and the minimal sexual acts they'd indulged in that Grayson was a man that adored praise. He wanted someone to tell him how good he was doing, even if he already knew it. He wanted someone to look him in the eyes just as she was doing now and watch him succeed. He wanted complete undivided attention, verbal acknowledgment.
            He sucked at her still, sliding his tongue into her quickly then — remembering someone in a poorly shot amateur porn video did the same to the tatted up blonde he was practically fucking to death, and hoped it would have the same effect on his beautiful princess begging for him to keep going. He kept note while he watched the video, knowing one day he would be standing where he is now relishing in the gold mine that belonged to him. He fucker her with his tongue, humming into her cunt for the added stimulation.
               Fuck all she was the end of him. "Pretty pussy all wet for me, yeah? Want to cum? Bet you doubt me huh? Thought I wouldn't do you right..."
              He chucked at the vigorous nodding of her head, the eyes rolling in the back of her head, the hand that leaves his hip to pull at her own hair. Her eyes squeezing shut in panic now that she feels the tip of the iceberg coming up fast.
             "Don't even know how crazy you drive me, how long I've wanted to do this to you."
              Hearing him admit it only made her thighs quiver against his strong arms, only made her want more, made her creep dangerously close to the edge she was for once in her life afraid to fall off of. The crash into the sea would be the biggest shock she's ever had. Jesse tried to focus on her breathing, trading the heaving for squealing when he dipped his tongue in her entrance to give her something to fantasize about. She'd never had someone tongue fuck her, let alone stair into her soul while they did it.
              Fuck he was good. Too fucking good.
           "Baby you have t-to slow down," she warns, the big splash terrifying and so close. He was a wicked man for doing just the opposite, spreading her legs wider and shaking his head against her again, eyes squeezed shut like he knew what would happen in only a few seconds.
              "Grayson step back," she tried to warn more firmly, afraid of the unfamiliar feeling of something new about to happen, embarrassed already but too worked up to stop it. "Shit - Grayson step back!"
               And there it was, the strongest orgasm she'd ever had and certainly the wettest. Her release soaked the bed beneath, sheets spotted with her arousal and breath stolen from her lungs. She's not sure when Grayson had dropped her, or whether her convulsing body wiggled out of his grasp during the black out she'd just had. She was spread on the bed in her own mess, her chest flushed, damp hair stuck to her forehead in waves, vision blurred, eyelids drooping in exhaustion, hand somehow in Graysons.
               He's there then. He's everywhere and nowhere all at once, his hand a ghost on her forehead brushing away those tendrils of hair, his thumb rubbing over her knuckles with tender care, his lips smoothing the furrow of her brows. Grayson is lifting her without a word, caging her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck, and smoothing her head against his chest to feel the weight of her there - just to feel the heat of her consume him.
             "Holy fuck," she breathes, spent.
             "I hope it wasn't too much," he whispers into her hair, hand smoothing over the locks while rocking her around the room, mind racing with every image of what he'd just done and the feeling of complete bliss flooding his body.
              He's almost worried she fell asleep in his arms until he feels the shaking he can only assume is laughter, before she's hugging him tighter. "Idiot. I can't believe you've never done that. And I can't believe I'm this tired. Feel like a rookie."
              "Guess I passed the test then?"
               "Flying colors."
                Jesse nuzzles in as far as she can, tucking in her arms against his chest and letting the state of Nirvana wash over her. With a sigh Jesse thinks over the shocking events of her boyfriend being 100% nastier than she'd initially thought — not that she's complaining.
                She barely remembers Grayson running a bath, or setting her in the steaming tub with a kiss, or waiting for him to strip the bed with a giddiness sitting in his chest at all that they'd done, barely remembers him joining her in the tub and catching soap in the calm of his hand to smith the suds over her post-sex body. That's the only way she would describe herself in the moment, her skin felt sensitive to the touch, sparks still shooting through her with the feeling of his hands on her.
              What Jesse does remember is laying with Grayson in a bed freshly made, arm draped over his stomach, head resting against his arm, lips peppering kisses against his chest randomly through-out the night. She remembers the feeling of adoration and understanding. What they'd done was both the most foul thing she'd ever done, but also the most liberating and beautiful experience. To lose yourself in another person in such a way that you're utterly consumed by them was...foreign to the pair laying together in the still of the night.
               Jesse waited until Grayson was softly snoring until she said the only thing she'd never had the guts to tell him in the months they'd been dating. He'd been waiting on it patiently. It was different between friends, but it meant so much more when you don't want to say it to anyone else for the rest of your life. The moment she says it, she can't ever take it back. Maybe that's why she chooses the early hours of the morning to lean in and press her lips against his feather soft, blinking back the mist clouding her vision.
              "Don't know if you could tell...but I'm kind of in love with just be patient with me please I'm trying for you."
              Maybe she would get the guts one day to say the words while he's awake, maybe face to face or with the lights off because she has some kind of comfort in the dark, or maybe it would slip out by accident. In any way that it happens, she hopes he will smile. She hopes he will be comforted that his feelings are 100% reciprocated. She hopes that he knows how insanely incandescently happy he makes her each and every day, and how honored she feels that she got to experience another first with him. She hopes that she gets to see that beautiful  smile he wears on special occasions -- the true smile that he doesn't show too often. For now she presses her lips to his once again, smiling softly as the slow ride and fall of his chest, arm holding her close, the ring she won him out of a shitty machine in the corner of a tattoo shop he'd stopped into on a whim secured on a thin chain around his neck, and the fluttering of his eyelashes while he dreamed.

Authors thoughts: Okay I'm dropping this just to tell you that I am way more active on tumblr @vinylhazza if you want to check out any of my stuff there. I have a fic list posted and it has everything I have written for the twins. You can also navigate the concepts on my page as well with the hashtags I leave. Thank you for everyone reading!

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