60. Big Brother

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"Is it actually real?"

With a wide open mouth, I lean forward on my chair and scrunch my eyebrows, reading through the content of the mail again.

It's a mail from Galaxy, one of the most famous shopping apps in the world. Their company had recently offered a bug bounty program and I had just participated in it. I was able to find a critical bug in their site. Now I've received a mail from the company, saying I won price money of $50,000.

I look at the mail address again. It's Galaxy's official mail. This can't be fake. But why would they pay me this huge amount? I really didn't expect anything more than $5000. I keep on looking at the screen in disbelief.

Wait! Let me check my account.

I quickly grab my phone and tap on my banking app. Soon I find that fifty thousand dollars was credited to my account two hours ago.


I lean back on my chair, laughing in surprise and excitement. Then I proceed to video call Yoongi hyung to tell him the news. It's past 9 Pm, so he might be back at his dorm now.

He picks up my call after a few rings and utters a tired 'Hey' whilst adjusting his phone and placing the AirPods in his ears. All my excitement dies down on seeing his dull gloomy face and tired eyes.

"You just came back from the uni?" I ask him. He was sitting on the balcony of his room, wearing the clothes he wore to college today, the t-shirt I bought him when we did shopping for college. He had video called me during lunch break.

"Yeah, I came back just ten minutes ago. I was at the library. Got some works to do," he replies.

"Oh..already started getting assignments and all?" I ask. It's only a week since he went to college.

"Yeah.." he hums.

"Are you actually eating and sleeping properly? Why do you look so tired, Yoongi hyung?"

"It's just today was a little exhausting. Don't worry, I'm eating properly," he replies, rubbing his eyes cutely. "What about you? How was school today?"

"School was fine. But now that Tae is sharing four hours with me, I need to be really attentive. I really miss talking with Jungkook during classes." Jungkook only shares two hours with me now.

"Good," he says. "You need to study hard to get a top score on CSAT. Jungkook is sure a distraction during classes."

I shake my head, chuckling at his expression. "By the way, I now called you to tell you a good news."

"What good news?" He asks me, leaning forward.

"I had told you I participated in a bug bounty program, hmm?"

He nods to me, his eyebrows slowly furrowing.

"I won a prize money of $50,000 for finding a vulnerability in their site."

"What!" He shrieks, his mouth dropping open. I couldn't help but giggle at his expression. "Really?" He asks, his lips bunching into a surprised smile

"Yeah.." I laugh.

"Wow! Are you going to be a millionaire soon, Jimina?"

I start laughing hard at that. He also laughs along with me.

But then suddenly his expression changes into a nervous one.

"What the fuck are you doing here instead of finishing what I asked you to do?" I hear someone shout in the background.

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