Ch 1. The new kids at school

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Pietro P.O.V

It's not been a long time since everything took down in Sokovia, the battle of Ultron, the destruction of Novi Grad and Clint Barton's death. It's been a hard time for me and my younger twin sister, Wanda, getting use to live in the country we hated for years. Luckily for us, Stark and Rogers are trying to make the best of the situation. On the other hand, Natasha still refuses to speak to me, because of what happened to Barton, but I can't blame her. I had a choice to either safe him, sacrifice myself or safe the kid, and I did the former. Although me and Wanda joined the Avengers, we didn't go to any big mission yet and aren't announce to the public about use being Avengers, because we are still below the age of 18. 

Me and Wanda, gotten a message from Friday that Tony wanted to see us at his lab. We're in front of Tony's lab door. I open the door and we walk in. Tony look towards to us.

"Hey, go take a seat over there." He nods his head towards a sofa. "I will be there in a minute."

We take a seat and wait a minute or two till Tony is done with his work. He then walks towards us.

"Well, I got some good news!" He says excitedly. "Or some bad news depending how you see it... but anyways! Since you two are still underage you got to go to school!"

"What?!" We both say in unison.

"Well, since both you live here now, and have very little experience living in this country, me and my 'collages' "He says moving his fingers. "where talking about that it would be good for the two of you to get a life outside of this superhero business."

"Why does that matter? We already have good jobs here. It's not like I wanna be an accountant or something." I say to Tony.

"School is not just about your future, it's also about getting some social contact, changing to be better and other mumble jumbo." He says the last part mumbling.

"We're Avengers and you care that we get 'social contact'. We're supposed to fight against evil people, and you want us to go to high school and make some friends?"

Tony makes a thinking face before answering. "Yeah, that's what I want."

I let out a groan. I look over to Wanda who doesn't seem bother by it at all.

"And what do you think?" I ask her.

"I don't mind." She answers.

"I can already that I like you better." Tony says with a smirk. I look back at him annoyed.

"If nobody has any complains- "

"I do."

"Then let me give you some rules." He says, ignoring me. "Rule number 1, don't use your powers in and outside of school or tell anyone about them. Number 2, you have to be home at ten. Number 3, you can't "He says pointing at me. "bring any girls over. Is that clear?"

"Yes." Wanda says, I just stay silent.

"Great! You're first day start next Monday. Happy will drive you there at 7:30." Tony starts to go back to us work but stops. "Oh, and Wanda, make sure that your brother stays away from trouble."


"I will do." She says with a smile.

"Thank you." He says going back to work, but he notices us not leaving. "This the part you go."


"Last Friday, an unknown person has assassinated a man called Harry O'Neill by using their 'animals'. As you can see by this leaked footage, the perpetrator commands their companions to attack O'Neill. What strange is that the culprit has a dog that is partly on fire, a bird that his bigger than a regular size person on his shoulder and a snake that immediately can paralyze someone from one bite. The killer is disguise in black ropes and wares a black skill mask on their face. SHIELD made a statement that they will investigate who the person is."

Enigma, the demon summoner (Pietro Maximoff x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now