A Sub Kind Of Night (E.D)

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ask: sub!ethan. that's all. that's the ask.
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stay with me. sub ethan is bluffing. he's always been in control. always been the one calling the shots. and he likes it that way. likes to see you shaking underneath him and seeing his massive length plunge into your wetness and you not being able to stop him. loves seeing you wrists tied up, arms above your head, desperately begging for more. he lives for that shit. but when you mention wanting to be the one holding the reigns sometime he gives you a low chuckle. it had hurt your feelings at first, his eyes squinted shut with this mocking smirk on his face. he was mocking you. literally laughing at the fact that you even asked him such a question.

"yeah we'll see...maybe. if you can convince me. but don't think this is gonna be a normal thing. you know who the boss is," he pats your leg with a large hand, belittling you. bluffing. the bitch was bluffing. afraid of losing control when he's always had it. he'd never been in the hot seat and he wasn't sure he would be able to handle not being able to put his hands on you when and how he wanted. so his result was hurting your feelings like a dick, something he apologized for later. but you remembered. because it was so out of character for him to be rude to you of all people. but you could see it was just a crack in his shallow little box of masculinity. he didn't wanna lose control. well. you were gonna show him just how fun not having control can be.

so you wait in the living room for ethan to come home from filming all day with gray. you're sitting on the couch, wrapped up in one of ethan's t-shirt's, so big on you it drops to the middle of your thighs and comes down all the way to your elbow. it made you feel happy to have his smell always wafting around you when you walked through the house, the spandex underneath making it appropriate enough to wear in front of grayson.

you know this is the moment to finally show him what he's missing because he's normally so tired and irritated when he comes home from filming that he just wants to snuggle and be held and rant for a bit. it's a lazy day after filming. he likes his lazy days too. but not tonight. you know he's not gonna have that normal eagerness to flip you over and ram into you for hours on end. you figured you would take care of him in a different way for a change. just sit him down and go crazy, pull out all the cards and lay them on the table.

you even went as far as to go lingerie shopping with your best friend.

you sent gray a short text earlier asking him to busy himself for a little bit - knowing he would understand that he wouldn't wanna be here for what you had planned. maybe your text would give him a hint that the surprise you planned wasn't one he was invited to. he told you not to worry, he was going to take some pictures and go to his surfing lesson with a friend anyway, excited to have some more practice and not have ethan nagging him in his ear. it was more relaxing because he knew he wouldn't be teased if he messed up.

when you see his reply, a smile broke out on your face. relief washed over you in a wave that this might be your shot to prove to ethan not having control can sometimes be the best thing. you know they had taken separate cars but thought maybe it was for a video idea, not that gray already had plans. you were thankful. you then flick to ethan's name "bubba ❤️" in your phone.

you: hey bubba when you gonna be home?

bubba❤️: 30 minutes tops baby, it went a little longer than we thought but I promise we'll get to watch that movie when I get there. And I'll stay awake this time.

you: you better, see you in a bit. be careful. love you.

bubba ❤️: Love you too

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