A Helping Hand (E.D) 💦

83.1K 310 99

Summary: He wants her, she wants him, but neither are willing to make the first move...that is until y/n stumbles upon Ethan pleasuring himself and screaming her name, who's gonna be the first to break?

Word Count: 10.1k

Warning: smut, some fluff

Ethan knew she was watching, his beautiful best friend, tucked behind the doorframe so quiet and innocent, listening to his desperate throaty moans of her name roll so sweet off of his tongue and into the dim yellow light of his bedroom. His hand wrapped tight around his hard cock - jerking off hungrily, and of course she was already dripping through her swim bottoms, arousal threatening to run down her legs.

She's a shivering horny mess against the cool wooden frame. He was dead drunk on the the thought of her body and thriving on the fact that she hadn't walked away yet.

After a long hot day of watching his best friend y/n lounging in the pool in her tiny red bikini, long hair floating like a halo in the water, breasts somehow perkier than ever, nipples hard, water droplets sitting pretty against her golden tanned skin, he couldn't take it any longer. He continued to stare while her lips continued to wrap around a red straw even as she felt his burning sultry gaze, sucking up sweet peach tea that Grayson had made minutes prior to taking a dip into their pool. It was mind blowing how bad she got to Ethan. It was mind blowing how hard she got him with a simple glance.

He'd seen her damn near naked so many times and they had effected him, yes, but not like today. Today was different. He had to have her even if he only let himself have her in his mind. He used to be able to control himself better, but he can feel his self control dwindling fast on days like today when she looked so good under the golden LA sunlight, water dripping off her angelic body. The very thought makes him throw his head back with a grunt, head hitting the mattress with force.

They had gotten out of their pool after countless hours of stolen glances from both parties (Ethan's being more direct, her's being more shy and discrete). The sun had started to sink below the horizon - a mixture of blazing reds and oranges cast across their blushing cheeks making Grayson internally gag by the sexual tension floating around them: utterly impossible to ignore and very uncomfortable for the younger twin.

Grayson had gotten used to seeing the teasing stares, tender yet longing touches, and wandering lust-filled eyes, but that didn't necessarily mean he enjoyed it. Today he settled for a subtle gesture - elbowing Ethan when he was caught staring at her stretched out body for too long. Grayson wasn't stupid. He knew that his twin and their best friend were bound to be together and bound to inevitably fuck. And the look on Ethan's face said it all. The fucking bikini only hid so much from his preying eyes. But the nudge was just enough to snap him out of his trance for about three seconds before he caught her rolling over to ensure she could get an even tan on both sides. He stared for a good 15 minutes more before she decided it was far too hot to remain in the direct sunlight. But then he saw the water running off of her sun kissed body, rising up from the pool by the stairs in a wet sexy mess, that had done it for him.

Ethan had made up a lame excuse that he was tired and needed a nap, ignoring the dabbing of her towel across her body - avoiding all eye contact and walking briskly into the house and to his bedroom, leaving Grayson and y/n to do what they will until he was finished busting a load to the thought of the sinfully naughty things he would do to her if she'd let him.

He had "forgotten" to close the door, far too desperate to get rid of him embarrassing situation to remember the simple task. But he was glad he didn't now. He enjoyed her preying eyes far too much to want to go back and fix his blessing in disguise. The universe had a funny way of making things happen.

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