Ch 7. The Dark Truth

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Pietro P.O.V

It's now about a week later, and me and Y/N keep seeing each other for one-night stands. But if I have to be honest, I think I have feelings for Y/N. I don't know if I should tell him or not. I don't wanna mess up our relation, but then again, I'm pretty sure he likes me, but if he isn't, I'm pretty sure I can seduce him to become my boyfriend.

Me and Y/N turned in the history assignment, but we have to wait a week or two to find out our score. I except something good, just like Y/N says.

Yesterday, I and Y/N had another one-night stand at his place. The next morning, I go back to the Tower. When I arrive, I notice something missing from my pocket, my phone.

"Damnit." I mutter. I'm currently sitting in the launch. Wanda is with me, watching tv.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"I left my phone at Y/N place." I stand up and begin walking back at Y/N apartment.

"Are you going to him?"

I stop and answer her. "Yeah."

"Just for your phone, or something more?" She asks with one eyebrow high.

I let out a smirk. "I don't mind something more."

"Of course, you don't mind." She sighs.

I travel towards Y/N place by using my super speed. I know that Stark said that I couldn't use my powers outside the tower or missions, but I don't really care. Not only that, but the travel time is pretty long from my place to Y/N place, and I don't have the patience for that.

When I arrive at Y/N front door, I stop using my super speed. I knock on his door.

"Y/N, I forgot my phone. Can I pick it up?"

He doesn't answer, nor are there any noise coming from inside.

"Y/N, are you in there? If you want, I can always make a quick session with you." I say in a flirty voice, but still no reaction.

I wait about ten seconds when I decide he probably isn't inside. Which is bad because I really want my phone back. I decide to use an alternative way to get my phone back, by breaking in. I get some equipment to open the door and use it. I made sure that I don't break the door by picking the lock. The door open without any damage. I walk past though the door.

There is one thing that I immediately notice, all his pets are gone. I understand that his dog may be gone, because maybe he is taking a walk with him, but even his hawk and snake aren't here.

I take a quick glance at his apartment, thinking where my phone can be. Last time I remember my phone was in my pocket before we had sex yesterday. Maybe it slipped out and is somewhere in Y/N bedroom. I walk in his bedroom and it's been cleaned after the mess we made yesterday.

I begin to look around the room. I notice his laptop open on his desk, I walk towards it. Why has he his laptop open when he's gone? I inspect his laptop and see that there is one program open that I don't recognize. I really shouldn't prey into other people's business, but my curiosity got the better of me. I click on the program.

"What the..."

I see a man's photo with the name Aidan Lynch. He looks around the age of fifty. There is also a bar that is almost full, but right on que, the bar is full. There is also a map in this program. The map is now zooming in at a building. On the side there is, what I think, personal data of this guy. I begin to think why Y/N has this.

I look around the program and click on some random buttons. I eventually click one that looks like a search history and found a name that's familiar, Harry O'Neill. Where did I hear that name? I begin to think to the past couple of weeks and month. Suddenly, like a flash, it hits me. He's the guy that got assassinated from that Enigma person! According to the search history, his name got search about a month and a half ago. Is Y/N Enigma?
I close all the stuff that I open up and leave it by the end result of Aidan Lynch. I look around the room for my phone fast. I eventually found it beneath Y/N bed. I open the phone and take a picture of the search result on Y/N laptop.

I walk out of Y/N apartment and pick the door close. I leave the building and stand outside of it, looking at the building. If Y/N is going to kill this guy, he's probably doing it today. And if it's really him, I need to stop him. But I can't let him know that I know. What I need is a disguise, so that he won't recognize me.

I speed back to the Tower and look around anything that I could use as a disguise. After some searching, I eventually found a closet full of different costumes. Some that I recognize, like a costume of Captain America or Iron Man.

After some looking around, I found a good disguise. It's a full on blue wet suit like costume with a white thunder shock on the torso. The costume also has a black speedo like thing around the crotch area. There is also some silver boots and a blue mask with white thunder stripes coming out of the eyes. I change my clothes with the costume and go back at Y/N apartment building.

In no time I arrive back. Across the building is a park. In that park are a couple of bushes where I can hide. I hide in them and wait that there is any sigh of Y/N leaving.

I begin to get nervous. If Y/N really is Enigma, should I report him to Tony or SHIELD? Why is he killing these people? Should I confront him about it? And if I did confront him about it, is Y/N going to leave me? Or hurt me? I just hope, in the end, that I would waste my time, hiding here than Y/N being Enigma.

Enigma, the demon summoner (Pietro Maximoff x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now