Staten Island × Hong Kong

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  Hong Kong was tired.
  China had dragged her halfway across the planet just to go to a stupid meeting. And then New York had split! Not the English slang term. He had actually sperated into six people. One moment the state of New York was there, the next he grabbed his head, then the next there were six (rather nude) state-like humans standing there.
  China had brushed it off and decided to meet with the boroughs anyway. They were all technically the same person right?
  So China assigned her paperwork to keep her busy while they were discussing things. And she was tired and really really didn't want to do paper work.
  Hong Kong huffed at the form in front of her. She shouldn't have left her monocle behind. Her one bad eye was getting to her and causing a mega headache.
  The office was nice. The walls were a nice soft yellow color. It had a modest table with a couple of spinning chairs. She was sitting in one now. It had been fun for about thirty minutes.
  "Hey." A voice said.
  She practically jumped out of her seat, which rolled a bit.
  "Sorry. I didn' mean to scare you."
  Oh, it was one of the boroughs from earlier. "Hi. And it's okay."
  He smiled a bit then looked down. "Well they kicked me out. Was existin' too loud apparently."
  Hong Kong blinked. "Oh. Well you can do paper work with me if you want."
  "Okay." His accent sounded a bit different from the rest.
  He sat down beside her and pulled out a stack of papers from under his bulky trench coat.
  "What's your name?" Hong Kong asked.
  "Staten Island." Staten shrugged.
  "I don't remember a Staten Island borough." Hong Kong said, confused.
  She saw him deflate and felt her eyes widen. "I didn't mean that to be rude! I didn't even know New York had boroughs or could split until today! Please forgive me!"
  "N-no it's fine." Staten looked a bit uncomfortable.
  "Are you sure!"
  "Yeah ya didn' mean to."
  The silence was awkward. China always said that she talked too much. Maybe he was right.
  Staten sighed and stared at the papers. Then he swore. Loudly.
  He stood up. "I can't focus right now." He held out a pale hand and gave her a warm smile. "Let's blow this off and go do something fun."
  "Fun?" She asked. "Like what?"
  Staten looked at her. "What do you mean 'like what'? All the times you've come to New York you've never explored or anythin'? Done anythin' fun?"
  Hong Kong blinked. "No. It's always been business."
  The forgotten borough stared at her. "That's it. We're going. Now."
  She jumped up and ran after him. "Where are we going!"
  He grinned. "Somewhere cool!"
  They rounded the corner and Hong Kong couldn't keep from smiling.


