Chapter 13. Bullet Train

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"Are you really going to school? Or are you going to Jungkook's house to work on the video game?" Tae asked standing at my doors while I was brushing my hair, frustratedly.

It's only a few minutes ago at the breakfast table, I told him and his parents, I'm going to school to let myself be tutored by his best friend, the school's smartest and most amazing senior. So, I just kept silent and continued fixing my hair.

"I see you are wearing a nice shirt today. You usually wear hoodies.."
That was enough to break my control. What does he think? I am going to go seduce Jungkook or what?

"If you don't believe me, then freaking call that mother fucking pale face and ask him yourself. That jerk is your goddamn best friend, right?" I turned and hissed at him. I don't know why the hell I'm feeling this much angry today. Tae's mouth almost dropped open seeing my furious state.

"I'm sure you're going to Yoongi hyung," he muttered nodding his head. "But it's gonna be okay, Jimina. He teaches well. You'll..."

"Just get lost Taehyung!" I screamed at him and he frantically nodded before turning around and hastily walking away whilst murmuring 'is he on period or what?'

Throwing the hair brush away, I quickly wore my watch and sneakers before furiously barging out of my room, slinging my backpack on my shoulder.

"Hey! Is Jungkook picking you up?" Tae shouted, coming out of his room as I raced down the steps. I had been trying to contact Jungkook since an hour. But that stupid isn't picking up my calls.

"No, I couldn't reach him. Do you need to go somewhere today?"

"I've only basketball practice at 2:30. You can take my car," He smiled showing his keys and then tossing it to me. I muttered a 'thanks' whilst catching it. Then I rushed out of the house. It was already 8:50.

I tried to call Jungkook again while I was driving. But he was still not picking up my calls. I wondered if he was still asleep with his phone on silent. I was feeling really mad all the way to school, I almost crashed into a grandpa who was crossing the road.

After I parked the car in the students' parking, I rushed in direction of the library. It was already five minutes past 9. When I reached there I saw Mr. Kim and two little guys sitting at a table.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim!" I said as I reached him.

"Oh, you are here. Where is Jungkook?" He asked me.

"I don't know. He isn't here yet?" I asked.

"He is a very punctual student, so I guess, we shouldn't expect him in another half an hour. Anyway, Yoongi is there. You guys can start already.." He said pointing to the shelves on the left.

"Okay.." I nodded whilst cursing that jerk in my head.

I walked towards the shelves and took a U-turn behind them to reach the few tables arranged near the windows. Yoongi was sitting on the table at the farthest corner with his nose buried in a book. He didn't look up from the book, even when I occupied the chair opposite him.

"Where is Jungkook?" He asked.

"I don't know. I don't live at his place," I replied.

"But you do have a thing called a mobile phone," he retorted, finally looking up at me.

"I guess you too have that thing," I said and he wasn't impressed. He looked like he was pissed just by seeing my face. I wonder whether I'm that ugly.

Anyway, he didn't say anything and just went back to reading the book. I fished out my phone from my bag and plugged in my earphones, playing peakboy on Spotify, then went to google, searching for some user notes on Construct2 and RPG maker. We needed those software for our video game.

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