Walk Away (G.D)

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Summary: Graysons lack of communication causes him to fix an unsettling feeling within y/n he hadn't even realized he'd caused.

Warning: angst, slight smut

Word Count: 1.5k

To say y/n was in the middle of a full blown panic attack would be the understatement of the century. She looks at Grayson standing by the door of his dimly lit bedroom, only light being his desktop and the lamp beside his bed. Her hands twisting anxiously at the cozy material of his oversized shirt that rests against her thighs, mind racing with doubt and confusion.

She had been waiting for him to join her in bed but she had a feeling that wasn't gonna happen. She had no idea what was going on but all she could seem to focus on was the sound of his hard footsteps walking away from her and she couldn't bear it. She couldn't see him walk away from her.

"See, I knew you'd walk away," y/n whispers, tears rolling down her heated cheeks, heart thumping loudly in her ears, her pulse racing so hard she can feel it in her wrists.

"I am taking a breather because i don't want to say something I will regret y/n, I would never walk away from you and you should know that, I'm just stressed that's all" Grayson calmly responds, quickly stepping back to her and shushing her worries all while wiping her tears across his girls heated wet cheeks, leaning in to kiss her eyelids with a feathery touch.

"But that's the thing, maybe you should. If I cause you this much stress maybe you should get rid of me," she blubbers, her own insecurities coming out of the closet. She's trembling in front of him - so tired of the way he's been acting lately and so insecure that she looks so weak - especially when she's always been so strong. She knows she's overthinking but she just can't seem to stop, needing him to tell her she's wrong. She's grabbing at his wrists with her shaky hands, keeping his hands attached to her face. Keeping him close to her.

"You don't ever have to worry about that with me. You're stuck with me I'm afraid baby...you drive me up the wall but I wouldn't have it any other way. This isn't about anything you did. It's you and me peaches. I'm here and I'm staying," Grayson mutters, his lips ghosting over her plump ones, his long eyelashes fluttering against her cheekbones, reminding her that this is the feeling she wants for the rest of her life - to be so totally crazy over him that she can feel the sparks running from her lips all the way to her toes.

His breathing was labored and harsh in her ear. They never fought and this is one of their few "fights" they've had. Normally is was petty things and they would laugh it off and move on within minutes - that's just how they were. But this was different. Something was getting lost in translation and they needed to fix it. He was panicking inside because he genuinely had no idea why she was reacting the way that she was over him being a little more quiet from everyone - not realizing it had been a big fear of hers all along. She wasn't clingy, but she did need reassurance every now and then because of all of the shit that her dick of an ex put her through - Grayson being the one to hug her through her heartbreak. Grayson had always been there for her and when he finally admitted his feelings, he was overjoyed to find out she'd always felt the same. She was searching for him in everyone else. It had always been him and she was positive it always would be. It slipped his mind that maybe he'd made her feel to blame and he felt horrible for being so forgetful of y/n's own feelings.

Grayson had gotten frustrated today with seemingly no cause, stressed over editing and Ethan and everything that life was throwing at him that he suddenly forgot who he was talking to and needed to get his anger out - y/n accidentally being the target.

Words of "I need to get out of here" with no explanation were being harshly thrown in her face as he'd pushed the chair back with a bang and started walking to the door, just wanting to get in the car and drive until this heavy pressure was out of his chest and gone. She took it as "I need to get away from you." He was brushing past her as her eyes welled up with tears. Her confusion was eating her alive, making her chest tight as she whispered the words with so much pain he had to stop dead in his tracks and turn to her with confused eyes.

He had been distant recently and she was starting to feel like maybe he didn't want her anymore, but their 7 month relationship had been going so well and she was so in love she couldn't breathe. She just didn't understand what changed.

But there was always that doubt. Always the insecurity of him walking away like the others, of him being too good for her, of him finally waking up and realizing that he didn't want her anymore. And these were the actions she dreaded and feared for so long and it finally got the best of her. She couldn't take him ignoring her and shutting her out. She had to admit it felt like a breath of cool fresh air hearing him say that she was totally wrong. She'd never been so happy to be wrong in her life.

"You've just been so distant and weird lately that I thought I don't know...maybe you finally realized that I'm not as great as you thought," she muttered quietly, embarrassed about her assumptions.

"Sweetheart I didn't mean to make you feel that way. It's not you I'm stressed about and I should have let you know that, but remember I'm only human" he reaches forward to pull her close against his broad chest, smoothing his large hand up and down her back, heart fluttering when she peppered kisses across his collarbone. The relief they felt was unlike any other.

"I guess I need to give you more credit, I just get insecure sometimes and I thought it was about me," she explained further, rocking side to side absentmindedly in Graysons arms. She's calmed by his rhythmic breathing.

"I guess better communication is what I need to work on," he smiles lightly, leaving a kiss on her forehead, glad that they are working this out and he is able to calm her down - suddenly realizing this is the most comfortable and relaxed he's felt in days and it feels good. He's missed her touch and her sent and just her. He feels like an idiot for shutting her out when she's actually the one that he's wanted to open up to and rant to the whole time - he just got overwhelmed with owning up to his feelings and decided to shut her out too. He's always had the bad habit, even with his own brother at times.

"Mhmm," she quips, slipping her fingers under his white shirt to gently scratch her nails up and down his toned back, making his dick twitch inside his pants. He's missed that too.

"Maybe I could make it up to you?" he questions suggestively, dipping his head to kiss up and down the side of her neck, his tongue darting out to lap at her slowly, wanting to get her worked up.

"Are you trying to seduce me Dolan?" she laughs lightly, shivering and scratching into his back harder, making him rock his growing bulge into her. He drinks in her perky breasts and the innocent tone in her voice.

"Is it working?" he smirks, continuing to pepper her pretty neck with kisses.

"No," she lies, wanting him to find out for himself how soaked he'd gotten her already, wanting him to work for it.

"Liar," he groaned loudly, reaching an eager hand down to slide his black shirt up above her hips and dip inside of her panties - slicking his fingers through her folds and around her quivering clit. His other hand rests against her hip, squeezing to cause crescent shaped indents in her skin, she emits a desperate moan.

"Fuck hurry up Gray," she whimpers, pushing his wrists harder against her drenched pussy, rubbing up and down while his thumb worked eagerly against her nub. She wasn't expecting this to happen, but she was over the moon that it was. She had craved his touch for days, almost tempting to fuck his attitude away, but she resisted because of her underlying feelings of hurt.

"Whatever you say mamas," he grins devilishly, pushing her back against the bed, her back bouncing a little watching his every move while he comes to finish what he started.

This was gonna be a long night.

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