  "I can't belive you've never had Olive Garden before."
  "Well we hardly ever stop for food." Hong Kong kicked a rock on the sidewalk. She was full from the Italian place they had just visited.
  "That sucks." Staten rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean, us Americans love food. We like to eat. Food is important,  we want to try everythin'!"
  Hong Kong smiled. "Well I like the American way."
  He smiled. "Yeah, me too."
  She bumped arms with him. "You should come to China sometime. You would like the food."
  The boroughs smile fell. "Yeah I doubt it. The going to China part."
  "Well let me smuggle you. I could use the company."
  He laughed at that and Hong Kong felt herself giggling too. Then something caught her eye.
  "Wow." She pressed herself up against the glass of the neon ice cream shop.
  "You wanna grab some sugar?"
  "What?" She blurted, checking to see if he had said what she had heard.
  "Want some ice cream and get jacked up on sugar?" Staten was digging through his wallet.
  "Uh, sure."
  Staten led her inside and she stared at the flickering lights in amazement.
  "What flavor?"
  "Vanilla please."
  She also got sprinklers and some carmel syrup on hers. Staten just got plain choclate.
  They got their ice cream and sat down in a booth, which was rather squishy. Hong Kong bounced in it. Staten chuckled.
  She only got more hyper after finishing her cone. Staten had to grab her hand to keep her from flying out of the booth. The contact sent a fuzzy feeling through her arm and she couldn't keep from giggling.
  When one of the workers told them they were closing and practically chased them outside, it was raining pretty hard.
  Staten swore again and tugged his coat close around him. They went to hurry back to the office but Hong Kong started to shiver.
  "Oh geeze, sorry Hong." Staten said through his chattering teeth. He pulled off his thick trench coat and held it over then as they ran through the freezing rain.
  She curled into his side and saw a flash of blue. She turned around and gasped.
  Two beautiful wings were perched on the island's back. They were azure and lapis and cobalt feathers with soft creamy undertones.
  She let out a squeal and moved to touch them. But as quick as the move do to her view they moved out of her view.
  Staten shoved his wings back, looking embarrassed.
  "Why didn't you tell me you had wings!" Hong Kong demanded. "They're so pretty!"
  The borough looked surprised. "You... like them?"
  She frowned. "I do."
  "Why?" He mumbled. "They're weird."
  "They are not." She folded her arms around her cold form. "Who told you that."
  He looked down. "Me. And my brothers."
  "Well you're all stupid." Hong Kong snapped. "I think they're amazing." She walked around him to get a better look.
  "Let's get inside." Staten said. "You can look at them later."
  They hurried inside, Staten still holding the coat over their heads, but not as close as before. She felt a pinch of annoyance. They eventually got inside, but they were soaked to the bone and exhausted from running halfway across the city.
  Hong Kong slumped down in the office chair as Staten Island attempted to shake out his wings. She got sprayed with water as he flexed them.
  "How did you get them?" She wondered aloud.
  He shrugged. "My back started hurtin' one day and they sorta burst out. Wasn' very pleasant."
  "Oh." Hong mumbled. "Do the other boroughs have stuff like that?"
  "Yeah but not as elaborate." He twisted around and brushed off his feathers. "It's just spots and stripes. I'm different."
  Hong Kong frowned. "Different sounds all negative. I think special sounds good."
  He rolled his eyes, but she could see a small blush on his cheeks.
  She reached out and gently brushed her hand against his feathers. She felt him shudder. "You're very beautiful, Staten Island."
  If he wasn't blushing he was now. He tried to hide his flushed face. She laughed.
  "Has no one told you that before." Hong Kong teased. "You're wings are so preeeetttttyyyyyy."
  "Shut up." He smiled.
  Hong Kong laughed. "I'm serious."
  Staten looked at her. "Thanks." There was something different in his eyes. "That... means a lot."
  His smile was sweet, so she smiled back. She was happy she had a new friend.
  A loud clattering interrupted their moment and one of the boroughs kicked  the door open. "'ey Green we leavin'." Staten scowled at him as the other borough looked at Hong Kong. "Ah hello. Didn't see you there." He smirked.
  "Cut it out Queens." Staten narrowed his eyes. "Let's just go." He grabbed his  paperwork and walked over to Queens, who was now slumping against the doorframe.
  Staten gave her another glance. "Bye. See you later."
  Hong Kong only nodded. She didn't like the change of attitude. She felt a distaste towards Queens. He kept looking at her funny.
  He raised an eyebrow and ran his tongue across his lip. "Where'd you get all wet from?"
  "It's not important." Staten snapped. "Come on." He practically dragged Queens out of the room.
  The room felt empty now. Hong Kong sat down, but realized-
  "Oh!" She grabbed his coat off her shoulders. If she ran she could catch them.
  But she didn't want to give the coat back. Hong Kong didn't know why.
  She just told herself if she saw him again, she would return it.

I know there are only five boroughs, but New York also has some other places that aren't NYC. This dudes name is Richard. Not really sure on his design, but everyone ignores him and he likes to be alone.
  Hong Kong and Staten Island are an odd batch to pair together, but I like them. I think it's a cute ship but if u don't ship it it's cool
  Staten Island has wings due to him being the greenest borough, which as a result has more trees, which means more birds, which means more of NY's state bird.

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