chapter 2 Detention

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I was a bit nervous as I knocked on the Principal's office door and then asked for permission.

"Come in," the Principal, Mr Lee said in a not so pleasant voice. Now I was more nervous. What have I managed to do within the first hour of my day in this school?

I slowly walked in. A girl and a guy was standing there in front of Mr Lee, facing their back to me. The guy had his arms crossed over his chest. Wait ! I have seen this green t-shirt somewhere. Oh ! Is he the guy who collided into me morning ? Yes he is ! I confirmed it after I reached near him and looked at his side profile. Who is the girl ? His girlfriend? So did he just complain to the principal that I collided into him and I didn't give the love letter to his girlfriend ? What is happening? I frowned at him but then the Principal started speaking to me in a cold voice.

" Park Jimin. New student, right ?"

" Yes sir.", I nodded at Mr Lee.

" Where is the Money ?", Mr Lee growled at me angrily.

" Money ? What money ?", I uttered confused and nervous at the harsh look Mr Lee was giving me. He was looking at me as if I picpocketed him on my way to the classroom. Oh ! Did I do it by any chance ?

"Mr Park, stop acting and confess already. Or I'm going to call your guardian right now ! How dare you do such a thing on the first day itself ? You can't continue here one more second. We don't want thieves inside this compound. ", Mr Lee sneered. I was more than shocked.

" S..sir..I can't understand what you are talking about. I didn't steal any money.", I voiced nervously. I can't even understand what is happening. What am I gonna tell my parents if I get dismissed on the first day itself?

" That's it. I'm calling your parents." Mr Lee said and stood up from his chair but then the guy beside me undressed his hands and started talking.

" Sir, please wait a minute before you call his parents. I'll ask him.", Mr unknown guy said in such a sweet and calm tone, that was completely opposite from the attitude he presented in front of me less than half an hour ago. Then he tilted his face and looked at me. " Where is the envelope and pen I gave you ? Why didn't you give it to her ?", he asked pointing at the girl.

" You gave it to me ?", I questioned. " You walked away dropping those..." I was cut by him before I could complete my sentence.

" You agreed you'll safely take the envelop and deliver it to Haneol. I was ready to take it to her but you insisted you'll deliver it, so that I can reach the meeting of Arts club members on time. I didn't know your intentions was to steal the money. "

" What !?", I gasped. Look how efficiently he is lying. This bitch !

I turned to the principal. " Sir, he is lying. I thought it was a love letter and he is asking me to deliver the letter to his girlfriend. I refused to deliver it and he just walked away leaving the things on floor."

" I told you clearly that it was the prize money and gift for the second prize winner in Maths riddle competition.", the bitch said calmly.

" You ! Why are you lying !?", I sneered at him before looking at Mr Lee. "Sir, this guy is lying. I honestly didn't know there was money inside it. Please believe me.", I said.

" I know who is lying.", Mr Lee growled. " I know Mr Min very well. He is the top student in this school. He has never done a bad thing. So you don't need to try to convince me that he is lying. Now, where is the money and the gift prize ?", he asked. I was awestruck. This bitch is really a bitch. Look how much trust the principal has on him. It's better I don't try to contradict him right now. It's clear I won't be able to convince my innocence to the principal. So I quickly fished the cover and the pen out of my pocket. The principal yanked it from my hands, angrily.

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