Banana Fever (E.D) 💦

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Summary: a story in which y/n and Ethan are dating and he cant seem to keep his eyes off her lips that wrap around her banana so sweetly

Word Count: 6.4k

Warning: smut

It was a quiet day, which was unusual for them. Calm didn't exist in the Dolan house. The normal was the obnoxious sound of Grayson building something ridiculous, Ethan playing Fortnite, screaming at his computer, Ethan singing horribly to a song coming from a speaker in the house. Maybe even the sound of their loud wheezing laughter and her teasing them about their obsession with avocado toast. But today - the house was near silent. The only sound to be heard being Ethans light snores coming from the bedroom and Graysons survival video in his bedroom.

She had to have known what she was doing, sitting there eating the banana like she was praising it, letting it run against her smooth tongue much like she does her boyfriends cock. She had to know what would happen if she was caught doing such a simple - yet dirty looking action. How could eating a fruit look so sensual? How could she make it look so dirty?

She had wandered into the kitchen after leaving Ethan to rest some more in the bedroom, fluffing his locks away from his eyes and leaving a feather of a kiss against his slightly puffy cheekbone. The smile that rose to her face could only be caused by her sweet man, deep in his dreams, far away from this world. She kept that dreamy smile plastered on her face, feet pattering lightly across the cold hardwood floor as she trotted into the kitchen and rubbed her tired eyes to rid the sleepiness away. Her hunger is monstrous in the morning - normally causing a chuckle and a tease from Ethan over how much she can actually eat when the day has only just begun. She always rebuttals with a cock of the eyebrow and a sassy sentence starting with "normal people...", a grin plastered on her face, making his cheeks blush having judged her when he only ate avocado toast.

She hopped neatly onto the kitchen counter, feet crossing over each other, thinking of a way to entertain herself in some way until her boyfriend woke up to finally squash her boredom.

She let her mind wander for a moment, to her sleepy boy, and the way she wanted to wake him up in her own mischievous way: a good cock sucking, but she sadly resisted - not entirely sure he would want to be woken up in that way.

They were new to the sexual part of their relationship, not that it wasnt amazing already. But when it came to their secret kinks? Well, lets just say they have still kept those under wraps until either one of them is ready. Until today of course. She was not expected the events that were about to happen on this quiet Monday morning.

She thought about last night and how amazing their night had been with Ethans large hands wandering all over the expanse of her body down down down to her most sacred part and back up. She thought of his brown eyes and the way that they watched her hungrily as if he never wanted to stop touching her - stop tasting her, stop driving her mad with desire.

She was exhausted to say the least but she refused to sleep the whole day and miss the bright sun of LA washing through the curtains to touch her skin, warm and refreshing. Being cooped up with Ethan was lovely and all, but he sleeps so late that she misses the beautiful sunrise that she'd admired since childhood - being an early riser herself. Only Grayson can appreciate her company in the early morning hours.

She lets a puff of air go from her lips when she spots the ripe yellow bananas resting in a glass fruit bowl behind her on the counter, not noticing them before but utterly glad that they are there because she was starving, her stomach grumbling only to remind her mere seconds later. She grabbed one in her dainty hand, noticing how large it was and started to peel, eager to fill her empty tummy.

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