47. Mint hair

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"I need to tell you something!" Yoongi hyung says in a frantic voice as soon as I pick his call and place the phone near my ear.

"What is it? What happened?" I ask, suddenly feeling nervous.

"I-I just can't keep it to myself.." he says, voice clearly agitated.

"What's wrong? Tell me," I say, now feeling really anxious.

"Can I come see you?"

"Oh..okay," I quickly reply.

"I'll be there in five minutes," he says and ends the call.

I feel my heart pounding hard against my chest as I place the phone aside. What happened to him? What might be the problem? Why can't he just say it through the phone? He really needs to see me now? It's almost 12 Am.

I hope it isn't anything really serious.

I feel really concerned and impatient that I literally start pacing back and forth in my room. Yoongi's home is just three minutes away. Why is he taking so long?

I guess I'll go and meet him outside the house instead of letting him climb into my room. He seems really agitated. What if he slips on the roof.

Grabbing my phone, I walk out of my room and slowly climb down the stairs, going to the front door. I quietly open it and step out, soundlessly closing the door behind. Right then I hear a car approach our gates. I quickly walks towards the car and Yoongi opens the passenger seat door for me.

"What's wrong?" I ask, hopping in beside him.

He looks at me, his eyes nervous and filled with sadness. What happened to him all of a sudden?

"I lied to you. I actually went to the public library," he says. I instantly feel a pang in my chest.

"With Haneol?" I ask.

"No.." he leaves a sigh. "Jimina, I like you so much. This is something else."

My heart skips a beat. But this wasn't the time to start feeling happy. "Then what is it? You are simply making me anxious," I say.

"You'll be more anxious once you hear it," he says.

"No, I'll be more anxious if you don't tell me the thing," I say.

"I lied to you last day also. I didn't go to see any lawyer. After the trial, I directly went back home. I was searching for something."

"What?" I ask. "Just say it clearly."

"Okay, so, before my case, there was another hearing of a murder case. I listened to it while sitting there. And I think it is related to my Mom."

"What? How?" I ask puzzled.

"Three months ago, a body was discovered in a car submerged in the ocean near Haeseokgang cliff. It was the car and skelton of 23 year old Moon Dongwook who went missing 18 years ago," he pauses and presses his lips together, looking extremely tensed.

"Okay, but how is it related to your Mom?" I ask.

"Dongwook studied at the same boarding high school as my Mom, Evintras high, Seoul. They are born in the same year so they were probably in the same grades together. He wasn't really a nice guy. In senior year, he was arrested for handling drugs. But then his family was rich and influential and he somehow got out of it.

I think, I found a newspaper cutting with this guy's photo in my Mom's cupboard while we were packing things before moving to Busan. The photo was almost fully scratched with a black pen but I read the news. It was about a missing guy. I believe, it was this Dongwook. I don't remember properly."

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